Study plan and exams

Your study plan is the list of learning activities that you intend to take during your course and for which you will have to pass an exam in order to be admitted to the final exam of your degree programme.
To complete your study plan you will need to be enrolled in the new academic year. The study plan start and end dates will appear on the home page of the University website.
Remember that you can only register for exams included in your study plan.
For information and assistance, please contact the Campus office which is indicated on the website of your degree program > Presentation > Contacts.
Modification dates
Submission of studie's plans for the academic year 2024/2025 is possibile from the date of creation to 3rd March 2025.
Graduating students for the academic year 2023/24 may make changes to their study plans on paper between the following dates:
- 1 - 30 April for the summer session;
- 1 July - 4 September for the autumn session;
- 1 October - 10 December for the extraordinary session.
Completion procedure
Before completing the study plan, be well informed about the training activities and the possible curricula provided by your Degree Course. Also verify which free-choice courses are active for the current academic year and in which Degree Programs they are given.
Complete your study plan [ITA]
Degree programmes established under Italian Ministerial Decree no. 270/2004
Study plans may only be submitted on-line via Personal Area > Study plan.
Remember that you are required to complete and submit a study plan every academic year in which you are enrolled, regardless of whether you make changes or not.
If you enrolled in a three-year degree programme prior to the academic year 2020/2021 or in a two-year degree programme and the academic year 2022/2023 onwards, you must submit your study plan on paper, along with any changes that you wish to make, to the contact professor on the teaching board for the degree programme in which you are enrolled. After approving the requested changes, your contact professor will send your study plan to the office concerned.
Degree programmes established under Italian Ministerial Decree no. 509/1999
A paper copy of the study plan must be handed to the Campus services for programmes in the economic, scientific and humanities areas, to the Treviso Campus for the degree programmes held in Treviso, to the Department teaching offices for the degree programmes in the linguistic area.
Don’t forget that:
- if you wish to take any exams in the January session, you need to submit your study plan at least 1 month beforehand;
- you can only register for exams included in your study plan;
- if you are enrolled in a degree programme established under the previous system (four- or five-year degree), you may only carry out changes relative to the drafting of your thesis.
The main practical keys
The compilation is guided. To move back and forth use the functional buttons made available by the application and not those of the browser navigation. The study plan will be completed only after you have completed the online procedure and have selected the button Permanently Confirm Study Plan, otherwise it will remain a draft and your booklet cannot be revised and updated.
If your work session is interrupted earlier on, whether it be due to technical reasons or for your own item, it is more advisable that you start the compilation anew.
In the initial screen you will find the caption New Study Plan, if it is the first compilation, otherwise the uploaded plan will be visualized in the end notes of which there are the options Modify Plan and Print Plan.
The second screen has 4 buttons. The first three are documentation files in PDF format. By clicking on Continue Study Plan Compilation you start the compiling process. The keys for the compilation are: Previous item (to undo the item already taken); Skip item (to continue without selecting any of the activities offered); Next item ( to confirm the selected activities and continue the compilation). Add activity allows you to select courses that you will find filed under Degree program, study field and department.
Further on you will find a recap page in the footnotes of which you will find: Modify plan, Print Plan and Confirm Plan.
- The button Modify Plan undoes the items taken at the beginning of the process;
- the button Print Plan visualizes the study plan filed in carrier. You will see the changes updated only after having clicked on the Confirm Plan button;
- the Confirm Plan button saves the plan you have just filled in. After having clicked on Confirm Plan a new page appears with an additional button Permanently Confirm Plan that is needed in order to register in your booklet the plan you have just submitted. After this, the compilation of the study plan will be completed.
Free choice exams, excessive credits and Minor
The proposed free choice exams are those that are exclusively initiated for the current academic year.
You may include additional exams in your study plan – with respect to the 180 or 120 credits needed for graduation. When you draw up your study plan you may also choose from a range of optional courses proposed by the University or include elective courses of your choice (listed below – credit limits vary according to the degree programme concerned).
Bachelor's degree programmes
Courses proposed by the University:
- 1 ECTS in Sustainability competences (AT0001).
Credit limits:
- degree programmes of the Departments of Economics: no limits of ECTS for students who matriculated from 2018/19; 24 ECTS (+1 ECTS in Sustainability competences) for students who matriculated on 2017/18, 12 ECTS for students who matriculated before 2017/18;
- degree programmes of the Departmet of Management: no limits of ECTS for students who matriculated from 2015/16, 12 ECTS for the others;
- degree programmes in the humanities area: 24 ECTS;
- degree programmes in the scientific area: 24 ECTS;
- degree programmes in the languages area: 24 ECTS.
The exams of the following degree programmes cannot be selected by students who are enrolled in other courses of study, neither as elective exams nor as surplus credits:
- Linguistic and Cultural Mediation;
- Digital Management;
- Engineering Physics;
- Hospitality Innovation and e-Tourism.
A Minor is a complementary programme to a Bachelor’s Degree which allows you to broaden your main study field by developing cross-cutting skills that are useful both for your further education and for your career.
A Minor is composed of three modules of 6 ECTS each. By passing the three Minor exams you will get a certification and an Open Badge. Furthermore, Minor can be recognised in the elective course section of your Bachelor’s Degree.
For more information, visit the page about the Minor.
Exams taken during mobility period
If one or more exams taken during your mobility period have been recognised with the original title as free choice or extra credits, remember to modify your study plan by the set deadline and according to the prescribed procedures, once these activities are regularly registered on your record book (libretto).
Teaching levels
If you are enrolled in a Bachelor's degree programme you cannot take exams at Master's degree level. This does not apply to Literature which expressly provides for a number of matching courses in the Bachelor's degree (introduced under Ministerial Decree 509/1999) and in the Master's degree (introduced under Ministerial Decree 270/2004).
If you are enrolled in a Master's degree programme you cannot take exams at Bachelor's degree level.
The following exceptions apply:
- Degree programmes in the economics area:
- until a.y. 2013/2014, exams included in study plans for the purpose of exemption from one of the state exams (special ODCEC agreement);
- students enrolled in a double diploma.
- Degree programmes in the humanities area: optional exams included in your study plan.
- Degree programmes in the scientific and language area: Optional or elective exams included in your study plan.
Language choice
You will not be able to use the online procedure to change your language choice if:
- you enrolled in the degree programme in Languages, cultures and societies of Asia and North Africa from academic year 2014/2015 onwards because the first language is tied to the choice of curriculum and cannot be changed. You will only be able to change the second language. You can only change both languages in the Near and Middle East curriculum;
- If you enrolled in the degree programme in Languages, cultures and societies of Asia and North Africa – Near and Middle East and Indian subcontinent curriculum – prior to the academic year 2014/2015. In this case you can request the change by sending an e-mail to;
- if you are enrolled in master's degree courses in Languages and Economic and Legal Institutions of Asia and Mediterranean Africa, Languages, Economies and Institutions of Asia and Mediterranean Africa and Languages and Civilizations of Asia and Mediterranean Africa (Chinese and Japanese curriculum) as the choice of language is linked to the choice of the curriculum;
- and you are enrolled in the Master's Degree Program in Languages and Civilizations of Asia and Mediterranean Africa (curriculum Near Middle East and Indian subcontinent) as each language is linked to the possession of different access requirements.
Remember to recompile your study plan after changing your language.
If you are enrolled in a course in the languages area, you can change your study language directly in our Personal Area, by choosing the “Language Choice” heading in Personal Area > Online student services - Esse3. To change your language you must be properly enrolled in the academic year 2024/2025.
Curriculum choice
You can change your curriculum online by choosing “Curriculum choice” in Personal Area > Online student services - Esse3 provided that the exams taken so far are all included in your new path.
If an error message appears informing you that you cannot change curriculum for your study programme, please contact the Campus Administrative Office..
Newly enrolled students
Newly enrolled students may sit for exams in the September session at the discretion of the Teaching Board responsible for the degree programme concerned: in order to take an exam in September, they must first obtain the authorisation of the Teaching Board.
Exam procedures
To register for an exam go to your Personal Area and follow this page sequence: Online student services - ESSE3 > Exams > Exam dates.
You will be able to register for all exam dates in the exam calendar, with the exception of exams relative to the study language of first-cycle and second-cycle degree programmes in the languages area where you will be required to choose one of the two available dates for that session.
If you register for an exam date then decide to take the exam on a different date in the same session, you will have to cancel your previous registration before the final registration date.
The list may only be accessed during the exam registration period: you can check the opening period of the exam registration lists using the appropriate application; should you find it impossible to register for an exam during the opening period, you can report any difficulties using the application in your Personal Area on the exam registration.
When you go to take your exam, remember to take valid ID with you: exams are registered by means of an online procedure.
N.B.: if you have requested an interruption of your studies, remember that you will not be able to take any exams during the academic year of your interruption, or during the September session.
Registration procedure
After you have taken and passed the exam, your grade will be recorded.
In order to access a list of the exams passed, go to your Personal Area then follow either one of the page sequences below: Online student services - ESSE3 > Administrative procedures > Certificates > Registration certificate with exams or Online student services - ESSE3 > Career > Record book.
Failure to update career:
If you took an exam and it does not show up in your Personal Area you can choose between two options:
- if you have not received a confirmation email, you should get directly in touch with the professor with whom you took the exam;
- if you have received a confirmation email and over six weeks have passed since your exam was recorded, you should report this to
Remember that some exams are preliminary to others and must be taken in the right sequence to ensure that online registration of exams can be completed successfully.
Should you notice that some exams are not displayed in your career list when carrying out the Request to Graduate procedure online just report this when submitting your request: the Student Administration Unit will update your career to ensure that you are admitted to the final exam.
Last update: 21/03/2025