Full Professor
Rector's delegate for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day and the National Memorial Day of the Exiles and Foibe
041 234 7653 / 041 234 6686
Scientific sector (SSD)
Diritto internazionale [GIUR-09/A]
Website (personal record)
Department of Economics
Where: San Giobbe
Interdepartmental School of Economics, Languages and Entrepreneurship
Where: Treviso - Palazzo San Paolo
Research Institute
Research Institute for Social Innovation

Office hours

Office hours 2024 - 1. and 2. period - Venezia - San Giobbe, studio 311, plesso E, terzo piano
Office hours will be in person (San Giobbe), usually on Monday at 12.30. Please always consult the webpage of the professor for further information. Students abroad or in particular sitruations can contact the professor, to receive, on the same day, a gmeet link.
Please check the announcements for the month of November, with some changes.
The professor is glad to supervise theses in public international law and EU law, with specific regard to women's rights, human rights, international environmental law, environment and human rights, ecocentrism, fight against transnational crimes, right to memory. The professor is not going to accept theses via email. I kindly remind you of the fact that writing a thesis is an intense work which requires 4 months minimum (bachelor degree) and 8 months (master degree). The research for the thesis cannot be entirely conducted entirely on the web - except for searching for international legal instruments and documents - but must be conducted at the library. Plagiarism is a crime. 


Published on 27/10/2024

Il ricevimento studenti e studentesse nel mese di novembre seguirà alcune modifiche. ENG below

- 4 novembre, la docente è impegnata al convegno Studenti e studentesse che parteciperanno all'evento avranno modo di parlare ocn la docente.

Il  ricevimento quella settimana è fissato il 5 novembre alle 12.30

- 11 novembre: causa convegno, il ricevimento si svolgerà il 12 novembre alle 12.30

- 18 novembre: ricevimento confermato

- 25 novembre: ricevimento confermato ma a Ca' Foscari sede centrale e non San Giobbe (vicino aula Baratto). 


Some changes to office hours in November.

- 4. December - the professor is at the conference Students participating to the events can talk to the professor during the event.

The office hours will be postponed to 12. November 12.30

- 11. November: conference on arbitration. Office hours will be scheduled the following day, at 12.30

- 18. November confirmed

- 25. November, confirmed, but at Ca' Foscari main building (outside aula Baratto)

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