
Climate extremes: the energy for adaptation calls for stronger measures

Due to climate change, more frequent heatwaves will increase the global demand for electricity by 7% by 2050, and by 18% by 2100, calling for either considerable energy investments or strong mitigation strategies.

Dmytro Kiosak among authors of 'Nature' study on lactose tolerance

Ca’ Foscari research grant holder Dmytro Kiosak is among the contributors to a study that overturns some long-standing beliefs about why humans evolved the ability to digest the milk sugar lactose as adults. The article, published in Nature, features collaborators from over 20 countries. 

Children of non-self-sufficient parents let down by public welfare system

Research conducted by economists at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and at Université Paris Dauphine indicates that the efforts that caregivers invest in assisting a parent may be related to an increased likelihood of experiencing depressive symptoms.  

Effects of climate change on the South African economy

The effects of climate change on the South African economy and on gender inequality have been presented in a study conducted by Fondazione CMCC, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment (EIEE).

The CHINGREEN project: how “green” is China’s green finance?

With the CHINGREEN project, Marie Curie Fellow Giulia Dal Maso aims to study Chinese operations along the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), exploring the increasing expansion of Chinese "green finance" and how it is influencing global green financial practices.



New molecules block activity of disease-related proteins

A research team of Ca' Foscari, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the University of Padua has developed a method to rapidly and sustainably synthesize and isolate large collections of macrocyclic compounds, an emerging class of pharmaceutical molecules for the treatment of severe diseases such as cancer.

New call for Global@Venice - Research and Training for Global Challenges

The second call for the Global@Venice - Research and Training for Global Challenges will be open until 5 August 2022. This new fellowship project is jointly funded by the European Union and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action COFUND. 

The European TranspArEEnS project enters phase 3

The TranspArEEnS European project of Ca' Foscari's Department of Economics, which helps SMEs to exploit their sustainability potential, is entering phase three - data collection with CRIF, an international company.

'Insieme': a multilingual Italian-Slovenian online healthcare platform

The Insieme platform was developed within the cross-border project ISE-EMH and connects Italian and Slovenian partners. It offers online information and human support in the field of electronic and mobile health.