'Writers in conversation' with Laura Olivi and Andreas Sippel


As part of Writers in conversation, Laura Olivi, dramaturg at the Residenz Theater of Munich and Andreas Sippel, diction and vocal technique teacher at the Otto-Falckenberg-Schule of Munich, will converse on the theatre of Marius von Mayenburg with Cristina Fossaluzza, professor of German literature at Ca’ Foscari University at Tesa 1 CFZ Cultural Flow Zone,  on Thursday, December 15th at 5pm. Maria Ida Biggi, Rector’s delegate for University Theater Activities, will also be present.

The conversation, in German with consecutive translation in Italian, will be accompanied by student contributions from Devyani Berardi, Alessandro Magra, Federica Ronchin, Alessandra Rosan and Marta Rosso.

Playwright and director at the Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz in Berlin, Marius von Mayenburg (who will not be present at the event for health reasons) is one of the most representative authors of contemporary German theater, who has won many awards and high honors over the years. His texts portray all the contradictions of a dissociated contemporaneity, populated by wars, familiar and inter-generational conflicts,  the result of a society based on the economy, money and profit.
Among his works translated into Italian are: Der Häßliche; Eldorado; Feuergesicht; Der Hund, die Nacht und das Messer; Der Stein and Parasiten (performing rights for Italy: Zachar International / Milan).

The meeting is in conjunction with the theoretical and practical workshop on German theater, Eldorado, which will be held at Ca’ Foscari Theatre on the 16th and 17th December within the Correlazioni festival, programme 2016/2017.

"This initiative is part of an articulated didactic proposal which is certainly innovative - explains Cristina Fossaluzza, professor of German literature at Ca’ Foscari - where workshop and dialogue with international experts will enrich traditional classroom activities."