
How much do perfumes pollute? A pioneering study in the canals of Venice

From Ca' Foscari first analysis on the concentrations in the environment of fragrances widely used in products such as soaps and detergents. Venezia and Burano 'labs' between the city and the lagoon.

An analysis on the emergence of socio-cultural conflicts through the language used in the media and online

A study on how social and cultural conflicts are born and spread through the language used online and throughout social media.

Interpreting migration today. The point with Prof. Semi Trevisan, MIM coordinator

The MIM Master, now a Master’s Degree programme, studies a model of integration based on inclusion. It is born from the observation of Jewish history and has just received an outstanding evaluation from EACEA.

ERC grant at Ca' Foscari to study the social impact of globalization

After spending 13 years in research centres abroad, sociologist Sabrina Marchetti returns to an Italian public university with an ERC grant for her research on the conditions of domestic work in 9 countries.

Brexit, but what now? The point with Fabrizio Marrella

Prof. Fabrizio Marrella explains the context and the consequences of Brexit.

Archaeological discovery in Georgia: wine used in ritual ceremonies 5000 years ago

Ca’ Foscari’s archaeological expedition in Georgia has discovered traces of wine inside an animal-shaped ceramic vessel, probably used for cultic activities.

A new “green” molecule from Ca’ Foscari to laboratories all over the world

A molecule developed and synthesized at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice has been made available to laboratories all over the world.

New Marie Curie project: 15 PhD students to study expectations

Ex-SIDE is a new Marie Curie Innovative Training Network project bringing together eight leading European universities and nine non-academic partners

Marie Curie +1, Ca' Foscari invests in young researchers

Excellent young researchers will be assisted in their career development by Ca’ Foscari with the “Marie Curie +1” programme, which offers scholars an additional year on their contract