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Venice School of Management
Where: San Giobbe


Year Type Publication
Year Type Publication
2024 Journal Article Marta Pittavino; Bruno Arpino; Elena Pirani Kinlessness at older ages: Prevalence and heterogeneity in 27 countries in JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY SERIES B-PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, vol. 10 (ISSN 1079-5014)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5082273
2024 Book Article Marta Pittavino Comparison of Statistical Methodologies for Philanthropic Studies , Philanthropy: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Routledge (ISBN 9781032903019)
- ARCA card: 10278/5081361
2024 Book Article Marta Pittavino; Giedre Lideikyte-Huber Forecasting Geneva's donors and their charitable deductions , Methodological and Applied Statistics and Demography IV, Alessio Pollice, Paolo Mariani (ISBN 978-3-031-64446-7)
- ARCA card: 10278/5081081
2024 Working paper Marta Pittavino; Giedre Lideikyte-Huber Charitable Donations and Wealth: Effect of a Legal Reform of Tax Incentives on Regular Donors
- ARCA card: 10278/5057005
2024 Working paper Marta Pittavino; Bruno Arpino; Elena Pirani Kinlessness at older ages: Prevalence and heterogeneity in 27 countries
- ARCA card: 10278/5052700
2023 Journal Article Kratzer G.; Lewis F.; Comin A.; Pittavino M.; Furrer R. Additive Bayesian Network Modeling with the R Package abn in JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL SOFTWARE, vol. 105, pp. 1-41 (ISSN 1548-7660)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5046064
2023 Journal Article Gosetto Laetitia; Pittavino Marta; Falquet Gilles; Ehrler Frederic Personalization of Mobile Apps for Health Behavior Change: Protocol for a Cross-sectional Study in JMIR RESEARCH PROTOCOLS, vol. 12, pp. 1-8 (ISSN 1929-0748)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5051341
2023 Book Article Niccolò Ducci, Leonardo Grilli, Marta Pittavino A comparison between the varying-thresholds model and quantile regression , CLADAG 2023 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS AND SHORT PAPERS, Carla Rampichini, Michele La Rocca, Pietro Coreto, Giuseppe Giordano, Maria Lucia Parrella (ISBN 9788891935632)
- ARCA card: 10278/5051340
2023 Book Article Marta Pittavino; Bruno Arpino; Elena Pirani Kinlessness in adult and old age across Europe , SIS 2023 Book of Short Papers Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Francesco Maria Chelli, Mariateresa Ciommi, Salvatore Ingrassia, Francesca Mariani, Maria Cristina Recchioni (ISBN 9788891935618)
- ARCA card: 10278/5051360
2023 Working paper Marta Pittavino; Giedre Lideikyte-Huber Charitable deductions: modelling of longitudinal taxpayers' data for time-regularity estimation and future predictions
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5085069
2022 Journal Article Wang J.; Kuang Y.; Shen S.; Price M.J.; Lu J.; Sattar N.; He J.; Pittavino M.; Xia H.; Thomas G.N.; Qiu X.; Cheng K.K.; Nirantharakumar K. Association of maternal lipid levels with birth weight and cord blood insulin: A Bayesian network analysis in BMJ OPEN, vol. 12, pp. e064122 (ISSN 2044-6055)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5046066
2022 Journal Article Maji M.; Verhamme A.; Rosdahl J.; Garel T.; Blaizot J.; Mauerhofer V.; Pittavino M.; Victoria Feser M.-P.; Chuniaud M.; Kimm T.; Katz H.; Haehnelt M. Predicting Lyman-continuum emission of galaxies using their physical and Lyman-alpha emission properties in ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, vol. 663 (ISSN 0004-6361)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5046068
2022 Journal Article Lideikyte Huber G.; Pittavino M. Who donates and how? New evidence on the tax incentives in the canton of Geneva, Switzerland in JOURNAL OF EMPIRICAL LEGAL STUDIES, vol. 19, pp. 758-797 (ISSN 1740-1453)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5046067
2022 Working paper Pittavino, M.; Plummer, M.; Johansson, M.; Ferrari Pietro A Bayesian hierarchical framework to integrate dietary exposure and biomarker measurements into aetiological models
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5046063
2022 Working paper Maji, M.; Verhamme, A.; Rosdahl, J.; Garel, T.; Blaizot, J.; Mauerhofer, V.; Pittavino, M.; Feser, M.-P.V.; Chuniaud, M.; Kimm, T.; Katz, H.; Haehnelt, M. Predicting LyC emission of galaxies using their physical and Ly? emission properties (ISSN 2331-8422)
- ARCA card: 10278/5051342
2022 Working paper Laetitia Gosetto; Marta Pittavino; Gilles Falquet; Fr{\'{e}}d{\'{e}}ric Ehrler Validation of a Conceptual framework to Personalize a Mobile Application for Behavioral Change in the Health Domain: protocol for a cross-sectional study (Preprint)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5057003
2021 Journal Article Ochoa C.; Pittavino M.; Babo Martins S.; Alcoba G.; Bolon I.; Ruiz de Castaneda R.; Joost S.; Sharma S.K.; Chappuis F.; Ray N. Estimating and predicting snakebite risk in the Terai region of Nepal through a high-resolution geospatial and One Health approach in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, vol. 11, pp. 23868 (ISSN 2045-2322)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5046065
2021 Book Article Giedre Lideikyte Huber; Marta Pittavino; Henry Peter Tax Incentives for Charitable Giving: Evidence from the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland , The Routledge Handbook of Taxation and Philanthropy, Henry Peter, Giedre Lideikyte Huber (ISBN 9780367688288)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5046069
2021 Working paper Ochoa, C.; Pittavino, M.; Martins, S.B.; Alcoba, G.; Bolon, I.; de Casta{\~n}eda, R.R.; Joost, S.; Sanjib Sharma; Chappuis, F.; Ray, N. Estimating Snakebite Risk in the Terai, Nepal: A High-Resolution Geospatial and One Health Analysis
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5057001
2021 Working paper Lideikyte Huber, G.; Pittavino, M.; Peter, H. Tax Incentives for Charitable Giving: Evidence from the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland (ISSN 1556-5068)
- ARCA card: 10278/5053040
2020 Working paper Jingya Wang; Yashu Kuang; Malcolm Price; Jinhua Lu; Naveed Sattar; Jianrong He; Marta Pittavino; Songying Shen; Huimin Xia; Xiu Qiu; KK Cheng; Krishnarajah Nirantharakumar Maternal metabolic risk factors and their association with birthweight and cord blood insulin
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5057004
2019 Book Article Kratzer G.; Furrer R.; Pittavino M. Comparison between suitable priors for additive Bayesian networks , Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, GEWERBESTRASSE 11, CHAM, CH-6330, SWITZERLAND, Springer, vol. 296, pp. 95-104 (ISBN 978-3-030-30610-6; 978-3-030-30611-3) (ISSN 2194-1009)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5052320
2019 Working paper Kratzer, Gilles; Lewis, Fraser Iain; Comin, Arianna; Pittavino, Marta; Furrer, Reinhard Additive Bayesian Network Modelling with the R Package abn
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5052364
2018 Book Article Marta Pittavino; Reinhard Furrer Additive Bayesian networks for an epidemiological analysis of swine diseases , Book of Short Papers SIS 2018, Pearson (ISBN 9788891910233)
- ARCA card: 10278/5052361
2018 Working paper Kratzer, G.; Furrer, R.; Pittavino, M. Comparison between suitable priors for additive bayesian networks (ISSN 2331-8422)
- ARCA card: 10278/5052363
2017 Journal Article Pittavino M.; Dreyfus A.; Heuer C.; Benschop J.; Wilson Peter ; Collins-Emerson J.; Torgerson P.R.; Furrer R. Comparison between generalized linear modelling and additive Bayesian network; identification of factors associated with the incidence of antibodies against Leptospira interrogans sv Pomona in meat workers in New Zealand in ACTA TROPICA, vol. 173, pp. 191-199 (ISSN 0001-706X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5052322
2017 Journal Article Pittavino M.; Dreyfus A.; Heuer C.; Benschop J.; Wilson Peter; Collins-Emerson J.; Torgerson P.R.; Furrer R. Data on Leptospira interrogans sv Pomona infection in Meat Workers in New Zealand in DATA IN BRIEF, vol. 13, pp. 587-596 (ISSN 2352-3409)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5052323
2016 Tesi di Dottorato Pittavino; Marta Additive Bayesian networks for multivariate data: parameter learning, model fitting and applications in veterinary epidemiology , Universitaet Zuerich
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5052360
2016 Journal Article Hartnack S.; Springer S.; Pittavino M.; Grimm H. Attitudes of Austrian veterinarians towards euthanasia in small animal practice: Impacts of age and gender on views on euthanasia in BMC VETERINARY RESEARCH, vol. 12, pp. 26 (ISSN 1746-6148)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5052324
2016 Journal Article Van Der Lely S.; Stefanovic M.; Schmidhalter M.R.; Pittavino M.; Furrer R.; Liechti M.D.; Schubert M.; Kessler T.M.; Mehnert U. Protocol for a prospective, randomized study on neurophysiological assessment of lower urinary tract function in a healthy cohort in BMC UROLOGY, vol. 16, pp. 69 (ISSN 1471-2490)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5052325
2014 Journal Article Pittavino M.; Ferreri Luca; Giacobini M.; Bertolotti L.; Rosati S.; Venturino E. A CAEV epidemiological model for goat breeding in APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, vol. 227, pp. 156-163 (ISSN 0096-3003)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5052300
2012 Book Article Monica Panero; Marta Pittavino GeoGebra e le curve di Bézier , Le curve di Bézier sono delle importanti curve parametriche, studiate nel campo matematico dell’Analisi Numerica, molto utilizzate nella Computer Grafica. Esse prendono il nome dall’ingegnere francese Pierre Bézier che nel 1962 le usò per disegnare le carrozzerie delle automobili, ma vennero realizzate già nel 1959 da Paul de Casteljau utilizzando l’algoritmo che porta il suo nome. Le grandi potenzialità del software GeoGebra consentono di disegnare queste curve sia attraverso un metodo grafico, sia con l’utilizzo dell’algoritmo di de Casteljau. GeoGebra infatti permette di lavorare simultaneamente in diversi ambiti matematici, quali l'Algebra e la Geometria, mentre l'uso del foglio elettronico, fornendo anche una simultanea visualizzazione grafico-geometrica degli oggetti, facilita la comprensione delle proprietà algebriche. Sfruttando le proprietà dinamiche del software è inoltre possibile realizzare costruzioni che riproducano passo a passo gli algoritmi studiati e, trascinando gli enti geometrici che intervengono nella costruzione, avere un riscontro immediato su come essa si modifica. Il lavoro “GeoGebra e le curve di Bézier” verte in particolare su due differenti procedimenti che possono essere seguiti per disegnare le curve di Bézier mediante tale software. Il primo consiste nel costruire le curve quadratiche come inviluppo delle tangenti partendo da tre punti di controllo; nel secondo metodo viene applicato esplicitamente l’algoritmo di de Casteljau per disegnare una curva cubica partendo da quattro punti di controllo., Robutti O, and Mosca M (ISBN 978-88-88479-25-5)
- ARCA card: 10278/5057006
2012 Abstract in Atti di convegno Pittavino, Marta; Ferreri, Luca; Venturino, Ezio; Giacobini, Mario; Bertolotti, Luigi; Rosati, Sergio Influence of Small Ruminant Lentivirus infection on the replacement rate in goat breeding , HYSTRIX, The Italian Journal of Mammology, HYSTRIX, pp. 1-1, Convegno: VIII Congresso Nazionale di Teriologia
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5052362
2011 Journal Article Ajraldi V.; Pittavino M.; Venturino E. Modeling herd behavior in population systems in NONLINEAR ANALYSIS: REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS, vol. 12, pp. 2319-2338 (ISSN 1468-1218)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5052321