
Ca' Foscari develops annual and multi-years projects in partnership with other institutions, organizations and enterprises.

The purpose is to connect the research and the university education to other external expertise in order to contribute to the cultural growth, the territorial innovative development and to increase students educational opportunities.

Training path for volunteers

The University of Voluntary Work [ITA] was set up in the 2014/15 academic year offering a free one-year training path for existing and aspiring volunteers. This project, made possible thanks to input from the Coordinating Body of the Voluntary Associations of the Province of Treviso, is open to all local residents and is run by staff volunteers from Ca’ Foscari. Lessons are held in italian.

Promoting bone marrow donation

In 2022, Ca' Foscari University signed an agreement with ADMO Veneto - Associazione Donatori Midollo Osseo in order to carry out activities aimed at promoting bone marrow donation and raising awareness among the Ca' Foscari community.

As part of this project, Ca' Foscari periodically organizes information and typification campaigns at its premises to enable the students and the members of the staff to become potential bone marrow donors.

The young generations describe Venice

On june 2016 Ca' Foscari started "Mestieri sostenibili in una città fragile" project [ITA], realised in partnership with Barchetta Blu and supported by Veneto Region.
At the core of the project there is Venice, a fragile and complex city, with its specific and original productive context. The project aims to provide tools, opportunities and ideas to young generations, using sustainable works in Venice as an exemple, in order to promote creativity and excellence. Traditional and innovative works located in the Venetian socio-cultural-environmental context has been mapped.

Agreement to promote blood donation

In 2015 Ca' Foscari and the local office of AVIS [ITA] (the Italian blood donation association) for the Province of Venice started promoting the concept of blood donation among the Ca' Foscari community.

Information campaignes and screening are organised every year by the University, to enable students, staff and alumni to become blood donators. The initial awareness campaign (Just a moment. Become blood donor) attracted many first-time blood donors from among students, staff and faculty.

Using creativity to disseminate climate change knowledge

Since 2012 Sustainable Ca' Foscari promotes the "Concorso Cambiamenti Climatici - The Grand Challenge" contest [ITA], organized by the Shylock Association in association with the webmagazine Comete.

It's an international contest of communication and creativity for published and unpublis works, that highlight propositional methods and opportunities for interaction with the environment and the effects induced by climate change.