Malcanton Marcorà

Address and contacts

Malcanton Marcorà
Calle Contarini, Dorsoduro 3484/D, 30123 Venice
Contacts, rooms, offices [IT]



Accessible bridge

Non-accessible bridge

Accessible route Ponte non attrezzato (20 minutes)

Take one of the following water buses:

  • Line 2 from the Ferrovia stop (Scalzi B landing stage);
  • Line 2 (S. Chiara E landing stage) or Line 6 (Parisi C landing stage) from the Piazzale Roma stop;
  • Line 2 from the Tronchetto stop (Tronchetto DX landing stage);

then get off at the San Basilio stop.
Head down the Calle del Vento (opposite the stop), cross Campo San Basilio (street sign gives name as “Campo San Basegio”) and continue along the street alongside the canal (the first stretch of which is called Fondamenta San Baseggio before turning into Fondamenta San Sebastiano).
At the end turn right into the Fondamenta del Soccorso and keep going almost to the end, then cross the bridge (non-accessible) on the left just before Campo dei Carmini.
Turn left then right into Calle Ragusei (passageway running under building).
Go all the way down until you reach Corte Contarini then turn right and keep going.
On your right you’ll find the entrance to the Library of Humanities (BAUM) followed by the entrance to the Palazzo Marcorà-Malcanton offices.

Building accessibility

The building has two accessible entrances, one to Marcorà-Malcanton, the other to the BAUM library.
In both cases there are many fire doors that may be difficult to open autonomously.
Malcanton Marcorà: the four floors of the building are accessible with elevator, with a few warnings.
On the first floor there are four steps to reach professors’ offices and the Epigraphy lab.
On the second floor there are three steps to reach administrative offices.
A part of the fourth floor (called “mansarda”) - where professors’ office and a room dedicated to the PhD candidates and the research fellows can be found - is accessible only through a flight of stairs.
Following agreement with them professors can go down to the third floor.
There are six steps in various parts of the courtyard.
BAUM: the library is on five floors, two below ground, which can all be reached by elevator.


Malcanton Marcorà: there are four accessible toilets, two in Wing A (one on the ground floor and one on the second floor) and two in Wing D (one on the third and one on the fourth floor).
BAUM: there are two accessible toilets, one on the ground floor and one on the first floor.

Last update: 21/10/2024