Erasmus+ non-EU teaching programme (ICM) 
Outgoing faculty

Contacts and Reservations

International Office - Projects Unit
Tel. +39 041 234  8142 / 7000

The Key Action KA171 International Credit Mobility (ICM) of the Erasmus+ Programme promotes the implementation of teaching and/or training mobility projects outside the EU, in line with the internationalisation strategy of the Higher Education Institutions involved.

Ca’ Foscari offers its faculty members the mobility opportunities of International Credit Mobility (ICM), entirely funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ Programme. This specific action of the Programme aims to promote the international mobility of students, teaching and technical-administrative staff to and from non-EU destinations through the funding of projects involving Ca' Foscari and its partner universities, which can be submitted annually.

Three different projects are currently active, both based on specific country-projects:

  • the first one has a financial envelope of € 1,534,680.00, it covers the three-year period 2022-2025, and it will end mandatorily on 31/07/2025;
  • the second one has a financial envelope of € 677,250.00, it covers the three-year period 2023-2026, and it will end mandatorily on 31/07/2026;
  • the third one has a financial envelope of € 229,442.00, it covers the three-year period 2024-2027, and it will end mandatorily on 31/07/2027.

Partner universities towards which outgoing teaching mobility is possible for Ca' Foscari’s staff are:

  • Project 2022-2025 (mobility for the academic years 2022/2023, 2023/2024, and 2024/2025): Argentina (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Armenia (Yerevan State University), Australia (University of Melbourne, Southern Cross University), Azerbaijan (ADA University, Azerbaijan University of Languages), Bosnia and Herzegovina (University of Sarajevo, University of Banja Luka), Georgia (Tbilisi State University), Japan (Waseda University), Iraq (University of Baghdad), Morocco (International University of Rabat, Université Moulay Ismail de Meknès), Mongolia (National University of Mongolia, Mongolian National University of Arts and Culture), South Africa (Stellenbosch University), South Korea (Kyungpook National University), Thailand (Chulalongkorn University, Thammasat University), United States (American University - Kogod School of Business, Boston University, California State University Long Beach, Stevens Institute of Technology), Vietnam (Vietnam National University of Social Sciences and Humanities).
  • Project 2023-2026 (mobility for the academic years 2023/2024, 2024/2025, and 2025/2026): Armenia (Yerevan State University), Australia (James Cook University, University of Queensland), Cameroun (University of Maroua), China (New York University of Shanghai), Cuba (Universidad La Habana, Universidad de las Artes La Habana, Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas), Israel (University of Haifa, Ben Gurion University, Weizmann Institute of Science), Jordan (University of Jordan, Al Albayt University, Yarmouk University), Kosovo (University of Prishtina), Mexico (CIDETEQ), Mozambique (Eduardo Mondlane University), Palestine (An-Najah National University, Birzeit University, Al Aqsa University), Qatar (Qatar University, Doha Institute of Graduate Studies), Singapore (Nanyang Technological University), Sudan (University of Khartoum), Trinidad and Tobago (University of West Indies), USA (City College of New York, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Stony Brook University), Uzbekistan (Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature, Uzbekistan State World Language University).
  • Project 2024-2027 (mobility during the academic years 2024/2025, 2025/2026 and 2026/2027): Algeria (Algiers 2 University, University of Béjaia, University 20 août 1955 Skikda), Cape Verde (Cape Verde Public University), Kenya (University of Nairobi), Morocco (Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique), Tanzania (State University of Zanzibar)

Number of places and eligible study areas will be different for every country-project and will be specified within the call.


  • Promote excellence in Higher Education Institutions;
  • raise the quality and impact of teaching and professional skills;
  • increase the capacity to trigger changes in terms of modernisation and international opening within educational organisations;
  • greater understanding and responsiveness to all kinds of diversity, e.g. social, linguistic, and cultural;
  • improve language skills;
  • greater understanding of interconnections between formal and non-formal education, vocational training and the labour market respectively.

Who can participate

Academic staff of Ca' Foscari University (including both full professors and associate professors, even on a fixed-term contract, university researchers, and teaching assistants, including those on a fixed-term contract, contract lecturers and research fellows - assegnisti e assegniste di ricerca) have the opportunity to carry out a period of international mobility at partner universities in non-EU countries. These universities are specifically selected by the academic coordinator of each individual country-project. The duration of mobility ranges from a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 60 days, in compliance with each country-project's specific structure. The planned duration for mobility is not modifiable, except in the case of documented and justified force majeure. All details are available in the call and in the related annexes.

Duration of the Project

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) projects generally last 36 months. Mobility grants are awarded exclusively by means of a specific call for applications published on the Ca' Foscari website, with detailed indications of the participation requirements and application procedures.


The Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) individual support is awarded for teaching activities (a minimum number of 8 compulsory hours of teaching per week is required) or professional development activities, in the form of training events abroad (excluding conferences) and periods of observation/training at a partner higher education institution. A mobility abroad may also involve the combination of teaching and training activities (teaching+training).

Teaching activities may involve lectures as well as seminars, student tutoring, meeting students, developing joint and/or double degree programs, and the preparation of teaching materials using locally available resources.

If the teaching activity is combined with a training activity in a single period abroad, the minimum number of hours of teaching per week is reduced to 4 hours.

As for training, even if combined with teaching activity, there is no minimum number of hours. Training activities may include job shadowing, participation in training courses, laboratory activities, meetings and seminars on teaching and research methodologies, and visits to facilities of the receiving institution.

At the end of your mobility, the activities will be certified by a Confirmation of Stay reporting the official dates of the mobility, teaching hours and related activities carried out. This document must be signed by the contact person at the receiving institution and a copy of this document must be sent to the projects unit (, otherwise the mobility will not be recognised and you will have to return the grant. You will also have to sign a qualitative survey on the impact of the experience and a Participant Report from the European Commission.

Financial support

Outgoing faculty have the opportunity to participate in academic life, deliver classes, and use the facilities of the hosting institution. Erasmus+ ICM provides an individual support of €180.00 per day (gross) up to the 14th day of mobility; from the 15th day, the support provided will be € 126.00 per day (gross). For information on the taxation applied to the grant, please contact the Payroll Office (

The Programme also covers travel expenses (a return ticket) according to ranges and distance bands set by Erasmus+. Please note that for some destinations that can be reached using low-emissions means of transport, such as bus, train or car-pooling, an additional contribution for green travel is provided, as indicated within the call.

The ticket can be purchased directly by UNIVE through an affiliated travel agency or bought by the beneficiary and reimbursed later by UNIVE upon submission of supporting documents. Should the beneficiary cancel the mobility after the ticket has been purchased and before their departure, for reasons not attributable to documentable force majeure, they will have to reimburse the costs already incurred by UNIVE.

The host University will provide assistance as for health insurance, housing and visa. Ca’ Foscari International Office-Project Unit will be available throughout the mobility period to provide the necessary support.

Calls and forms

The first Erasmus+ ICM 2024/2025 Call for applications for teachers is now open

The 1st E+ ICM 2024/2025 Call for applications, for mobilities during the 2024/2025, 2025/2026 and 2026/2027 a.y., is available and will be closed on February 21st 2025 at 13:00 (1 p.m.). 

Procedures for the mobility

The participants, once the selection is complete, will be contacted by the Projects Unit via email to confirm their acceptance of the grant.

Any faculty member on the reserve list may be contacted by the Projects Unit by the end of the project, and they may undertake their mobility if sufficient funding is available.

Once the travel dates are agreed with the host institution, beneficiaries will be required to inform the Projects Unit, which will verify the compatibility of the dates with the expected duration of the mobility and take note of any specific cases before proceeding with the flight purchase. At the same time, the Projects Unit will send the beneficiary instructions for the work mission assignment and authorisation, which, in the case of Erasmus+ ICM, follows a specific procedure. In case of a longer mobility period, funded partly by Erasmus+ ICM and partly by other funds (e.g., ADiR), it is necessary to inform the Projects Unit in advance, as it will be necessary to submit multiple work mission requests.

Once the travel tickets are issued, and in any case before departure, the Projects Unit will contact the beneficiary for the mandatory signing of the financial contract. 

The Projects Unit is also available to provide illustrative and promotional material about Ca’ Foscari, in case the participant is asked to present the University during the mobility.

Before returning, the beneficiary must have the Confirmation of Stay filled out and signed by their academic contact at the host university, stating the activities carried out during the mobility and its duration. The pre-filled form with the official dates of the mobility and the expected teaching hours will be provided by the Projects Unit.

Upon return, the participant must email the Confirmation of Stay to the International Office - Projects Unit. Should this document be missing, the mobility will not be recognised and the grant already received will have to be refunded. He/she will also be required to complete a qualitative questionnaire on the impact of mobility and share any promotional materials used at the partner university re the mobility (posters, social media announcements, etc.) and any teaching materials used during the mobility period. Finally, the participant must complete the Participant Report (automatically sent by the European Commission at the end of the mobility).

Last update: 21/03/2025