Incentives for Bachelor's Degree Programmes in the Scientific area
A.y. 2022/2023
For the 2022/2023 academic year, the bonus of EUR 500 provided to the first 3 best students enrolled for the first, second and third academic year, is also extended to the following bachelor’s degrees in the scientific area (new university system stated under Ministerial Decree 270/2004):
- Informatics (Ref. code CT3);
- Environmental Sciences (CT5);
- Chemistry and Sustainable Technology (CT7);
- Engineering physics (CT8);
In order to foster female students commitment during their academic career in the aforementioned bachelor's degrees in the scientific area, the University shall award a further EUR 500 bonus incentive to the best female student shortlisted as eligible in the ranking lists for the first, second and third academic year of the aforementioned courses.
Said bonus consists of a reduction/refund of the university tuition fees, in no way higher than the tuition fees due for the 2022/2023 academic year.
The list of shortlisted and eligible candidates will be released within the end of March 2024 based on a merit index calculated for each student for 2/3, related to their weighted average profit (30 cum laude equals 30; internships and exams without marks are not calculated) of said credits and on 1/3 of their total credits (internships and exams without marks are calculated in this case). In case two students have the same merit index, the student with more 30 cum laude will prevail.
The exams considered for the calculation include those recorded within:
- 30 September 2022 for students enrolled for the second and third year;
- 30 September 2023 for students enrolled for the first year.
Exams for which a credit exemption was obtained, validated exams and those recognised for activities carried out prior to enrolment on the course are not considered.
The students awarded with the bonus will receive a communication from the Financial Aid Office to their official e-mail address
Past academic years
A.y. 2021/2022
As for the 2021/2022 academic year, the bonus of EUR 500 provided to the first 3 best students enrolled for the first, second and third academic year, is also extended to the following bachelor’s degrees in the scientific area (new university system stated under Ministerial Decree 270/2004):
- Informatics (Ref. code CT3);
- Environmental Sciences (CT5);
- Chemistry and Sustainable Technology (CT7);
- Engineering physics (CT8);
Said bonus stands for a reduction/refund of the university tuition, which is in no way higher than the tuition due for the 2021/2022 academic year.
The list of shortlisted and eligible candidates will be published within the end of March 2023 based on a merit index calculated for each student for 2/3, related to their weighted average profit (30 cum laude equals 30; internships and exams without marks are not calculated) of said credits and on 1/3 of their total credits (internships and exams without marks are calculated in this case). In case two students have the same merit, the student with more 30 cum laude will prevail.
The exams considered for the calculation include those recorded within:
- 30 September 2021 for students enrolled for the second and third year;
- 30 September 2022 for students enrolled for the first year.
Validated/exonerated exams and those recognised for activities carried out prior to enrolment on the course are not considered.
The students awarded with the bonus will receive communication from the Financial Aid Unit via e-mail sent to their official e-mail address
A.y. 2020/2021
As for the 2020/2021 Academic Year, the bonus of EUR 500 provided to the first 3 best students enrolled for the first, second and third academic year applies to the following Bachelor’s degrees in scientific subjects (new university system stated under Ministerial Decree 270/2004):
- Informatics (Ref. code CT3);
- Chemistry and Sustainable Technology (Ref. code CT7)
Said bonus stands for a reduction/refund of the university tuition, which is in no way higher than the tuition due for the 2020/2021 academic year.
The list of shortlisted and eligible candidates will be published within the end of March 2022 based on a merit index calculated for each student for 2/3, related to their weighted average profit (30 cum laude equals 30; internships and exams without marks are not calculated) of said credits and on 1/3 of their total credits (internships and exams without marks are calculated in this case). In case two students have the same merit, the student with more 30 cum laude will prevail.
The exams considered for the calculation include those recorded within:
- 30 September 2020 for students enrolled for the second and third year;
- 30 September 2021 for students enrolled for the first year.
Validated/exonerated exams and those recognised for activities carried out prior to enrolment on the course are not considered.
The students awarded with the bonus will receive communication from the Financial Aid Unit via e-mail sent to their official e-mail address
Last update: 21/03/2025