Ca’ Foscari University of Venice will train scientists able to synthesize new nano-materials for oncological and biomedical research with a new PhD programme developed in collaboration with the outstanding Oncological Centre (Centro di Riferimento Oncologico, CRO) in Aviano. The doctorate programme in ‘Science and Technology of Bio and Nanomaterials’ will be entirely offered in English. It will be activated in September 2018 and is one of the most significant addition to the postgraduate education offer at Ca’ Foscari.
Ca’ Foscari indeed just opened a call for aspiring PhD candidates ( It will be possible to apply by April 26th to one of the 13 PhD programmes of the 34th cycle (academic year 2018/2019) and obtain one of the available 92 scholarships (for a yearly amount of 15,343 euros) funded by the university, research institutes, corporate sponsored, or as part of major European research projects.
Six PhD programmes are offered in English, six are ‘international’ doctorate programmes held in partnership with universities outside Italy such as La Sorbonne or Heidelberg. 8 ‘industrial’ PhD programmes are open to the employees of companies and institutions that want to invest in the higher education of their staff. These include H-FARM, Microtec, Fidia Farmaceutici, Explora, Certottica, Julia, Quantica and the IRCCS San Camillo
A new Professional Master’s programme of Research in Science and Management of Climate Change is now part of the education offer of Ca’ Foscari Challenge School. It is associated with a PhD programme in Science and Management of Climate Change that is unique in Italy and one of the few worldwide dealing with climate sciences and the economic impact of climate change in collaboration with the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC). PhD candidates and Master’s students will be attending classes held by Ca’ Foscari professors and by researchers at the CMCC and other Italian and international research centres.
The call is open for PhD programmes in
1. Law, Market and Person, in partnership with Astrakhan State University, Russia (International PhD programme),
2. Economics (4-year programme entirely taught in English),
3. Management (4-year programme entirely taught in English), in partnership with H-FARM S.p.A. and Qantica S.r.l. (Industrial PhD programme),
4. Philosophy and Educational Sciences, in partnership with Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France (International PhD programme),
5. Computer Science (entirely taught in English), in partnership with Masarykova Univerzita, Czech Republic (International PhD programme), and with Julia S.r.l. and Microtec S.r.l. (Industrial PhD programme),
6. Italian Studies,
7. Modern Languages, Cultures and Societies and Linguistics, in partnership with Sorbonne Université, France (International PhD programme), and with Fondazione San Camillo - Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, IRCCS (Industrial PhD programme),
8. Science and Management of Climate Change (4-year programme entirely taught in English), in partnership with the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) and the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS),
9. Science and Technology of Bio- and Nano-materials (entirely taught in English), in partnership with the Centro di Riferimento Oncologico di Aviano - CRO and with Explora S.r.l. and Fidia Farmaceutici S.p.A. (Industrial PhD programme),
10. Environmental Sciences, in partnership with Certottica S.c.r.l. (Industrial PhD programme),
11. Ancient Heritage Studies, in partnership with the University of Trieste and the University of Udine (Inter-University PhD programme),
12. History of Arts, in partnership with the State Institute for Art Studies of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Russia (Inter-University PhD programme),
13. Asian and African Studies (entirely taught in English), in partnership with Universität Heidelberg, Germany (international PhD programme).
Furthermore Ca’ Foscari is part of two Inter-University programmes organized by other universities:
Chemistry, Inter-University PhD programme with the University of Trieste (Administrative Office)
Historical, Geographical and Anthropological Studies, Inter-University PhD programme with the University of Padova (Administrative Office) and the University of Verona
The call and more information: