
New UNESCO Water Chair at Ca’ Foscari

The UNESCO Chair on Water Heritage and Sustainable Development will involve a team of geographers coordinated by prof. Francesco Vallerani and Eriberto Eulisse. 

Stolen heritage: harm to population identity

The conference “Stolen Heritage”, promoted by the Ca' Foscari Department of Humanities within the framework of the H2020 NETCHER project, provided the opportunity to take stock with a multidisciplinary approach of the destruction, looting and illicit trafficking of cultural property. 

Marco Polo Centre: Ca' Foscari's research on Asia and the Mediterranean

The centre is named after Marco Polo - the first western man to describe the traditions and customs of ancient China. The new international centre of research at Ca' Foscari was inaugurated on Monday, November 18 at Ca' Vendramin.

Ca' Foscari closed on November 21 and 22

All Ca' Foscari's buildings in Venice and Mestre will close on November 21-22 for the Madonna della Salute celebrations. 

Ca' Foscari's fundraising campaign for Venice

Ca' Foscari University of Venice has just launched EMERGENCY VENICE, a fundraising campaign to support the city and its residents during these difficult times. 

Plastic free: reserve your water bottle from November 21st

Ca' Foscari is giving away free water bottles to all the members of its community. Newly enrolled students will get theirs first, starting from November 25. 

Ca' Foscari and KIT inaugurate new joint programs

The Double Degree Master program in Science and Technology of Bio and Nanomaterials and the international PhD by the same name were presented earlier this month.

Syria, Ca' Foscari joins the CRUI plea for peace

Following the escalating acts of armed violence in North Eastern Syria, the Conference of the Italian Universities Rectors is now calling for tolerance and the respect of fundamental freedoms. 

Yerevan State University's centennial, Rector Bugliesi visits Armenia

Ca’ Foscari, with its long tradition in Armenian Studies, has always maintained excellent relations with the Yerevan State University.