Daniela CESIRI
- Position
- Associate Professor
- Telephone
- 041 234 7829
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Lingua, traduzione e linguistica inglese [ANGL-01/C]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/daniela.cesiri (personal record)
Year | Type | Publication |
Year | Type | Publication |
In press | Scientific monograph or treatise |
Daniela Cesiri Communicating Food to Children: Linguistic and Socio-Cultural Perspectives , New York and London, Routledge - ARCA card: 10278/5011962 |
In press | Journal Article |
Daniela Cesiri; Katia Peruzzo “Safe Holidays” in Veneto. A multimodal discourse analysis of health-related information in institutional tourist webpages. in IPERSTORIA, vol. n.d. (ISSN 2281-4582) - ARCA card: 10278/5064182 |
In press | Book Article |
Daniela Cesiri Translating Food-Related Cultural Terminology from English into Italian: Case Studies from Undergraduate EFL Students , Language, Science and Translation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch - ARCA card: 10278/5064181 |
2024 | Journal Article |
BETWEEN STABILITY AND CHANGE in AGON, vol. 42, pp. 102-129 (ISSN 2384-9045) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5081524 |
2024 | Journal Article |
The case of ‘country lockdown’ televised statements
in Italy and in the UK in LINGUE E LINGUAGGI, vol. 63, pp. 111-123 (ISSN 2239-0359) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5046525 |
2024 | Journal Article |
Daniela Cesiri Positioning the self in blog posts. A corpus-based investigation of food blogs in English in IPERSTORIA, vol. 23, pp. 244-260 (ISSN 2281-4582) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5046526 |
2022 | Journal Article |
Daniela Cesiri The representation of baby food advertisements in the UK and the US from the late 1880s to the 1940s in CHILDHOOD IN THE PAST, vol. 15, pp. 96-104 (ISSN 1758-5716) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3741756 |
2021 | Journal Article |
Cesiri, Daniela Constructing culinary personae online: An analysis of the websites of British celebrity chefs in JOURNAL OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE, vol. 14, pp. 309-328 (ISSN 2040-3666) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3726027 |
2021 | Journal Article |
Daniela Cesiri The promotion of the Veneto territory in times of crisis: a critical discourse analysis of tourist boards websites during the COVID-19 pandemic in IPERSTORIA, vol. 18, pp. 108-131 (ISSN 2281-4582) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3739972 |
2020 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
Cesiri, Daniela The Discourse of Food Blogs. Multidisciplinary Perspectives , New York, Routledge, pp. 1-186 (ISBN 9781138316102) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3723165 |
2020 | Journal Article |
Cesiri, Daniela Knowledge Dissemination in the "Dinosaur Train" animated series: how to popularise Palaeontology for pre-school children in LINGUE E LINGUAGGI, vol. 40, pp. 95-115 (ISSN 2239-0359) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3723307 |
2020 | Review in magazine |
Cesiri, Daniela Book review: Politeness in the History of English. From the Middle Ages to the Present Day, Andreas H. Jucker, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2020), 210 pp., £ 85.00 (Hardback), ISBN: 9781108499620 (Hardback) in JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS, vol. 172, pp. 4-6 (ISSN 0378-2166) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3733494 |
2019 | Journal Article |
Cesiri, Daniela DISCURSIVE PRACTICES IN FEMINIST SPEECHES. A diachronic analysis from the Late Modern period to the present day in LINGUE E LINGUAGGI, vol. 31, pp. 91-110 (ISSN 2239-0359) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3714992 |
2019 | Journal Article |
Cesiri, Daniela; Coccetta, Francesca Narrative Descriptions in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Saga. A Corpus Stylistics Perspective in UMANISTICA DIGITALE, vol. 6, pp. 43-57 (ISSN 2532-8816) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3714993 |
2019 | Journal Article |
Cesiri, Daniela Philosophical tenets in the construction of culinary discourse: The case of British celebrity chefs’ websites in POETICS, vol. 74, pp. 1-11 (ISSN 0304-422X) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3713314 |
2019 | Journal Article |
Cesiri Daniela The Construction of the Territorial Image in Tourism Websites: The Case of the Veneto Provinces in ALTRE MODERNITÀ, vol. 21, pp. 158-176 (ISSN 2035-7680) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3700539 |
2019 | Book Article |
Cesiri, Daniela Knowledge Dissemination in Paleontology. A Case Study from the Animated Series "Dinosaur Train" , REPRESENTING AND REDEFINING SPECIALISED KNOWLEDGE: VARIETY IN LSP, Bergamo, CERLIS Series, vol. 8, pp. 223-244 (ISBN 978-88-97253-03-7) (ISSN 2532-2559) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3713496 |
2018 | Book Article |
Cesiri, Daniela; Colaci, Laura A. The Construction of a Country’s Image for the Expo 2015 Event: The Case of English and German Websites , Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise: Where Business Meets Language, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 447-460 (ISBN 978-1-5275-0897-2) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3691356 |
2017 | Journal Article |
Cesiri, Daniela Communicating the Image of Venice: The Use of Discourse Markers in Websites and Digital Travel Guidebooks In English in IPERSTORIA, vol. 10, pp. 33-44 (ISSN 2281-4582) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3692530 |
2017 | Journal Article |
Cesiri, Daniela Representing Venice’s local culture to international tourists: the use of the ‘languaging’ technique in websites in English in ANNALI DI CA' FOSCARI. SERIE OCCIDENTALE, vol. 51, pp. 195-216 (ISSN 2499-1562) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3688887 |
2017 | Journal Article |
Cesiri, Daniela ‘Haha, what a twit I am’. The Construction of a Social Identity in the Comments Sections of UK Food Blogs in TOKEN, vol. 6, pp. 109-132 (ISSN 2299-5900) - ARCA card: 10278/3687950 |
2017 | Book Article |
Cesiri, Daniela; Coccetta, Francesca The Cultural Side of Venice: Institutional Promotion to Mainstream Tourists and Museum Buffs , Ways of Seeing, Ways of Being: Representing the Voices of Tourism, Bern, Peter Lang, vol. 228, pp. 317-339 (ISBN 9783034330336) (ISSN 1424-8689) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3683690 |
2017 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
Cesiri Daniela Balancing Tourism Promotion and Professional Discourse: A Corpus-based Analysis of Digital Travel Guidebooks Promoting Venice in English , Professional and AcademicDiscourse: an Interdisciplinary Perspective, Online, EasyChair Publications, vol. 2, pp. 247-255, Convegno: 34th International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA) "Professional and Academic Discourse: an Interdisciplinary Perspective", 14-16 aprile 2016 (ISSN 2398-5283) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3678727 |
2016 | Journal Article |
Cesiri, Daniela Promoting Venice through digital travel guidebooks: a case study of texts written in English and in Italian in CULTUS, vol. 9, pp. 49-67 (ISSN 2035-2948) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3678295 |
2016 | Journal Article |
Cesiri, Daniela The Blog is Served: Crossing the ‘Expert/Non-Expert’ Border in a Corpus of Food Blogs in COLLOQUIUM, vol. 1, pp. 47-62 (ISSN 2520-3355) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3678590 |
2016 | Book Article |
CESIRI Daniela Pedagogical implications of evaluation in academic domains: praise and criticism in archaeology book reviews , Pragmatic issues in specialized communicative contexts, Amsterdam/Boston, MA, Brill Rodopi, vol. 29, pp. 92-126 (ISBN 9789004323896; 9789004323902) (ISSN 0927-7706) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3593271 |
2016 | Abstract in Atti di convegno |
Cesiri, Daniela Constructing the image of Venice and the use of discourse markers in websites and digital travel guidebooks in English , IWoDA’16 Fourth International Workshop on Discourse Analysis. Santiago de Compostela, September 29th-30th. Extended Abstracts., Santiago de Compostela, University of Santiago de Compostela, pp. 42-43, Convegno: Fourth International Workshop on Discourse Analysis, 29-30 Settembre 2016 (ISBN 9788460893059) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3679524 |
2015 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
Cesiri, Daniela Variation in English across time, space and discourse. An introductory textbook. , Roma, Carocci, pp. 1-158 (ISBN 9788843078028) - ARCA card: 10278/3662965 |
2015 | Journal Article |
Cesiri, Daniela RE-MEDIATION OF ACADEMIC KNOWLEDGE: Reporting and Evaluating Prior Research in Archaeology Abstracts in LINGUE E LINGUAGGI, vol. 15, pp. 99-111 (ISSN 2239-0359) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3663015 |
2015 | Journal Article |
2015 | Abstract in Atti di convegno |
Daniela, Cesiri International Communication connected to the Expo Milano 2015 event: some case studies in English and German in Cesiri Daniela, Colaci Laura A., Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise VIII - DICOEN VIII Pre-Conference Proceedings, Napoli, DISES Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, pp. 57-58, Convegno: DICOEN VIII - Discourse, Communication and The Enterprise VIII, 11-12 giugno 2015 (ISBN 9788894103908) - ARCA card: 10278/3661227 |
2014 | Book Article |
Daniela Cesiri Popular Botanical Terminology in Ireland during the Late Modern English Period: A Diachronic Overview , Perspectives on the Popularisation of Natural Sciences in a Diachronic Overview, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 1-16 (ISBN 1443854980; 9781443854986) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/38086 |
2013 | Book Article |
CESIRI D. Botany texts and the popular terminology of plants during the Late Modern English period in Ireland in Kermas Susan A., Christiansen Thomas, The Popularization of Specialized Discourse and Knowledge across Communities and Cultures, Bari, EDIPUGLIA, vol. 60, pp. 67-84 (ISBN 9788872286975) - ARCA card: 10278/37696 |
2013 | Book Article |
D. CESIRI The Lexicon of Botany Texts in Ireland and England: A Contrastive and Diachronic Case Study from the Late Modern English Period , Selected Proceedings of the 2012 Symposium on New Approaches in English Historical Lexis (HEL-LEX 3), Somerville, MA, Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 35-46 (ISBN 9781574734553) - ARCA card: 10278/36696 |
2012 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
CESIRI D. Nineteenth-century Irish English: a corpus-based linguistic and discursive analysis , LAMPETER, WALES, The Edwin Mellen Press, pp. 1-200 (ISBN 9780773430709) - ARCA card: 10278/27607 |
2012 | Review in magazine |
CESIRI D. Applied Linguistics, Historical Linguistics: Brinton & Arnovick (2011) in LINGUIST LIST, vol. 23.2092, pp. 1-2 (ISSN 1068-4875) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/30973 |
2012 | Book Article |
CESIRI D. Herbals, Gardening Books and Botanic Terminology in Ireland: a Preliminary Description for a Linguistic Investigation in Chiavetta Eleonora, Sciarrino Silvana, The Popularization of Botanical, Legal and Commercial Language, Roma, Edizioni XL, pp. 13-24 (ISBN 9788860830548) - ARCA card: 10278/33757 |
2012 | Book Article |
CESIRI D. Investigating the development of ESP through historical corpora: the case of Archaeology articles written in English during the Late Modern period (and beyond?) , Outposts of Historical Corpus Linguistics: From the Helsinki Corpus to a Proliferation of Resources, Helsinki, Helsinki: Research Unit for Variation, Contacts, and Change in English, vol. 10, pp. 1-21 (ISSN 1797-4453) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/35530 |
2012 | Book Article |
CESIRI D. Research genres and hybridisation: a case study from research articles in the field of Cultural Heritage Studies , Effects of Genre Variation in Academic Communication. Disciplinary Emerging Trends, Bergamo, CELSB, vol. 1, pp. 107-133 (ISBN 9788889804223) - ARCA card: 10278/36693 |
2011 | Journal Article |
CESIRI D.; COLACI L. A. Metaphors on the global crisis in economic discourse: a corpus-based comparison of The Economist, Der Spiegel and Il Sole 24 ORE in RASSEGNA ITALIANA DI LINGUISTICA APPLICATA, vol. 43, pp. 201-224 (ISSN 0033-9725) - ARCA card: 10278/27673 |
2011 | Book Article |
CESIRI D. Intercultural Communication in Business Promotion through Corporate Websites: the Case of Kraft Foods and Nestlé in Europe and Asia , Intercultural Interactions in Business and Management, Bern, Peter Lang, vol. 146, pp. 91-118 (ISBN 9783034310390) (ISSN 1424-8689) - ARCA card: 10278/25296 |
2011 | Book Article |
CESIRI D. Prestiti irlandesi nell’inglese britannico e americano: uno studio corpus based in De Rosa Gian Luigi; De Laurentiis Antonella, Lingua madre e lingua matrigna. Riflessioni su diglossia, bilinguismo sociale e literacy, Roma, Franco Angeli, pp. 159-169 (ISBN 9788856834208) - ARCA card: 10278/27913 |
2011 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
CESIRI D. Visions of Ireland: semantic differentiation in the description of Ireland from English travel texts in G. Di Martino., L. Lombardo, S. Nuccorini, Challenges for the 21st Century: Dilemmas, Ambiguities, Directions: Papers from the 24th AIA Conference, October 1-3 2009, Roma. Vol. II: Language Studies, Roma, Edizioni Q., vol. 2, pp. 285-293, Convegno: XXIV Convegno Nazionale AIA (Associazione Italiana di Anglistica), 1-3 Ottobre 2009 (ISBN 9788890396984) - ARCA card: 10278/24315 |
2010 | Book Article |
D. CESIRI The ‘excluded material’ in Joseph Wright’s English Dialect Dictionary in Manfred Markus, Clive Upton, Reinhard Heuberger, Joseph Wright's English Dialect Dictionary and Beyond. Studies in Late Modern English Dialectology, Bern, Peter Lang, pp. 49-60 (ISBN 9783631600382) - ARCA card: 10278/4187 |
2009 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
D. CESIRI Repertorio linguistico e costruzione dell'identità nazionale nella politica linguistica irlandese in Gianluigi De Rosa, Antonella De Laurentiis, Lingue policentriche a confronto. Quando la periferia diventa centro, Monza, Polimetrica, pp. 213-230, Convegno: Incontro di Studi “Lingue policentriche a confronto: quando la periferia diventa centro”, 8-9 Maggio 2008 (ISBN 9788876991615) - ARCA card: 10278/27608 |
2009 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
D. CESIRI The Evolution of terms for addressing the readership in Late Modern English Cookery and Gardening Manuals in R. W. McConchie, Alpo Honkapohja, Jukka Tyrkkö, Selected Proceedings of the 2008 Symposium on New Approaches in English Historical Lexis (HEL-LEX 2), Somerville, MA, Cascadilla Press, pp. 23-35, Convegno: Second Symposium on New Approaches in English Historical Lexis, 25-27 Aprile 2008 (ISBN 9781574734300) - ARCA card: 10278/27686 |
2009 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
D. CESIRI The Irish contribution to the English language during the Late Modern period in Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade, William Van der Wurff, Current Issues in Late Modern English, Bern, Peter Lang, pp. 271-285, Convegno: 3rd Late Modern English International Conference, 30 Agosto-1 Settembre 2007 (ISBN 9783039116607) - ARCA card: 10278/27609 |
2008 | Review in magazine |
D. CESIRI Book Review: Filppula, M.; Klemola, J.; et al. (2005) “Dialects across Borders. Selected papers from the 11th International Conference on Methods in Dialectology (Methods XI), Joensuu, August 2002”. Amsterdam: John Benjamins in LINGUIST LIST, vol. 19.369, pp. 1-7 (ISSN 1068-4875) - ARCA card: 10278/27688 |
2008 | Review in magazine |
D. CESIRI Book Review: Hickey, Raymond (2007) “Irish English. History and present-day forms”. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press in LINGUIST LIST, vol. 19.2375, pp. 1-7 (ISSN 1068-4875) - ARCA card: 10278/27687 |
2008 | Book Article |
D. CESIRI Dialect fieldworkers in nineteenth-century Ireland in Cosimo Caputo, Lingue e Linguaggi, Lecce, Pensa Multimedia, vol. 2, pp. 17-31 (ISBN 9788882326937) - ARCA card: 10278/27606 |
2008 | Book Article |
D. CESIRI Paddies and bog-trotters: Liverpool’s linguistic reaction to the Irish after the 19th century migration in Susan Kermas, Maurizio Gotti, Socially-conditioned Language Change: Diachronic and Synchronic Insights, Lecce, Del Grifo, pp. 333-353 (ISBN 9788872613207) - ARCA card: 10278/27605 |
2007 | Review in magazine |
D. CESIRI Book review: Wales, Katie (2006), “Northern English: A Cultural and Social History”. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press in LINGUIST LIST, vol. 18.851, pp. 1-6 (ISSN 1068-4875) - ARCA card: 10278/27689 |