
How I make music out of gondolas

If reinterpreted from a mathematical perspective, forms of nature, including animal and plant life, can be translated into music - even a gondola. We asked physicist/composer Maria Mannone (University of Palermo) how she does it.

Professor Gentilcore chooses Ca' Foscari to study the history of water

Influenced by the possible outcomes of Brexit and thanks to a prestigious Advanced Grant awarded by the European Research Council, Gentilcore decided to leave the British Academia to carry out his research project at Ca' Foscari.

A glimpse into the life of Marco Polo

A Ca' Foscari research team has recently discovered a previously unknown record that adds an important piece of the puzzle to our current knowledge of the Venetian explorer’s life and his connections to local religious orders

Chemotherapy: it is now possible to measure the efficacy of 2 drugs 'live'

The invention, jointly patented by the Ca' Foscari University and the IRCCS Cancer Institute in Aviano, will make it possible to optimise the doses administered according to the patient's response, limiting side effects and improving therapy.

A scientific retreat to study the Belt&Road and its socio-ecological impact

A group of distinguished international scholars, led by Ca' Foscari sinologist Daniele Brombal, came together for an innovative study retreat in the Cansiglio woods, with the goal of examining the social and environmental repercussions of the BRI from different perspectives.

Green Chemistry, Fabio Aricò awarded at the IUPAC World Congress

The prestigious award was conferred in recognition of Professor Aricò’s achievements in employing dialkyl carbonates in biorefinery and bio-based platform chemicals development via chlorine-free chemistry.

Kepler's supernova and climate policies: Marie Curie record rises to 20

Thanks to their Global Fellowships, Matteo Cosci and Marinella Davide will spend the next two years carrying out their research projects in the United States.

Rush to air conditioning pushed by urbanization and climate change

A new study, led by Ca' Foscari professor Enrica De Cian, has analyzed the dynamics that lead families to resort to air conditioning systems and thermal insulation for their houses. 

The 'Montalcini' programme: Caterina Tarlazzi chooses Ca' Foscari

The Medieval Philosophy historian will become a Ca' Foscari researcher starting from 2020. The call for the next edition of the programme is open until July 18, 2019.