Associate Professor
041 234 8551 / 041 234 8552
Scientific sector (SSD)
Chimica industriale [CHEM-04/A]
www.unive.it/people/fmenegaz (personal record)
Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.dsmn
Where: Campus scientifico via Torino
Room: room 508 (ALFA building, 5th floor) / research lab 6 (BETA building, 2nd floor)
Research Institute
Research Institute for Green and Blue Growth
Preposto di Laboratorio
Responsabile dell’Attività di Didattica e Ricerca in Laboratorio (RDRL)


Year Type Publication
Year Type Publication
2025 Journal Article Campostrini, Andrea; Ghedini, Elena; Botrè, Teresa; Manente, Sabrina; Giordana, Alessia; Cerrato, Giuseppina; Cruciani, Giuseppe; Robertson, Alex W.; Signoretto, Michela; Menegazzo, Federica Engineered silica NPs to hold and release the antimicrobial product Biotin T ® in NEXT MATERIALS, vol. 7 (ISSN 2949-8228)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5080402
2025 Journal Article Campostrini, Andrea; Manente, Sabrina; Ghedini, Elena; Di Michele, Alessandro; Menegazzo, Federica Enhancing Venetian traditional marmorino with TiO2 and ZnO for antimicrobial protection – A case study in NEXT MATERIALS, vol. 7 (ISSN 2949-8228)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5080401
2024 Journal Article Taghavi S.; Ghedini E.; Menegazzo F.; Giordana A.; Cerrato G.; Cruciani G.; Di Michele A.; Zendehdel M.; Signoretto M. Balanced acidity by microwave-assisted ion-exchange of ZSM-5 zeolite as a catalyst for transformation of glucose to levulinic acid in BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY, vol. 14 (ISSN 2190-6815)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5012149
2024 Journal Article Ferraro G.; Pizzolato M.; Botre T.; Cerrato G.; Menegazzo F.; Signoretto M. CO2 Photoreduction Under Visible Light by TiO2 and Carbon Dots Derived from Pyrolized Bio-Oil in CHEMISTRYOPEN, vol. e20240028 (ISSN 2191-1363)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5088767
2024 Journal Article Giuseppe Ussia, Maria Solinas, Giulia Forghieri, Federica Menegazzo, Michela Signoretto, Claudio Scarparo and Andrea Miti In-vitro Study and In-vivo Application of Rileva IVD System for the Isolation and Cultivation of Bacterial Strains from Biofilm in ADVANCES IN BIOTECHNOLOGY & MICROBIOLOGY, vol. 17 (ISSN 2474-7637)
- ARCA card: 10278/5071561
2024 Journal Article Manzoli, M.; Menegazzo, F.; Belluati, M.; Calcio Gaudino, E.; Tabasso, S.; Signoretto, M. New insights on the role of perimeter sites in oxygen and methanol activation during furfural oxidative esterification over gold supported catalysts in NEXT MATERIALS, vol. 3 (ISSN 2949-8228)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5080403
2024 Journal Article Menegazzo Federica; Ghedini Elena; Longo Lilia; Baldassin Davide; Taghavi Somayeh; Signoretto Michela On the Applications as Catalytic Support of Biochars Obtained by Pyrolysis of Waste Biomasses in CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, vol. 109, pp. 367-372 (ISSN 2283-9216)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5088787
2024 Journal Article Albonetti, Stefania; Biasi, Pierdomenico; Di Renzo, Francesco; Mauriello, Francesco; Menegazzo, Federica Preface: GIC2022 in CATALYSIS TODAY, vol. 429 (ISSN 0920-5861)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5058362
2024 Journal Article Galvagno E.; Tartaglia E.; Stratigaki M.; Tossi C.; Marasco L.; Menegazzo F.; Zanardi C.; Omenetto F.; Coletti C.; Traviglia A.; Moglianetti M. Present Status and Perspectives of Graphene and Graphene-related Materials in Cultural Heritage in ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, vol. 2024, pp. 2313043-2313043 (ISSN 1616-301X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5052680
2023 Journal Article Lamuraglia R.; Campostrini A.; Ghedini E.; De Lorenzi Pezzolo A.; Di Michele A.; Franceschin G.; Menegazzo F.; Signoretto M.; Traviglia A. A New Green Coating for the Protection of Frescoes: From the Synthesis to the Performances Evaluation in COATINGS, vol. 13, pp. 277 (ISSN 2079-6412)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5016981
2023 Journal Article Taghavi S.; Ghedini E.; Peurla M.; Cruciani G.; Menegazzo F.; Murzin D.Y.; Signoretto M. Activated biochars as sustainable and effective supports for hydrogenations in CARBON TRENDS, vol. 13 (ISSN 2667-0569)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5045462
2023 Journal Article Zanardo, Danny; Forghieri, Giulia; Ghedini, Elena; Menegazzo, Federica; Giordana, Alessia; Cerrato, Giuseppina; Cattaruzza, Elti; Di Michele, Alessandro; Cruciani, Giuseppe; Signoretto, Michela Effect of the Synthetic Parameters over ZnO in the CO2 Photoreduction in MOLECULES, vol. 28, pp. 4798 (ISSN 1420-3049)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5032221
2023 Journal Article Artesani, Alessia; Abate, Francesco; Lamuraglia, Raffaella; Baldo, Maria Antonietta; Menegazzo, Federica; Traviglia, Arianna Integrated Imaging and Spectroscopic Analysis of Painted Fresco Surfaces Using Terahertz Time-Domain Technique in HERITAGE, vol. 6, pp. 5202-5212 (ISSN 2571-9408)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5030040
2023 Journal Article Michela Signoretto; Federica Menegazzo LEI &Scienza Michela Signoretto; Federica Menegazzo conversano con conversano con Somayeh Taghavi in LEI, vol. 9 (ISSN 2724-2692)
- ARCA card: 10278/5050062
2023 Journal Article Michela Signoretto; Federica Menegazzo LEI&Scienza Michela Signoretto e Federica Menegazzo conversano con Maria Chiara in LEI, vol. 10 (ISSN 2724-2692)
- ARCA card: 10278/5050063
2023 Journal Article Taghavi S.; Pizzolitto C.; Ghedini E.; Menegazzo F.; Cruciani G.; Peurla M.; Eranen K.; Heinmaa I.; Aho A.; Kumar N.; Murzin D.Y.; Salmi T.; Signoretto M. Levulinic Acid Production: Comparative Assessment of Al-Rich Ordered Mesoporous Silica and Microporous Zeolite in CATALYSIS LETTERS, vol. 153, pp. 41-53 (ISSN 1011-372X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3754343
2023 Journal Article Michela Signoretto; Federica Menegazzo Michela Signoretto; Federica Menegazzo conversano con alcune socie degli spin-off scientifici dell’Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia: Elisa Moretti, ChEERS Elena Ghedini, Ve Nice Valentina Beghetto, Crossing Lisa Pizzol, GreenDecision in LEI, vol. 8 (ISSN 2724-2692) in LEI, vol. 8 (ISSN 2724-2692)
- ARCA card: 10278/5021466
2023 Journal Article Taghavi S.; Maki-Arvela P.; Vajglova Z.; Peurla M.; Angervo I.; Eranen K.; Ghedini E.; Menegazzo F.; Zendehdel M.; Signoretto M.; Murzin D.Y. One-Pot Transformation of Citronellal to Menthol Over H-Beta Zeolite Supported Ni Catalyst: Effect of Catalyst Support Acidity and Ni Loading in CATALYSIS LETTERS, vol. 153, pp. 2674-2692 (ISSN 1011-372X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5012150
2023 Journal Article Bagnato G.; Signoretto M.; Ghedini E.; Menegazzo F.; Xi X.; ten Brink G.H.; Kooi B.J.; Heeres H.J.; Sanna A. Stabilization of the aqueous phase fraction of pine wood bio-oil using zirconia-supported Fe/Cu/Pd nano-catalysts under mild conditions in NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, vol. 47, pp. 9440-9450 (ISSN 1144-0546)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5021464
2023 Journal Article Artesani, Alessia; Lamuraglia, Raffaella; Menegazzo, Federica; Bonetti, Stefano; Traviglia, Arianna Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy in Reflection Configuration for Inorganic and Mineral Pigment Identification in APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY, vol. 77, pp. 70-74 (ISSN 0003-7028)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5008203
2023 Journal Article Pizzolato, Marco; Da Pian, Giulia; Ghedini, Elena; Di Michele, Alessandro; Menegazzo, Federica; Cruciani, Giuseppe; Signoretto, Michela Vanadium doped Ni/Al2O3: Efficient and coke resistant catalysts for methane dry reforming in CATALYSIS TODAY, vol. 418, pp. 114041 (ISSN 0920-5861)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5016984
2023 Journal Article Longo L.; Taghavi S.; Riello M.; Ghedini E.; Menegazzo F.; Di Michele A.; Cruciani G.; Signoretto M. Waste biomasses as precursors of catalytic supports in benzaldehyde hydrogenation in CATALYSIS TODAY, vol. 420, pp. 114038 (ISSN 0920-5861)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5016983
2022 Journal Article Forghieri G.; Ghedini E.; Menegazzo F.; Di Michele A.; Signoretto M. An investigation on the photo-catalytic oxidation of air pollutants via SiO2-supported TiO2 in APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL, vol. 644, pp. 118813 (ISSN 0926-860X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5012151
2022 Journal Article Taghavi S.; Ghedini E.; Menegazzo F.; Maki-Arvela P.; Peurla M.; Zendehdel M.; Cruciani G.; Di Michele A.; Murzin D.Y.; Signoretto M. CuZSM-5@HMS composite as an efficient micro-mesoporous catalyst for conversion of sugars into levulinic acid in CATALYSIS TODAY, vol. 390-391, pp. 146-161 (ISSN 0920-5861)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3754342
2022 Journal Article Zanardo D.; Forghieri G.; Tieuli S.; Ghedini E.; Menegazzo F.; Di Michele A.; Cruciani G.; Signoretto M. Effects of SiO2-based scaffolds in TiO2 photocatalyzed CO2 reduction in CATALYSIS TODAY, vol. 387, pp. 54 (ISSN 0920-5861)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3745168
2022 Journal Article Michela Signoretto; Federica Menegazzo Intervista a Chiara Venier in LEI, vol. 7 (ISSN 2724-2692)
- ARCA card: 10278/5012156
2022 Journal Article Signoretto, Michela; Menegazzo, Federica Intervista a Roberta Magarotto in LEI, vol. 5 (ISSN 2724-2692)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3757871
2022 Journal Article Michela Signoretto; Federica Menegazzo Intervista a Silvia Bordiga in LEI, vol. 6, pp. 46-53 (ISSN 2724-2692)
- ARCA card: 10278/5012155
2022 Journal Article Longo, Lilia; Taghavi, Somayeh; Ghedini, Elena; Menegazzo, Federica; Di Michele, Alessandro; Cruciani, Giuseppe; Signoretto, Michela Selective hydrogenation of HMF to 1-hydroxy-2,5-hexanedione by biochar supported Ru catalysts in CHEMSUSCHEM, vol. 15 (13) (ISSN 1864-5631)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3758206
2022 Journal Article Marco Pizzolato, Giulia Da Pian, Elena Ghedini, Alessandro Di Michele, Federica Menegazzo , Giuseppe Cruciani, Michela Signoretto Study of the Synthetic Approach Influence in Ni/CeO2-Based Catalysts for Methane Dry Reforming in REACTIONS, vol. 3, pp. 634-647 (ISSN 2624-781X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5012153
2022 Book Article Menegazzo Federica; Giorgio Strukul Introduzione alle problematiche dell’energia e della sostenibilità , Fondamenti di Chimica Industriale, Zanichelli (ISBN 9788808320193)
- ARCA card: 10278/3757868
2022 Article in Conference Proceedings Luca Scappin, Andrea Campostrini, Danny Zanardo, Elena Ghedini, Michela Signoretto, Giorgio Berto, Federica Menegazzo Marmorino and photocatalysts: a meeting between tradition and innovation , SIRA (Società Italiana per il Restauro dell’Architettura) - V Ciclo di Giornate di Studio: Intrecci, contaminazioni incontri sinergie, SIRA (Società Italiana per il Restauro dell’Architettura), vol. 1, Convegno: V Ciclo di Giornate di Studio: Intrecci, contaminazioni incontri sinergie
- ARCA card: 10278/3761996
2022 Abstract in Atti di convegno Andrea Campostrini, Raffaella Lamuraglia, Elena Ghedini, Federica Menegazzo, Michela Signoretto, Arianna Traviglia Investigating coating applications for protection of Roman frescoes , Sfide ed opportunità emergenti per l'ambiente e per i beni culturali, Torino, M.C. Bruzzoniti, D. Vione, M. Gulmini, M. Minella, M. Passananti, D. Scagliarone, A. Agostino, L. Rivoira / Dipartimento di Chimica Università di Torino, pp. 40-41, Convegno: XIX Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica dell'Ambiente e dei Beni Culturali, 20/06/2022 - 23/06/2022 (ISBN 978-88-94952-28-5)
- ARCA card: 10278/3762170
2021 Journal Article Ghedini E.; Taghavi S.; Menegazzo F.; Signoretto M. A review on the efficient catalysts for algae transesterification to biodiesel in SUSTAINABILITY, vol. 13, pp. 10479 (ISSN 2071-1050)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3745169
2021 Journal Article Pizzolitto C.; Ghedini E.; Taghavi S.; Menegazzo F.; Cruciani G.; Peurla M.; Eranen K.; Heinmaa I.; Aho A.; Kumar N.; Murzin D.Y.; Salmi T.; Signoretto M. Acid sites modulation of siliceous-based mesoporous material by post synthesis methods in MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, vol. 328, pp. 111459 (ISSN 1387-1811)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3745166
2021 Journal Article Grillo G.; Tabasso S.; Solarino R.; Cravotto G.; Toson C.; Ghedini E.; Menegazzo F.; Signoretto M. From seaweeds to cosmeceutics: A multidisciplinar approach in SUSTAINABILITY, vol. 13, pp. 13443 (ISSN 2071-1050)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3754341
2021 Journal Article Signoretto, Michela; Menegazzo, Federica Intervista a Laura Cattaneo in LEI, vol. 3 (ISSN 2724-2692)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3757872
2021 Journal Article Michela Signoretto; Federica Menegazzo Intervista a Viviana Bisantino in LEI, vol. 4 (ISSN 2724-2692)
- ARCA card: 10278/3757873
2021 Journal Article Michela Signoretto; Federica Menegazzo Intervista ad Arianna Traviglia in LEI, vol. 2 (ISSN 2724-2692)
- ARCA card: 10278/3757874
2021 Journal Article Pizzolitto C.; Menegazzo F.; Ghedini E.; Arias A.M.; Corberan V.C.; Signoretto M. Microemulsion vs. Precipitation: Which is the best synthesis of nickel–ceria catalysts for ethanol steam reforming? in PROCESSES, vol. 9, pp. 1-13 (ISSN 2227-9717)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3740690
2021 Journal Article Signoretto M.; Menegazzo F. Special issue “metal nanoparticles as catalysts for green applications” in PROCESSES, vol. 9, pp. 1015 (ISSN 2227-9717)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3741725
2021 Journal Article Forghieri G.; Zanardo D.; Ghedini E.; Menegazzo F.; Giordana A.; Cerrato G.; Michele A.D.; Cruciani G.; Signoretto M. Structural and functional behaviour of ce-doped wide-bandgap semiconductors for photo-catalytic applications in CATALYSTS, vol. 11, pp. 1209 (ISSN 2073-4344)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3745167
2021 Journal Article Zanardo, D.; Ghedini, E.; Menegazzo, F.; Giordana, A.; Cerrato, G.; Michele, A. Di; Cruciani, G.; Signoretto, M. Traditional Venetian marmorino: Effect of zinc-based oxides on self-bleaching properties in JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE, vol. 50, pp. 171-178 (ISSN 1296-2074)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3740685
2021 Journal Article Elena Ghedini, Marco Pizzolato, Lilia Longo, Federica Menegazzo, Danny Zanardo , Michela Signoretto Which Are the Main Surface Disinfection Approaches at the Time of SARS-CoV-2? in FRONTIERS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 2-589202 (ISSN 2673-2718)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3741724
2021 Abstract in Atti di convegno Lilia Longo, Sebastiano Tieuli, Federica Menegazzo, Elena Ghedini, Michela Signoretto Biochar based catalysts for biomass valorization in Lilia Longo, Sebastiano Tieuli, Federica Menegazzo, Elena Ghedini, Michela Signoretto, Book of abstract Merck Young Chemists's Symposium 2021, Roma, G. Annunziato, M. Atzori, C. Bonfio, S. Cinti, B. Coppola, M. Da Pian, C. Imparato, V. Lazazzara, E. Lenci, A. Malara, D. Morselli, E. Paone, F. Ponte, S. Rebeccani, L. Rivoira, M. Schlich., Convegno: Merck Young Chemists's Symposium 2021, 22-24/11/2021 (ISBN 978-88-94952-25-4)
- ARCA card: 10278/5030680
2020 Journal Article Pizzolitto, Cristina; Ghedini, Elena; Menegazzo, Federica; Signoretto, Michela; Giordana, Alessia; Cerrato, Giuseppina; Cruciani, Giuseppe Effect of grafting solvent in the optimisation of Sba-15 acidity for levulinIc acid production in CATALYSIS TODAY, vol. 345 (ISSN 0920-5861)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3720880
2020 Journal Article Pizzolitto C.; Menegazzo F.; Ghedini E.; Innocenti G.; Di Michele A.; Mattarelli M.; Cruciani G.; Cavani F.; Signoretto M. Ethanol Steam Reforming on Lanthanum Ni-ZrO2Catalysts in ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING, vol. 8, pp. 10756-10766 (ISSN 2168-0485)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3730150
2020 Journal Article Bagnato G.; Signoretto M.; Pizzolitto C.; Menegazzo F.; Xi X.; Ten Brink G.H.; Kooi B.J.; Heeres H.J.; Sanna A. Hydrogenation of Biobased Aldehydes to Monoalcohols Using Bimetallic Catalysts in ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING, vol. 8, pp. 11994-12004 (ISSN 2168-0485)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3730154
2020 Journal Article Michela Signoretto; Federica Menegazzo Intervista a Floriana Filomena Ferrara in LEI, vol. 1 (ISSN 2724-2692)
- ARCA card: 10278/3757875
2020 Journal Article Alberto Olivo, Warren Athol Thompson, Elizabeth Rose Bache Bay, Elena Ghedini, Federica Menegazzo, M. Mercedes Maroto-Valer, Michela Signoretto Investigation of process parameters assessment via Design of Experiments for CO2 photoreduction in two photoreactors in JOURNAL OF CO2 UTILIZATION, vol. 36, pp. 25-32 (ISSN 2212-9820)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3719322
2020 Journal Article Lilia Longo, Elena Ghedini*, Michela Signoretto, Federica Menegazzo, Silvia Tabasso, Giorgio Grillo La bellezza del riuso Dagli scarti del mercato di Rialto a prodotti smart per l’hair care in COSMETIC TECHNOLOGY, vol. 23 (6) (ISSN 1127-6312)
- ARCA card: 10278/3741726
2020 Journal Article D.Previtali, M.Longhi, F.Galli, A.Di Michele, F.Manenti, M.Signoretto, F.Menegazzo, C.Pirola Low pressure conversion of CO2 to methanol over Cu/Zn/Al catalysts. The effect of Mg, Ca and Sr as basic promoters in FUEL, vol. 274, pp. 117804 (ISSN 0016-2361)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3725357
2020 Journal Article Taghavi S.; Ghedini E.; Menegazzo F.; Signoretto M.; Gazzoli D.; Pietrogiacomi D.; Matayeva A.; Fasolini A.; Vaccari A.; Basile F.; Fornasari G. MCM-41 supported co-based bimetallic catalysts for aqueous phase transformation of glucose to biochemicals in PROCESSES, vol. 8, pp. 843 (ISSN 2227-9717)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3729981
2020 Journal Article Grillo G.; Menegazzo F.; Tabasso S.; Signoretto M.; Manzoli M.; Cravotto G. New Insights on the Dynamic Role of the Protecting Agent on the Reactivity of Supported Gold Nanoparticles in CHEMCATCHEM, vol. 12, pp. 1653-1663 (ISSN 1867-3880)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3725363
2020 Journal Article Bahadori, Elnaz; Ramis, Gianguido; Zanardo, Danny; Menegazzo, Federica; Signoretto, Michela; Gazzoli, Delia; Pietrogiacomi, Daniela; Michele, Alessandro Di; Rossetti, Ilenia Photoreforming of Glucose over CuO/TiO2 in CATALYSTS, vol. 10, pp. 477 (ISSN 2073-4344)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3725905
2020 Journal Article Elena Ghedini ,Michela Signoretto, Federica Menegazzo, Silvia Tabasso, Giorgio Grillo, Scarti industriali della lavorazione del Te’ Nero: da sottoprodotti a ingredienti preziosi in cosmetica in COSMETIC TECHNOLOGY, vol. 2 (ISSN 1127-6312)
- ARCA card: 10278/3725365
2020 Article in Conference Proceedings Federica Menegazzo, Michela Signoretto, Danny Zanardo, Luca Scappin FOTOCATALIZZATORI FISSATI MEDIANTE LE FINITURE TRADIZIONALI DEL MARMORINO: UNA STRATEGIA ECOLOGICA TRA CHIMICA E RESTAURO PER RENDERE PIÙ PULITE LE NOSTRE CITTA’ , Lo Stato dell'Arte 18 - IGIIC Gruppo italiano dell'International Institute for Conservation, Nardini Editore, Convegno: Lo Stato dell'Arte 18
- ARCA card: 10278/3734763
2019 Journal Article Bucciol, Tabasso, G. Grillo, F. Menegazzo, M. Signoretto, M. Manzoli, G. Cravotto Boosting levulinic acid hydrogenation to value-added 1,4-pentanediol using microwave-assisted gold catalysis in JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, vol. 380, pp. 267-277 (ISSN 0021-9517)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3719324
2019 Journal Article Michela Signoretto , Somayeh Taghavi, Elena Ghedini, Federica Menegazzo Catalytic Production of Levulinic Acid (LA) from Actual Biomass. in MOLECULES, vol. 24, pp. 2760 (ISSN 1420-3049)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3717010
2019 Journal Article Sebastiano Tieuli, Päivi Mäki-Arvela, Markus Peurla, Kari Eränen, Johan Wärnå, Giuseppe Cruciani, Federica Menegazzo, Dmitry Yu. Murzin, Michela Signoretto Hydrodeoxygenation of isoeugenol over Ni-SBA-15: Kinetics and modelling in APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL, vol. 580, pp. 1-10 (ISSN 0926-860X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3713809
2019 Journal Article Menegazzo, Federica; Signoretto, Michela; Ghedini, Elena; Strukul, Giorgio Looking for the “Dream Catalyst” for Hydrogen Peroxide Production from Hydrogen and Oxygen in CATALYSTS, vol. 9, pp. 251 (ISSN 2073-4344)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3711572
2019 Journal Article Ghedini E.; Menegazzo F.; Manzoli M.; Di Michele A.; Puglia D.; Signoretto M. Multifunctional and environmentally friendly TiO2-SiO2 mesoporous materials for sustainable green buildings in MOLECULES, vol. 24, pp. 4226 (ISSN 1420-3049)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3720877
2019 Journal Article Elena Ghedini, Michela Signoretto, Federica Menegazzo Nanocosmesi: ponte tra presente e passato tra il naturale e l’Hi-Tech in COSMETIC TECHNOLOGY, vol. 22(5) (ISSN 1127-6312)
- ARCA card: 10278/3719347
2019 Journal Article Cristina Pizzolitto, Eva Pupulin, Federica Menegazzo, Elena Ghedini, Alessandro di Michele, Maurizio Mattarelli, Giuseppe Cruciani, Michela Signoretto Nickel based catalysts for Methane Dry Reforming: effect of supports on catalytic activity and stability in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, vol. in press (ISSN 0360-3199)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3719351
2019 Journal Article Thompson, Warren A.; Olivo, Alberto; Zanardo, Danny; Cruciani, Giuseppe; Menegazzo, Federica; Signoretto, Michela; Maroto-Valer, M. Mercedes Systematic study of TiO2/ZnO mixed metal oxides for CO2 photoreduction in RSC ADVANCES, vol. 9, pp. 21660-21666 (ISSN 2046-2069)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3719005
2019 Journal Article Zanardo, Danny; Ghedini, Elena; Menegazzo, Federica; Cattaruzza, Elti; Manzoli, Maela; Cruciani, Giuseppe; Signoretto, Michela Titanium Dioxide-Based Nanocomposites for Enhanced Gas-Phase Photodehydrogenation in MATERIALS, vol. 12, pp. 3093 (ISSN 1996-1944)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3718771
2019 Book Article Federica Menegazzo, Elena Ghedini, Tania Fantinel, Michela Signoretto CHEMISORPTION ANALYSIS BY A PULSE FLOW SYSTEM FOR THE DETERMINATION OF METAL NANOSIZE , Chemisorption: Properties, Reactions and Uses, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (ISBN 978153614695; 9781536146943)
- ARCA card: 10278/3704086
- ARCA card: 10278/3719325
2018 Journal Article Federica Menegazzo, Elena Ghedini , Michela Signoretto 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) production from real biomasses in MOLECULES, vol. 23 (ISSN 1420-3049)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3704038
2018 Journal Article Somayeh Taghavi, Omid Norouzi , Ahmad Tavasoli, Francesco Di Maria, Michela Signoretto, Federica Menegazzo, Alessandro Di Michele Catalytic conversion of Venice lagoon brown marine algae for producing hydrogen-rich gas and valuable biochemical using algal biochar and Ni/SBA-15 catalyst in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, vol. 43, pp. 19918-19929 (ISSN 1879-3487)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3707565
2018 Journal Article Federica Menegazzo, Cristina Pizzolitto, Elena Ghedini, Alessandro Di Michele, Giuseppe Cruciani, Michela Signoretto Development of La doped Ni/CeO2 for CH4/CO2 reforming in C, vol. N/D (ISSN 2311-5629)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3707566
2018 Journal Article Cristina Pizzolitto, Federica Menegazzo, Elena Ghedini, Giada Innocenti, Alessandro di Michele, Giuseppe Cruciani, Fabrizio Cavani, Michela Signoretto Increase of ceria redox ability by lanthanum addition on Ni based catalysts for hydrogen production in ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING, vol. 6, pp. 13867-13876 (ISSN 2168-0485)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3707564
2018 Journal Article Alberto Olivo, Danny Zanardo, Elena Ghedini, Federica Menegazzo , Michela Signoretto  Solar Fuels by Heterogeneous Photocatalysis: From Understanding Chemical Bases to Process Development in CHEMENGINEERING, vol. 2(3),42 (ISSN 2305-7084)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3704042
2018 Journal Article Federica Menegazzo, Maela Manzoli, Alessandro di Michele, Elena Ghedini, Michela Signoretto Supported Gold Nanoparticles for Furfural Valorization in the Future Bio-based Industry in TOPICS IN CATALYSIS, vol. 61, pp. 1877-1887 (ISSN 1572-9028)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3704014
2018 Book Article Michela Signoretto; Federica Menegazzo On the Oxidation of Furfural to Furoic Acid , Furfural: An Entry Point of Lignocellulose in Biorefineries to Produce Renewable Chemicals, Polymers, and Biofuels, World Scientific; edited by Manuel López Granados and David Martín Alonso (ISBN 978-1-78634-486-1)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3704079
- ARCA card: 10278/3704575
2017 Journal Article Menegazzo, Federica; Pizzolitto, Cristina; Zanardo, Danny; Signoretto, Michela; Buysschaert, Cas; Beny, Guido; Di Michele, Alessandro Hydrogen Production by Ethanol Steam Reforming on Ni-Based Catalysts: Effect of the Support and of CaO and Au Doping in CHEMISTRYSELECT, vol. 2, pp. 9523-9531 (ISSN 2365-6549)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3693370
2017 Journal Article Menegazzo, Federica; Signoretto, Michela; Fantinel, Tania; Manzoli, M. Sol-immobilized vs deposited-precipitated Au nanoparticles supported on CeO2 for furfural oxidative esterification in JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, vol. 92, pp. 2196-2205 (ISSN 0268-2575)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3691324
2017 Journal Article Ghedini, E.; Pizzolitto, C.; Albore, G.; Menegazzo, F.; Signoretto, M.; Operti, L.; Cerrato, G. Sulfadiazine-based drug delivery systems prepared by an effective sol-gel process in JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 83, pp. 618-626 (ISSN 0928-0707)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3688991
2017 Abstract in Atti di convegno Pizzolitto, Cristina; Menegazzo, Federica; Signoretto, Michela; Cruciani, G. “Ethanol steam reforming process: lanthanum oxide effect in ceria and zirconia based catalysts” , Proceedings of the Merck Young Chemists Symposium, F. Bella, L.Botta, A. Buchicchio, R.Cucciniello, A. D'Urso, A. Erba, P. Franco, E. Lenci, G. MAzzone, A.Soldà, S. Staderini, L. Triggiani, and D. Spinelli, Convegno: Merck Young Chemists Symposium ( (ISBN 978-88-86208-89-5)
- ARCA card: 10278/3693792
2016 Journal Article Maela Manzoli; Menegazzo Federica; Michela Signoretto; Damiano Marchese Biomass Derived Chemicals: Furfural Oxidative Esterification to Methyl-2-furoate over Gold Catalysts in CATALYSTS, vol. 6, pp. 107 (ISSN 2073-4344)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3675572
2016 Journal Article Michela, Signoretto; Federica, Menegazzo; Alessandro Di, Michele; Ermelinda, Fioriniello Effects of support and synthetic procedure for sol-immobilized Au nanoparticles in CATALYSTS, vol. 6 (ISSN 2073-4344)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3674241
2016 Journal Article Menegazzo, F; Signoretto, M; Ghedini, E; Pizzolitto, C; Cruciani, G Effects of zirconia precursor on gold based samples for low temperature WGSR in BIOINTERFACE RESEARCH IN APPLIED CHEMISTRY, vol. 6, pp. 1828-1832 (ISSN 2069-5837)
- ARCA card: 10278/3683952
2016 Journal Article Gemo, Nicola; Menegazzo, Federica; Biasi, Pierdomenico; Sarkar, Anjana; Samikannu, Ajaikumar; Raut, Dilip G.; Kordás, Krisztián; Rautio, Anne-Riikka; Mohl, Melinda; Boström, Dan; Shchukarev, Andrey; Mikkola, Jyri-Pekka TiO2 nanoparticles vs. TiO2 nanowires as support in hydrogen peroxide direct synthesis: the influence of N and Au doping in RSC ADVANCES, vol. 6, pp. 103311-103319 (ISSN 2046-2069)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3683804
2015 Journal Article Manzoli, Maela; Menegazzo, Federica; Signoretto, Michela; Cruciani, Giuseppe; Pinna, Francesco Effects of synthetic parameters on the catalytic performance of Au/CeO2 for furfural oxidative esterification in JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, Academic Press Inc., vol. 330, pp. 465-473 (ISSN 0021-9517)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3661139
2015 Journal Article Menegazzo F.; Manzoli M.; Signoretto M.; Pinna F.; Strukul G. H2O2 direct synthesis under mild conditions on Pd-Au samples: Effect of the morphology and of the composition of the metallic phase in CATALYSIS TODAY, Elsevier B.V., vol. 248, pp. 18-27 (ISSN 0920-5861)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3339864
2015 Journal Article Federica Menegazzo; Michela Signoretto; Damiano Marchese; Francesco Pinna; Maela Manzoli Structure-activity relationships of Au/ZrO2 catalysts for 5-hydroxymethylfurfural oxidative esterification: Effects of zirconia sulphation on gold dispersion, position and shape in JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, 525 B ST, STE 1900, SAN DIEGO, CA 92101-4495 USA, ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, vol. 326, pp. 1-8 (ISSN 0021-9517)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3654741
2015 Book Article Signoretto, Michela; Menegazzo, Federica; Trevisan, Valentina; Pinna, Francesco Determination of dispersion of gold-based catalysts by selective chemisorption in Michela Signoretto, Federica Menegazzo, Valentina Trevisan, and Francesco Pinna, Gold Catalysis: Preparation, Characterization, and Applications, Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd., pp. 254-283 (ISBN 9789814669283)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3664447
2014 Journal Article Valentina Nichele; Michela Signoretto; Federica Menegazzo; Ilenia Rossetti; Giuseppe Cruciani Hydrogen production by ethanol steam reforming: effect of the synthesis parameters on the activity of Ni/TiO2 catalysts in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, vol. 39, pp. 4252-4258 (ISSN 0360-3199)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/40812
2014 Journal Article VALENTINA NICHELE; MICHELA SIGNORETTO; FRANCESCO PINNA; FEDERICA MENEGAZZO; ILENIA ROSSETTI; GIUSEPPE CRUCIANI; GIUSEPPINA CERRATO; ALESSANDRO DI MICHELE Ni/ZrO2 catalysts in ethanol steam reforming: Inhibition of coke formation by CaO-doping in APPLIED CATALYSIS. B, ENVIRONMENTAL, vol. 150-151, pp. 12-20 (ISSN 0926-3373)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/39687
2014 Journal Article Federica Menegazzo; Tania Fantinel; Michela Signoretto; Francesco Pinna; Maela Manzoli On the process for furfural and HMF oxidative esterification over Au/ZrO2 in JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, vol. 319, pp. 61-70 (ISSN 0021-9517)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/43197
2014 Journal Article F. MENEGAZZO; M. SIGNORETTO; F. PINNA; M. MANZOLI; V. AINA; G. CERRATO; F. BOCCUZZI Oxidative esterification of renewable furfural on gold based catalysts: which is the best support? in JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, vol. 309, pp. 241-247 (ISSN 0021-9517)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/19591
2014 Book Article A. Scarso; F. Menegazzo; G. Strukul Hydrogen Peroxide: Its Use in Selective Homogeneous Oxidation in Water and Some Recent Advances for Its Synthesis fro H2 and O2 , Selective Oxidation and Functionalyzation: Classical and Alternative Routes and Sources, Hamburg, DGMK, pp. 57-66 (ISBN 9783941721449)
- ARCA card: 10278/43814
2013 Journal Article F. Menegazzo; M. Signoretto; T. Fantinel; V. Trevisan; F. Pinna A golden perspective for catalysis in SCIENCES AT CÀ FOSCARI, vol. 2, pp. 1-9 (ISSN 2281-8170)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/39406
2013 Journal Article M. SIGNORETTO; E. GHEDINI; F. MENEGAZZO; G. CERRATO; V. CROCELLA; C. BIANCHI Aerogel and xerogel WO3/ZrO2 samplesfor fine chemicals production in MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, vol. 165, pp. 134-141 (ISSN 1387-1811)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/30962
2013 Journal Article M. Signoretto; F. Menegazzo; L. Contessotto; F. Pinna; M. Manzoli; F. Boccuzzi 0926-3373 Au/ZrO2: an efficient and reusable catalyst for the oxidative esterification of renewable furfural in APPLIED CATALYSIS. B, ENVIRONMENTAL, vol. 129, pp. 287-293 (ISSN 0926-3373)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/33196
2013 Journal Article Michela Signoretto ; Federica Menegazzo ; Valentina Trevisan ; Francesco Pinna ; Maela Manzoli and Flora Boccuzzi Investigation on the Stability of Supported Gold Nanoparticles in CATALYSTS, vol. 3, pp. 656-670 (ISSN 2073-4344)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/37785
2013 Journal Article N. Gemo; P. Biasi; P. Canu; F. Menegazzo; F. Pinna; A. Samikannu; K. Korda´s; T. O. Salmi; J.-P. Mikkola Reactivity Aspects of SBA15-Based Doped Supported Catalysts: H2O2 Direct Synthesis and Disproportionation Reactions in TOPICS IN CATALYSIS, vol. 56, pp. 540-549 (ISSN 1022-5528)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/37939
2013 Journal Article P. Biasi; F. Menegazzo; P. Canu; F. Pinna; T. O. Salmi Role of a funzionalized polymer (K2621) and an inorganic material (sulphated zirconia) as supports in hydrogen peroxide direct sybthesis in a continuous reactor. in INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, vol. 52, pp. 15472-15480 (ISSN 0888-5885)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/38429
2013 Journal Article F. Pinna; A. Olivo; V. Trevisan; F. Menegazzo; M. Signoretto; M. Manzoli; F. Boccuzzi The effects of gold nanosize for the exploitation of furfural by selective oxidation in CATALYSIS TODAY, vol. 203, pp. 196-201 (ISSN 0920-5861)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/28511
2013 Abstract in Atti di convegno V. Nichele; A. Iwanska; M. Signoretto; F. Menegazzo; I. Rossetti; G. Cruciani; F. Vindigni; G. Cerrato “Effect of Ca-doping on coke resistance of Ni/ZrO2 catalysts in ethanol steam reforming:” , GIC2013 – XVII National Congress of Catalysis and XI National Congress of Zeolites Science and Technology “, -, Convegno: GIC2013 – XVII National Congress of Catalysis and XI National Congress of Zeolites Science and Technology “, 15-18 Settembre
- ARCA card: 10278/29948
2013 Abstract in Atti di convegno M. Manzoli; G. Cerrato; F. Boccuzzi; F. Menegazzo; M. Signoretto; F. Pinna “Effect of acid-base properties of highly dispersed gold catalysts in the oxidative esterification of renewable furfural“ , 7th International Symphosium on Acid-Base Catalysis - 7th ABC“, 7th International Symphosium on Acid-Base Catalysis - 7th ABC“, Convegno: • “ 7th International Symphosium on Acid-Base Catalysis - 7th ABC“, 12-15 Maggio 2013
- ARCA card: 10278/28840
2013 Abstract in Atti di convegno F. Menegazzo; M. Signoretto; F. Pinna; M. Manzoli; G. Cerrato; V. Aina; F. Boccuzzi “Gold based catalysts for the oxidative esterification of renewable furfural” , GIC2013 – XVII National Congress of Catalysis and XI National Congress of Zeolites Science and Technology “, -, Convegno: GIC2013 – XVII National Congress of Catalysis and XI National Congress of Zeolites Science and Technology “, 15-15 Settembre
- ARCA card: 10278/29873
2013 Abstract in Atti di convegno V. Nichele; A. Iwanska; M. Signoretto; F. Menegazzo; I. Rossetti; G. Cruciani; F. Vindigni; G. Cerrato “Ni/ZrO2 catalysts for ethanol steam reforming: effect of Ca-doping” , Europa Cat XIth: 20 years of European Catalysis... and beyond”, 11th EUROPEAN CONGRESS ON CATALYSIS – EuropaCat-XI, Convegno: “Ni/ZrO2 catalysts for ethanol steam reforming: effect of Ca-doping”, 1-6 Settembre
- ARCA card: 10278/3822
2013 Abstract in Atti di convegno F. Menegazzo; M. Signoretto; F. Pinna; M. Manzoli; G. Cerrato; F. Boccuzzi “Oxidative esterification of renewable furfural on gold based catalysts: the role of the support ” , Europa Cat XIth: 20 years of European Catalysis... and beyond”, 11th EUROPEAN CONGRESS ON CATALYSIS – EuropaCat-XI, Convegno: Europa Cat XIth: 20 years of European Catalysis... and beyond”, 1- 6 Settembre 2013
- ARCA card: 10278/3814
2012 Journal Article P. Biasi; P. Canu; F. Menegazzo; F. Pinna; T. Salmi Direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide in a trickle bed reactor: comparison of Pd-based catalysts in INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, vol. 51, pp. 8883-8890 (ISSN 0888-5885)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/34191
2012 Journal Article F. Menegazzo; M. Signoretto; T. Fantinel; F. Pinna; P. Canton; N. Pernicone Fast determination of metal nanosize for catalytic applications in SCIENCES AT CÀ FOSCARI, vol. 1, pp. 87-94 (ISSN 2281-8170)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/37313
2012 Journal Article V. NICHELE; M. SIGNORETTO; F. MENEGAZZO; A. GALLO; V. DAL SANTO; G. CRUCIANI; G. CERRATO Glycerol steam reforming for hydrogen production: Design of Ni supported catalysts in APPLIED CATALYSIS. B, ENVIRONMENTAL, vol. 111-112, pp. 225-232 (ISSN 0926-3373)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/31125
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/31753
2012 Journal Article F. Menegazzo; M. Signoretto; F. Pinna; P. Canton; N. Pernicone Optimization of bimetallic dry reforming catalysts by temperature programmed reaction in APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL, vol. 439-440, pp. 80-87 (ISSN 0926-860X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/35386
2012 Journal Article F. MENEGAZZO; M. SIGNORETTO; G. FRISON; F. PINNA; G. STRUKUL; M. MANZOLI; F. BOCCUZZI When high metal dispersion has a detrimental effect: Hydrogen peroxide direct synthesis under very mild and nonexplosive conditions catalyzed by Pd supported on silica in JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, vol. 290, pp. 143-150 (ISSN 0021-9517)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/29709
2012 Article in Conference Proceedings F. Pinna; M. Signoretto; F. Menegazzo;T. Fantinel; M. Manzoli; F.Boccuzzi Au/ZrO2: an efficient catalyst for an industrial chemistry based on renewable resources , 15th International Congress on Catalysis, ICC, Convegno: 15th ICC, 1-6 July, 2012
- ARCA card: 10278/37246
2012 Article in Conference Proceedings V. NICHELE; M. SIGNORETTO; F. MENEGAZZO; F. PINNA; I. ROSSETTI; G. CRUCIANI; G. CERRATO Effects of the Synthesis Parameters on Ni/TiO2 Catalysts for Ethanol Steam Reforming , Le Sfide della Chimica Industriale per una Innovazione Sostenibile, SCI- Divisione Chim. Ind., Convegno: XVIII Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Industriale della Società Chimica Italiana, 11-12 Giugno 2012
- ARCA card: 10278/33995
2012 Article in Conference Proceedings I. ROSSETTI; C. BIFFI; C.L. BIANCHI; V. NICHELE; M. SIGNORETTO; F. MENEGAZZO; E. FINOCCHIO; G. RAMIS; A. DI MICHELE Ni/SiO2 and Ni/ZrO2 Catalysts for the Steam Reforming of Ethanol , Le Sfide della Chimica Industriale per una Innovazione Sostenibile, SCI, Convegno: XVIII Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Industriale della Società Chimica Italiana, 11-14 Giugno 2012
- ARCA card: 10278/30510
2012 Article in Conference Proceedings V. Nichele; M. Signoretto; F. Menegazzo; F. Pinna; I. Rossetti; C. Biffi; G. Cruciani; G. Cerrato Ni/TiO2 for ethanol steam reforming: which is the best synthetic approach? , 15th International Congress on Catalysis, ICC, Convegno: 15th ICC, 1-6 July, 2012
- ARCA card: 10278/37064
2011 Journal Article P. Biasi; F. Menegazzo; F. Pinna; K. Eranen; T. Salmi; P. Canu Continuous H2O2 direct synthesis overPdAu catalysts in CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, vol. 176-177, pp. 172-177 (ISSN 1385-8947)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/28172
2011 Article in Conference Proceedings M. SIGNORETTO; V. NICHELE; F. MENEGAZZO; F. PINNA; A.GALLO;V. DAL SANTO; G. CERRATO Effect of the support on Ni catalytic performance in glycerol steam reforming , XXIV Congresso nazionale della società chimica italiana SCI2011, SCI, pp. 619, Convegno: XXIV Congresso nazionale della società chimica italiana SCI2011, 11-16 Settembre 2011 (ISBN 9788883050855)
- ARCA card: 10278/27659
2011 Article in Conference Proceedings M. SIGNORETTO; V. NICHELE; F. MENEGAZZO; F. PINNA; A. GALLO; V. DAL SANTO; G. CERRATO Ni catalysts for hydrogen production through glycerol steam reforming: effect of the support , Europa Cat X: Catalysis across the disciplines, Europacat X, Convegno: Europa Cat X: Catalysis across the disciplines, 28 Agosto- 2 Settembre 2011
- ARCA card: 10278/27661
2011 Article in Conference Proceedings M. SIGNORETTO; F. MENEGAZZO; F. PINNA; M. MANZOLI; F. BOCCUZZI… On the regeneration of gold nanoparticles for the selective oxidation of furfural , XXIV Congresso nazionale della società chimica italiana SCI2011, SCI, pp. 645, Convegno: XXIV Congresso nazionale della società chimica italiana SCI2011, 11-16 Settembre 2011 (ISBN 9788883050855)
- ARCA card: 10278/27658
2011 Article in Conference Proceedings F. BOCCUZZI; A. CHIORINO; M. MANZOLI; F. MENEGAZZO; F. PINNA; M. SIGNORETTO; V. TREVISAN; F.VINDIGNI Role of the size of gold particles for selective oxidations with molecular O2 , Faraday discussion, -, Convegno: Faraday discussion, 4-6 luglio 2011
- ARCA card: 10278/27662
2011 Article in Conference Proceedings F. PINNA; A. OLIVO; V. TREVISAN ; F. MENEGAZZO; M. SIGNORETTO ; M. MANZOLI; F. BOCCUZZI The effects of gold nanosize for the exploitation of furfural by selective oxidation , Europa Cat X: Catalysis across the disciplines, Europacat X, Convegno: Europa Cat X: Catalysis across the disciplines, 28 Agosto- 2 Settembre 2011
- ARCA card: 10278/27660
2010 Journal Article MANZOLI M.; BOCCUZZI F.; TREVISAN V.; MENEGAZZO F.; SIGNORETTO M.; PINNA F. Au/ZrO2 catalysts for LT-WGSR: active role of sulfates during gold deposition in APPLIED CATALYSIS. B, ENVIRONMENTAL, vol. 96, pp. 28-33 (ISSN 0926-3373)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3608
2010 Journal Article P. Blasi; F. Menegazzo; F. Pinna; K. Eranen; P. Canu; T. Salmi Hydrogen peroxide direct synthesis: Selectivity enhancement in a trickle bed reactor. in INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, vol. 49, pp. 10627-10632 (ISSN 0888-5885)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/23917
2010 Journal Article E. GHEDINI; F. MENEGAZZO; M. SIGNORETTO; M. MANZOLI; F. PINNA; G. STRUKUL Mesoporous silica as supports for Pd catalyzed H2O2 direct synthesis: Effect of the textural properties of the support on the activity and selectivity in JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, vol. 273, pp. 266-273 (ISSN 0021-9517)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/29540
2010 Article in Conference Proceedings V.TREVISAN; L.VISENTIN; F.MENEGAZZO; M.SIGNORETTO; F.PINNA DOPED TITANIA PHOTOCATALYSTS FOR NOx ABATEMENT , XVI Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi GIC 2010., -, Convegno: XVI Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi GIC 2010.
- ARCA card: 10278/25795
2010 Article in Conference Proceedings F. MENEGAZZO; V. NICHELE; M. SIGNORETTO; F. PINNA; N. PERNICONE FAST DETERMINATION OF METAL NANOSIZE FOR CATALYTIC APPLICATION , Nanotechitaly, -, pp. 198-198, Convegno: Nanotechitaly2010
- ARCA card: 10278/25417
- ARCA card: 10278/22210
2010 Article in Conference Proceedings F. Menegazzo; E. Ghedini; M. Signoretto; M. Manzoli; F. Pinna; G. Strukul Mesoporous silica as supports for Pd catalyzed H2O2 direct synthesis , XVI Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi GIC 2010, GIC, Convegno: XVI Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi GIC 2010, 19-23/09/2010
- ARCA card: 10278/23857
2010 Article in Conference Proceedings F. MENEGAZZO; M.SIGNORETTO; F. PINNA; N. PERNICONE Methane conversion to synthesis gas by CO2 reforming over bimetallic Ni-Pt and Ni-Pd catalysts , NGCS 2010 9th Novel gas conversion symposium, Lyon, France 2010, -, Convegno: NGCS 2010 9th Novel gas conversion symposium,, 2010
- ARCA card: 10278/26306
- ARCA card: 10278/24884
2009 Journal Article F. MENEGAZZO; M. SIGNORETTO; M. MANZOLI; F. BOCCUZZI; G. CRUCIANI; F. PINNA; STRUKUL G. Influence of the preparation method on the morphological and composition properties of Pd-Au/ZrO2 catalysts and their effect on the direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide from hydrogen and oxygen in JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, vol. 268, pp. 122-130 (ISSN 0021-9517)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/31829
2009 Journal Article F. ZANE; V. TREVISAN; PINNA F.; M. SIGNORETTO; F. MENEGAZZO Investigation on gold dispersion of Au/ZrO2 catalysts and activity in the low-temperature WGS reaction in APPLIED CATALYSIS. B, ENVIRONMENTAL, vol. 89, pp. 303-308 (ISSN 0926-3373)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/19426
2009 Journal Article G. BERNADOTTO; F. MENEGAZZO; F. PINNA; M. SIGNORETTO; G. CRUCIANI; STRUKUL G. New Pd-Pt and Pd-Au catalysts for an efficient synthesis of H2O2 from H2 and O2 under very mild conditions in APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL, vol. 358, pp. 129-135 (ISSN 0926-860X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/18854
2009 Journal Article A. CHIORINO; M. MANZOLI; F. MENEGAZZO; M. SIGNORETTO; F. VINDIGNI; PINNA F.; F. BOCCUZZI New insight on the nature of catalytically active gold sites: quantitative CO chemisorption data and analysis of FTIR spectra of adsorbed CO and of isotopic mixtures in JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, vol. 262, pp. 169-176 (ISSN 0021-9517)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/31685
2009 Journal Article F. MENEGAZZO; F. PINNA; M.SIGNORETTO; V. TREVISAN; F. BOCCUZZI; A. CHIORINO; M. MANZOLI Quantitative determination of sites able to chemisorb CO on Au/ZrO2 catalysts in APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL, vol. 356, pp. 31-35 (ISSN 0926-860X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/19066
2009 Article in Conference Proceedings M. SIGNORETTO; F. MASSACCESI; V. TREVISAN; F. MENEGAZZO; PINNA F.; M. MANZOLI; F. BOCCUZZI Au/ZrO2 catalysts for LT_WGSR: active role of sulphates during the gold deposition , EuropCat IX, -, Convegno: Europaca tIX, 30/08-4/09
- ARCA card: 10278/21888
2009 Article in Conference Proceedings F. MENEGAZZO; M. SIGNORETTO; V. TREVISAN; PINNA F. Gold nanoparticles as catalysts for low-temperature WGS reaction , Nanotech 2009, -, Convegno: Nanotech 2009, 31/03 - 03/04 - 2009
- ARCA card: 10278/21891
2009 Article in Conference Proceedings E. GHEDINI; M. SIGNORETTO; F. MENEGAZZO; PINNA F.; G. STRUKUL; M. MANZOLI; F. BOCCUZZI Influence of preparation procedure on physical and catalytic properties of zirconia supported Pd-Au samples , XXIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, SCI, Convegno: XXIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, 5-10 luglio
- ARCA card: 10278/21890
2009 Article in Conference Proceedings F. BOCCUZZI; A. CHIORINO; M. MANZOLI; F. MENEGAZZO; PINNA F.; M. SIGNORETTO; F. VINDIGNI New insight on the nature of catalylically active gold sites: analysis of FTIR CO spectra & of quantitative CO chemisorption data , The 5Th International Conference on Gold Science, Technology and applications, -, Convegno: The 5Th International Conference on Gold Science, Technology and applications, 26-29 Luglio 2009
- ARCA card: 10278/21887
2009 Article in Conference Proceedings PINNA F.; M. SIGNORETTO; F. MENEGAZZO; G. STRUKUL; M. MANZOLI; F. BOCCUZZI Palladium-gold catalysts for H2O2 direct synthesis at room temperature and atmospheric pressure , 21st North American Meeting of the Catalysis Society, American Chemical Society, Convegno: 21st North American Meeting of the Catalysis Society, 7-12 giugno 2009
- ARCA card: 10278/22149
2009 Article in Conference Proceedings F. MENEGAZZO; M. SIGNORETTO; PINNA F.; G. STRUKUL; M. MANZOLI; F. BOCCUZZI Pd-Au catalysts: influence of preparation procedure on H2O2 direct synthesis , EuropCat IX, -, Convegno: Europacat IX, 30/8-04/9
- ARCA card: 10278/22142
2008 Journal Article F. MENEGAZZO; P. CANTON; PINNA F.; N. PERNICONE Bimetallic Pd-Au catalysts for benzaldehyde hydrogenation: Effects of preparation and of sulfur poisoning in CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 9, pp. 2353-2356 (ISSN 1566-7367)
- ARCA card: 10278/17837
2008 Journal Article F. MENEGAZZO; P. BURTI; M. SIGNORETTO; M. MANZOLI; S. VANKOVA; F. BOCCUZZI; F. PINNA; STRUKUL G. Effect of the Addition of Au in Zirconia and Ceria Supported Pd Catalysts for the Direct Synthesis of Hydrogen Peroxide in JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, vol. 257, pp. 369-381 (ISSN 0021-9517)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/31994
2008 Journal Article F. MENEGAZZO; F. PINNA; M.SIGNORETTO; V. TREVISAN; F. BOCCUZZI; A. CHIORINO; M. MANZOLI Highly Dispersed Gold on Zirconia: Characterization and Activity in Low-Temperature Water Gas Shift Tests in CHEMSUSCHEM, vol. 1(4), pp. 320-326 (ISSN 1864-5631)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/29552
2008 Article in Conference Proceedings F. MENEGAZZO; M.SIGNORETTO; G. BERNARDOTTO; F. PINNA; G. STRUKUL Bimetallic Pd-Me (Me=Au,Pt) catalysts in te direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide , Catalysis as the Pivotal Technology for the Future Society, SEOUL, Sang H. Moon, pp. 496, Convegno: 14 th ICC, 13-18 July
- ARCA card: 10278/17889
2008 Article in Conference Proceedings F. MENEGAZZO; G. BERNARDOTTO; E. GHEDINI; PINNA F.; G. STRUKUL EFFECT OF ADDITION OF A SECOND METAL TO Pd BASED CATALYST FOR H2O2 DIRECT SYNTHESIS , Abstracts of 14th ICC, pp. P-24, Convegno: XVII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale, 30/06-03/07 2008
- ARCA card: 10278/17283
2008 Article in Conference Proceedings V.TREVISAN; F. MENEGAZZO; M.SIGNORETTO; F. PINNA; M. MANZOLI; F. BOCCUZZI Quantitative determination of gold active sites on Au/ZrO2 catalysts , Energia, materiali e prodotti da tecnologie e processi eco-sostenibili, GENOVA, pp. 124, Convegno: XVII Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Industriale, 30 Giugno - 3 Luglio 2008
- ARCA card: 10278/17932
2008 Article in Conference Proceedings F. PINNA; T. FANTINEL; F. MENEGAZZO; M.SIGNORETTO; N. PERNICONE The Industrial Pd catalyst for PTA from the cradle to the grave , Catalysis as the Pivotal Technology for the Future Society, SEOUL, Sang H. Moon, pp. 416, Convegno: 14 th ICC, 13-18 July
- ARCA card: 10278/17890
2007 Journal Article F. MENEGAZZO; T. FANTINEL; M.SIGNORETTO; F. PINNA Metal dispersion and distribution in Pd-based PTA catalysts in CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 8, pp. 876-879 (ISSN 1566-7367)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/29230
2007 Article in Conference Proceedings F. MENEGAZZO; F. PINNA; M.SIGNORETTO; G. STRUKUL Direct Synthesis of hydrogen peroxide on bimetallic Pd-Au Catalysts under mild conditions , Catalysis: the Key for innovation in the chemical industry, SCI-GIC, Convegno: XV Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi-GIC2007, 10-14 Giugno
- ARCA card: 10278/18249
2007 Article in Conference Proceedings M.SIGNORETTO; F. ZANE; V. TREVISAN; F. MENEGAZZO; F. PINNA Gold catalysts for low temperature WGS reaction , Catalysis: the Key for innovation in the chemical industry, pp. O31, Convegno: XV Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi-GIC 2007, 10-14 Giugno
- ARCA card: 10278/18252
2007 Article in Conference Proceedings F. MENEGAZZO; F. PINNA; M.SIGNORETTO; G. STRUKUL; F. BOCCUZZI; M. MANZOLI; S. VANKOVA Mono e bimetallic Pd-Au catalysts for the direct synthesis of H2O2 , Catalysis -from theory to industrial practice, pp. P2-55, Convegno: EuropacatVIII, 26-31 August
- ARCA card: 10278/18250
2006 Journal Article S. MELADA; R. RIODA; F. MENEGAZZO; F. PINNA; STRUKUL G. Direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide on zirconia-supported catalysts under mild conditions in JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, vol. 239, pp. 422-430 (ISSN 0021-9517)
- ARCA card: 10278/29666
2006 Journal Article F. MENEGAZZO; M. MANZOLI; A. CHIORINO; F. BOCCUZZI; T. TABAKOVA; M. SIGNORETTO; PINNA F.; N. PERNICONE Quantitative determination of gold active sites by chemisorption and by infrared measurements of adsorbed CO in JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, vol. 237, pp. 431-434 (ISSN 0021-9517)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/30386
2006 Article in Conference Proceedings F. MENEGAZZO; F. PINNA; V. TREVISAN; M.SIGNORETTO; F. BOCCUZZI; M. MANZOLI Highly dispersed old on zirconia and sulphated zirconia for low temperature WGS reaction , La Chimica e le grandi domande della scienza e della società l'eredità di Avogadro, pp. IND-P-11, Convegno: XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana SCI 2006, 10-15 Settembre
- ARCA card: 10278/18255
2006 Article in Conference Proceedings F. MENEGAZZO; PINNA F.; M. SIGNORETTO; V. TREVISAN; F. BOCCUZZI; F. Vindigni; M. MANZOLI Low-temperature WGS reaction on highly dispersed Au/ZrO2 and Au/ZrO2-SO4 , XXII Congresso Nazionale della SCI, Convegno: XXII Congresso Nazionale della SCI
- ARCA card: 10278/8751
2006 Article in Conference Proceedings F. MENEGAZZO; PINNA F.; M. SIGNORETTO; V. TREVISAN; F. BOCCUZZI; F. VINDIGNI; M. MANZOLI Low-temperature WGS reaction on highly dispersed Au/ZrO2 and Au/ZrO2-SO4 , Gold 2006 conference, Convegno: Gold 2006 conference
- ARCA card: 10278/8750
2006 Article in Conference Proceedings F. MENEGAZZO; F. PINNA; M.SIGNORETTO; F. BOCCUZZI; M. MANZOLI; S. VANKOVA Mono and Bimetallic Pd-Au Supported Catalysts for the Direct Synthesis of hydrogen Peroxide , La Chimica e le grandi domande della scienza e della società l'eredità di Avogadro, pp. IND-P-12, Convegno: XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana SCI 2006, 10-15 Settembre
- ARCA card: 10278/18254
2005 Article in Conference Proceedings F. MENEGAZZO; PINNA F.; M.SIGNORETTO; F.BOCCUZZI; A.CHIORINO; M.MANZOLI; N.PERNICONE Gold active sites on Au/TiO2, Au/Fe2O3 and Au/CeO2 measured by CO chemisorption , EuropCat VII., Convegno: EuropCat VII
- ARCA card: 10278/8748
2005 Article in Conference Proceedings F. MENEGAZZO; PINNA F.; N. PERNICONE Methane conversion to synthesis gas by CO2 reforming over bimetallic Pt-Ni catalysts , 16° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale, Convegno: 16° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale
- ARCA card: 10278/9359
2005 Article in Conference Proceedings F. MENEGAZZO; PINNA F.; M. SIGNORETTO; N. PERNICONE On the preparation of Pd-based PTA catalysts , EuropCat VII, Convegno: EuropCat VII
- ARCA card: 10278/9406
2003 Journal Article CANTON P.; MENEGAZZO F; POLIZZI S; PINNA F; PERNICONE N; RIELLO P; FAGHERAZZI G Structure and size of poly-domain Pd nanoparticles supported on silica in CATALYSIS LETTERS, vol. 88, pp. 141-145 (ISSN 1011-372X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/38736
2003 Article in Conference Proceedings P.CANTON; F.MENEGAZZO; PINNA F.; N.PERNICONE; P.RIELLO; S.POLIZZI; G.FAGHERAZZI Pd/CO average chemisorption stoichiometry in nanosize Pd/silica catalysts , Europacat VI, Convegno: EuropCat VI
- ARCA card: 10278/9349
2002 Journal Article CANTON P.; MENEGAZZO F.; SIGNORETTO M.; PINNA F.; RIELLO P.; BENEDETTI A.; PERNICONE N. Influence of preparation procedure on physical and catalytic properties of carbon supported Pd-Au catalysts in STUDIES IN SURFACE SCIENCE AND CATALYSIS, vol. 143, pp. 1011-1018 (ISSN 0167-2991)
- ARCA card: 10278/38818
2002 Journal Article CANTON P.; FAGHERAZZI G.; BATTAGLIARIN M.; MENEGAZZO F.; PINNA F.; PERNICONE N. The Pd/CO average chemisorption stoichiometry in highly dispersed supported Pd/γ-Al2O3 catalysts in LANGMUIR, vol. 18, pp. 6530-6535 (ISSN 0743-7463)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/14123
2002 Article in Conference Proceedings P. CANTON; F. MENEGAZZO; M. SIGNORETTO; PINNA F.; P. RIELLO; A. BENEDETTI; N. PERNICONE Influence of preparation procedure on physical and catalytic properties of carbon-supported Pd-Au catalysts , VIII Int. Symposium on ''Scientific Bases for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysis'', Convegno: VIII Int. Symposium on ''Scientific Bases for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysis'', SEPTEMBER 9-12, 2002
- ARCA card: 10278/8105
2002 Article in Conference Proceedings F. MENEGAZZO; P. CANTON; N. PERNICONE; PINNA F. Pd-Au bimetallic catalysts for aldehyde hydrogenation , XII Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, Convegno: XII Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi
- ARCA card: 10278/8102
2001 Journal Article PINNA F.; MENEGAZZO F.; SIGNORETTO M.; CANTON P.; FAGHERAZZI G.; PERNICONE N. Consecutive hydrogenation of benzaldehyde over Pd catalysts: Influence of supports and sulfur poisoning in APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL, vol. 219, pp. 195-200 (ISSN 0926-860X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/14086
2001 Article in Conference Proceedings PINNA F.; F.MENEGAZZO; M.SIGNORETTO; P.CANTON; G.FAGHERAZZI; N.PERNICONE Consecutive hydrogenation of benzaldehyde over Pd catalysts. Influence of supports and sulphur poisoning , EUROPACAT V, Convegno: EUROPACAT V
- ARCA card: 10278/8101
2001 Article in Conference Proceedings PINNA F.; M. SIGNORETTO; F. MENEGAZZO; P. CANTON; G. FAGHERAZZI; N. PERNICONE Influence of the carrier and of sulfur poisoning on the hydrogenating activity of Pd catalysts , 17th North American Meeting of the Catalysis Society, Convegno: 17th North American Meeting of the Catalysis Society
- ARCA card: 10278/8057
2000 Journal Article ALBERTIN G; ANTONIUTTI S; BORDIGNON E.; MENEGAZZO F Synthesis and Reactivity of Hydrazine Complexes of Iridium(III) in DALTON, pp. 1181-1189 (ISSN 1470-479X)
- ARCA card: 10278/12905
2000 Article in Conference Proceedings M. SIGNORETTO; F. MENEGAZZO; L. ROMOR; PINNA F.; P. CANTON; G. FAGHERAZZI; N. PERNICONE Consecutive hydrogenation of benzaldehyde over Pd catalysts. Influence of supports and sulfur poisoning , V° Congresso Nazionale di Scienza e Tecnologia delle Zeoliti e 12° Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, Convegno: V° Congresso Nazionale di Scienza e Tecnologia delle Zeoliti e 12° Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, 1-5 OTTOBRE 2000
- ARCA card: 10278/8055