
Energy of tomorrow? In search of greener production

Between Venice and Sweden, professor Vomiero supervises a team of scientists in the search for structured nanocomposites for the production of renewable energy. 

5000 year-old sword discovered in an Armenian Monastery in Venice

One of the oldest Anatolian weapons in the world was just recently discovered by a PhD student of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice inside the Mekhitarist Monastery on the Saint Lazarus Island. Now a team of researchers is trying to shed light on the incredible journey of this mysterious sword.

'Nano' dust in Venice: 9% come from maritime traffic

Scientists from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice have completed the first study on nanoparticles emitted by maritime traffic in Venice. The research was made possible thanks to the Italy-Croatia Interreg programme and is part of the recently concluded ECOMOBILITY project.

Global Challenges, Ca' Foscari welcomes other 15 "Marie Curie" fellowships

Ca’ Foscari is the only research institution in Italy to be selected for the “Marie Skłodowska-Curie - COFUND” project, a prestigious grant that will help the university hire 15 expert researchers from all over the world to tackle important global challenges. 

Ca' Foscari with AIRC for two cancer research projects

Experimenting a targeted therapy innovative for ovarian cancer and developing a new drug for leiomyosarcoma are the ambitious objectives of two projects at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, which will be supported by the AIRC Foundation.

Research and Brexit: from Warwick to Ca' Foscari to study ancient magic

A new ERC grant recipient is about to join Ca’ Foscari’s faculty: Joseph E. Sanzo will be giving its precious contribution to the study of both Mediterranean magic and Jewish-Christian relations during late antiquity. Did Brexit influence his decision to change institutions?

Coronavirus, Ca’ Foscari advises students against travelling to China

In accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of University and the Ministry of Health,  Ca’ Foscari strongly advises against all travels to China for the students who were supposed to undertake a study abroad program.

New pharmaceutical compounds to treat serious diseases

Scientists from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédéralede Lausanne (EPFL), the University of Padova and the Ca' Foscari Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems have developed a new way of rapidly producing and isolating thousands of macrocyclic compounds, a family of molecules that are of great interest to the pharmaceutical industry.

Dancing Museums: a new way to enjoy art through dance

Ca' Foscari's contribution to the Dancing Museums project, curated by Susanne Franco, aims to explore the new ways of enjoying art through dance and performance, as well as new approaches  of museology and art management towards the active engagement of an increasingly varied and large audience.