Winter Party for International Students on December 12th


Join us on December 12th for the annual Winter Party organized by the Counseling and Welcome Unit! The event is designed for incoming exchange students (Erasmus+, International Credit Mobility, and Overseas), Degree Seekers and Joint and Double Degree students. The Winter Party will be the perfect occasion to spend some time together before the holidays and to say goodbye to those students who are leaving after the first semester.

The event will be divided into two parts; the first part will take place in the Sala Berengo, starting from 5:00 p.m., where we will celebrate the winners and participants of the writing contest Destination Ca’ Foscari, a contest that encouraged all the students that have come to Ca’ Foscari as exchange students in the past three years to write about a significant experience in Venice.
The winning short stories have been published in one volume called Destination Ca’ Foscari – International Students on Mobility Recount their Experiences in Venice (you can download it here), which was edited by Prof. Newbold and contains a foreword by Prof.  Lippiello and a preface by Dr Borille (the officer in charge of all the incoming mobility of Ca' Foscari).

 We received about 100 submissions, which were then narrowed down to 38 accounts by students from 21 different countries.
As well as being a celebration of the mobility experience itself, this volume testifies to the huge importance of international exchanges between universities, and how they can contribute to the promotion of tolerance, friendship, and mutual understanding.

Destination Ca' Foscari is the second volume in a collection that already includes My Mobility - Students from Ca’ Foscari Recount their Learning Experiences Abroad. You can download the first volume here.

A third volume will be published next year, involving Degree Seekers and their experience at Ca' Foscari.

The second part of the event will still take place inside Ca’ Foscari’s main building, on the ground floor: the first 150 students to come will be offered an aperitif and will receive a gift