
Climate benefits from oil demand dips underestimated

In a study published in Nature, researchers consider 1,933 global oil fields, linking econometric models of production profitability and carbon intensity. According to Valerio Dotti, “These results have implications for policymaking when it comes to reducing global warming.”

Air-conditioning: a rising emergency for emissions and inequalities

A study published in Nature Communications and coordinated by Ca' Foscari on four emerging economies - India, Brazil, Mexico and Indonesia - reveals that by 2040 between 64 and 100 million households will not be able to meet their cooling requirements.

Venice wetlands to be “restored” with Green Deal funds

Ca' Foscari and the NGO We are here Venice are involved in WaterLANDS, a €23-million European project with 32 partners in 14 countries, seeking to benefit the environment and local communities.

G20 Climate Risk Atlas: a preview of future scenarios

GDP losses caused by climate change in G20 countries could reach 4% per year by 2050, and exceed 8% by 2100. The report was published by CMCC Foundation with the contribution of Ca' Foscari professors, PhD students and researchers. 

UCAMP: universities and citizens envision a resident-friendly future

Seven European cities join forces to envision a "resident-friendly" future: this is Urban Good Camp - UCAMP, an Erasmus+ KA2 project that over three years will involve universities and citizens who will co-design cities for residents, students and workers.  

Microenterprises and entrepreneurs from the Veneto region meet industry 4.0

The Department of Management and six European partners participate in the ECOS4IN project, financed by the Interreg Central Europe 2014-2020 programme. The goal is to contribute to the evolution of organisational and technological culture within micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.  



How the ozone hole influences Antarctic Ice

An international team of scientists has shown that ozone depletion has had a direct effect on the geochemical cycle of iodine trapped in Antarctic ice. The paper, published in Nature Communications, is a key to understanding the impact of this phenomenon on environmental chemical processes and future climate predictions.

Wrapping sea bass in its own cling film: new materials from fishery waste

A team of Ca' Foscari researchers supervised by professor Maurizio Selva has developed a process to produce cling film with the scales and skin of local fish, such as sea bass and mullet. This discovery marks a huge step forward in a field of research that aims to transform fishery waste into valuable products. 

Beyond Aquileia: the Roman conquest of the Karst

Federico Bernardini is one of the curators of the exhibition "Beyond Aquileia. The Roman conquest of the Karst (2nd - 1st century BC)", which has recently been inaugurated at Scientific Speleological Museum of the Grotta Gigante and at the Visitor Centre of Riserva Naturale Regionale della Val Rosandra.