The University wants to be a driving force for sustainability, organising a wide range of events (seminars, conferences, projects) for students, faculty, staff and the community, the goals being to increase awareness of sustainable behaviours and sharing the results of its scientific research into sustainability.

Many initiatives are organised every year inside and outside the University campuses, in order to spread knowledge of sustainable issues and share best practices with the national and international community.

Initiatives of diffusion

Various initiatives dealing with the theme of sustainability are organised every month, involving the active collaboration of several structures, schools, Ca' Foscari departments and external bodies and organisations. These resulted in the engagement and participation of both people from the University and, increasingly, the local community.


Events about sustainability issues (seminars, conferences, projects) organized by Ca' Foscari university or by other local institutions as well as the national and world initiatives are shown in the Sustainable Ca' Foscari Agenda [ITA].


Ca’ Foscari gives attention to all sustainable initiatives [ITA], for this reason is committed to communicate the opportunities suggested by organizations and external authorities.
We collect the competitive exams, announcements, scholarsips and awards promoted by associations, organizations and national and international companies.