Duration of student e-mail, Google services and Office 365 
@stud.unive.it e-mail, connected Google apps and Office 365 services

The Gmail @stud.unive.it, issued to all Ca’ Foscari students together with the connected Google services (Drive, Calendar, etc.), is bound to the enrolment in a university programme.
The access to Office 365 services (Office suite, OneDrive, Teams, etc.) is elective and always bound to the enrolment in a university programme.


The e-mail @stud.unive.it will be deactivated for all Ca’ Foscari students and ex-students for whom 6 or more months have passed since graduation (e.g. Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, PhD). At the same time the access to Office 365 services will be deactivated, too.

  • After graduation, the e-mail box, the connected Google services and Office 365 services will remain active for further 6 months. If during this period you decide to continue studying at Ca’ Foscari by enrolling in another study programme, your e-mail address along with the other services will remain active; if you do not enrol in a new study programme, your e-mail will be deactivated along with the other services.
  • In case of withdrawal or suspension from studies, the e-mail and connected services will be deactivated the day after the suspension/end of the degree course.
    If you do not formally withdraw from your studies but do not enrol in new academic years, your e-mail the other connected services will be deactivated at the beginning of the 4th academic year after your last enrolment at the university.
  • For students enrolled in single courses, the e-mail box and related services will be deactivated the day following the closure of their career, which is normally carried out at the end of the academic year of enrollment (approximately in the month of October).
  • No prior notice will be sent regarding the deactivation of the e-mail, Google apps and Office 365 services, except for an expiry reminder sent to graduating students.

The university account required for login to the reserved area with matriculation number and password will in any case remain active, for example to download certificates.

Change your password

Remember that you must change the password of your account every 6 months.
If you do not change your password, your @stud.unive.it e-mail will still remain active, but you will not be able to log in until you have recovered your password.

Notify your contacts

From the moment of deactivation, the @stud.unive.it e-mail will no longer receive any e-mails.
Therefore, before it is closed, we recommend that you notify your contacts that your university e-mail address will no longer be available.

Save and transfer your data

You can find all the instructions on how to export your Google Account data on the page https://takeout.google.com.
Especially if you intend to withdraw or suspend your studies or if you are about to graduate, before the end of your course, we recommend that you save and transfer any data (information stored in your mailbox, documents stored in connected Google apps such as Drive, Calendar, etc.).

If you used the platform Office 365, please remember to save and transfer the data you stored in OneDrive, Sharepoint, Office Online, etc. before the deactivation of your account.

Last update: 12/03/2025