Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignment (STA)

Erasmus plus

The Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignment (STA) provides a mobility opportunity for teachers of Higher Education Institutions to benefit from a period of teaching abroad at an Institute od higher Education that has an Erasmus+ Agreement with Ca' Foscari University of Venice, and listed in Annex 1 to the Call for Applications.

For more information

International Office - Mobility Unit
tel. +39 041 234 8064

Contacts and reservations

Who can take part?

The following categories of teaching staff are eligible for the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility programme:

  • short-term and permanent researchers;
  • associate professors;
  • extraordinary /ordinary professors;
  • adjunct faculty members;
  • postdoctoral researchers.

The member of staff must currently be under contract to Ca’ Foscari University of Venice during their Staff mobility for Teaching Assignment.

Activities and selection

Mobilities are allocated exclusively to staff wishing to spend a period teaching abroad as part of a mobility programme drawn up between institutions that are holders of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) and that have signed an Erasmus+ agreement with Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

Every year the Call for Applications defines the requirements for the selection of the applications.

The duration of the mobility ranges from:

  • a minimum of 2 consecutive working days (excluding travel – maximum 2 days), with a minimum of 8 hours of lessons in total;
  • to a maximum of 2 months.

In any case, University will finance up to a maximum of 7 days of mobility (5 days of teaching activiy + 2 travel days,) regardless of the duration of the university business travel.

The allowance is calculated on the basis of the tables described in the Call for Applications. 

After the publication of the Call, those wishing to participate should fill in the application form according to the instructions reported in the Call.

Ranking of selected candidates who will receive the European funding will be drawn up in compliance with the requirements established in the Call. In addition, a list of suitable candidates allowed to carry out a the mobility without benefitting from European funding will be available.


Procedures for the Mobility

Before the Mobility

Both participants receiving the European funding and participants carrying out the mobility at their own expenses or at the expese of their Department, are required to accept the place by the deadline and according to the instructions reported in the Call for Applications.

They will also have to sign an Erasmus+ Agreement before their departure.

During the Mobility

Before their return, participants must ask the host university to fill in and sign the Teaching Certificate stating the duration of the mobility and the activities carried out.

On Return from the Mobility

Participants will have to make an appointment with the Mobility Unit of the International Office to deliver :

  • the Teaching Certificate;
  • travel tickets;
  • a final report on the activities carried out during the mobility;
  • any teaching materials used during the mobility.

They will also be required to complete an online Participant Report sent via email by the European Commission at the end of all mobility-related procedures.

Last update: 08/10/2024