Second level Master of Research in
Science and Management of Climate Change

Science and Management of Climate Change
Second level Master of Research

11/04/2025 Open day

The Open day event for the 8th edition of our Master programme will take place online on April 11th 2025 at 4:00 p.m.
Registration is required.

Climate change is one of the main challenges facing the planet's population. The World Economic Forum ranks climate change and the failure to implement effective policies among the top five economic risks for the business world. Its impacts are pervasive and deeply interrelated with all aspects of our society. Hence the need to prepare professional leaders with a high-level scientific profile thanks to the integration of the Master with the PhD Programme in Science and Management of Climate Change.

Presentation and objectives

The Master of Research in Science and Management of Climate Change is a 1-year programme aimed at creating experts capable of managing the complex and multi-faceted dimensions of the grand challenges posed by climate risk by integrating the scientific and socio-economic aspects in a unique programme. It prepares experts with a broad and thorough scientific background in economics, climate science, valuation techniques, and with specific modeling skills. 

During this Master you will learn to understand and synthesize the biophysical and socio-economic nature of climate change, evaluate the socio-economic implications of climate change risks, and design innovative policy solutions and risk management strategies. You will acquire familiarity with a suite of methodological, analytical, statistical and modeling tools you will be able to apply in order to:

  • Explain the physical and economic nature of climate change and their uncertainty
  • Assess the socio-economic impacts of climate change, their costs and benefits
  • Estimate and manage climate change risk
  • Analyze, evaluate, and design innovative climate policy solutions
  • Assess the economic costs and benefits of mitigation and adaptation policies and projects
  • Conceive transformational pathways in the context of sustainable development
  • Synthesize and communicate the different dimensions of climate change and their uncertainties to different users
Photo by Gaia Squarci
For further information

Information about didactic activities:
tel. (+39) 041 234 8530

Educational programmes office, Department of Environmental Sciences Informatics and Statistics:
tel. (+39) 041 234 8565

Post-lauream office:
tel. (+39) 041 234 8067


Thanks to the Master’s inclusion in a network of many international organizations and local entities, students will have the opportunity to do their internships choosing among a wide range of institutes, organizations, national and international companies (a list is available upon request).

Students attending the Master in Science and Management of Climate change are required to do a 250-hour internship. Below is a list of the institutes, organizations, companies, we have been collaborating with but each edition new opportunities arise.