Associate Professor
University Board of Sustainability
041 234 6688
Scientific sector (SSD)
Geografia economico-politica [GEOG-01/B]
Website (personal record)
Department of Economics
Where: San Giobbe
Research Institute
Research Institute for Green and Blue Growth

Office hours

Office hours
Please send an email to make an appointment
San Giobbe, Campus
Friday 14:00 Please book a slot via email with Annalisa
Annalisa is particularly interested in supervising dissertations (triennale e magistrale) on topics such as:
the production, circulation, commercialisation and consumption of commodities
Brands, branding and advertising
the geographies of food and eating
the geographies of meat and fish
the interrelation between nature, economy and technology
Agriculture, including animal husbandry, aquaculture, insect farming, cellular agriculture to produce meat, dairies, fish etc.
Pet economies and animal economies more generally
The creative economy, with a specific focus on the economies of entertainment and leisure (e.g., virtual reality, streaming services, video-gaming, social media, the circus)
Biotech enterprises and biotechnologies
The bioeconomy
Biopiracy and bioprospecting
The blue economy
Diverse and alternative economies
Non-western geographies of finance and consumption
The Cosmetic industry and/or nutraceuticals
The embodiment and incorporation of economic practices (the relationship between the body, production and consumption)
More-than-human/posthuman economic geographies
The relationship between economics and biopolitics
Critical approaches to tourism
The specific topic and cases studies, also beyond the topics above, can be discussed with Annalisa by sending an email to book a meeting during her office hours.

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