Erasmus+ Staff Training (STT)

The Erasmus+ Programme provides a mobility opportunity for staff members of Higher Education Insitutions to benefit from a training period abroad at one ore more Institutes of Higher Education that hold an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE).

This training mobility might entail the participation in seminars and courses and the exchange of good practices, as planned by the participant in the mobility agreement The aim is to transfer, develop and implement innovative actions for the modernization of the educational systems.

The Organization and Personnel Services Office – Training sector and the International Office - Mobility Unit are in charge of coordinating the various project stages and supplying technical support.

Applications and mobility grants

The training period can last at least 2 working days and cannot exceed 2 months. In any case., the university will finance up to a maximum of 7 days of mobility (5 days of teaching activity + 2 travel days,) regardless of the duration of the university business travel.

Selected participants will benefit from a European mobility grant, whose amount is calculated on the basis of the tables included in the Call.

After consulting the list of partner universities attached to the Call, applicants are advised to get directly in touch with the university where they would like to spend their training period.

An agreed working plan (mobility agreement) is cumpulsory in order to apply to the call.

A list of available Staff Training Weeks organised by Higher Education Institutions (including some partners) is available at Please, note that some initiatives might not be eligible, as they might be organised by non-ECHE holders or by non-Programme Countries.


Grants Allocation

The Human Resources Area (ARU) and the International Office will publish the list of selected staff who will benefit from the EU within the terms set in the Call for Applications.

In addition, the relevant office will publish a list of eligible candidates who can

  • take the place of one of the selected staff, in case they should withdraw;
  • carry out the mobility at their own expenses or with the financial support of their Office.

Both selected staff and eligible candidates who decide to carry out the mobility without the EU financial support will be asked to sign a Grant Agreement prior to their departure.

Procedures for the mobility

Participants must agree upon the date to sing the Grant Agreement with the Internatioanl Office.

Before their return, participants must ask the host institution to fill out a document certifying the duration and contents of the staff training mobility.

Upon return, participants must hand in to the Mobility Unit of the International Office:

  • a document issued by the host institution certifying the period and content of their mobility;
  • travel tickets;
  • a copy of the balance sheet;
  • a final report of the activities carried out;
  • any material used during the mobility.

Participants will also be required to complete an online participant report sent via email by the European Commission, at the end of all mobility-related procedures



Last update: 21/03/2025