
Indoor contagion risk strongly reduced thanks to rules

Thanks to the use of face masks, social distancing, and ventilation, the risk of airborne transmission of Sars-Cov-2 in community indoor settings is lower than detection limits, according to a study conducted for the first time in Italy by CNR, Ca' Foscari and Istituto Zooprofilattico sperimentale della Puglia e della Basilicata.

Susanne Franco on ‘Dancing museums, the democracy of beings’

Dancing Museums is an international project which has analysed how dance can generate new ways of creating art and of transmitting and safeguarding cultural heritage. Susanne Franco and Gabriella Giannachi have curated a collection of essays related to the project.

Fires in Iceland: human interference even 1,100 years ago

An international team led by scientists from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the Institute of Polar Sciences of the National Research Council of Italy has analysed the chemical compounds deposited in the ice to study the trend of fires over a period of five thousand year. The work was published in Climate of the Past.

Coronavirus and migration: the impact of a global health crisis

“The Coronavirus and Migration” article appears in the latest issue of the Two Homelands journal, guest-edited by Francesco Della Puppa and Fabio Perocco. It is one of the first international research projects that examine the consequences of the pandemic on the lives of immigrants, migrants and asylum seekers in terms of healthcare, working conditions, administrative and housing conditions.

The future of flooding in Venice: projections, predictions and protection

Updated projections forecast a rise in sea levels between 17 and 120 cm by 2100. There is uncertainty regarding emissions and our limited knowledge of certain physical processes, according to a new study published in Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences.

Why does fake news spread? A Marie Curie research fellow looks for clues

How can we decide whether a piece of news is true or false? To what extent do our offline and online communities influence our ability to detect misinformation? With the project ION: Information Diffusion on Networks, Nicole Tabasso, a Marie Curie fellow at the Department of Economics, is looking for clues. 

‘Green’ cosmetics with the waste of the Sant’Erasmo artichoke 

Ca’ Foscari has developed and tested innovative formulas for haircare, using parts of artichoke that are wasted at the Rialto market. This ESF project has involved workers from the Rialto market and a local haircare salon franchise.

Afghanistan: the graveyard of empires or of democracy?

What is currently happening in Afghanistan is the most recent development of a conflict that has been plaguing the country for decades, and that has involved Italy as well as the US and other allies since 2001. Professor Simone Cristoforetti, an expert in the history of Islamic countries at the Department of Asian and North African Studies, helps us understand the situation from a historical perspective. 

Tofik Ahmed Shifa is a new Marie Curie fellow

With a new fellowship, Tofik Ahmed Shifa joins the 30 Marie Curie fellows that won a place at Ca’ Foscari with the 2020 call. Dr. Shifa will conduct his research at the Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems.