Master's Degree Programme in
Ancient Civilisations: Literature, History and Archaeology
Enrolment until 2024/2025

Faculty, bodies and student representatives

List of professors

List of all professors of the degree programme with office hours, teaching hours, notices etc.

Teaching committee

  • CALOI Ilaria (Coordinator) Teaching commitee coordinator, Archaeology plans of study/internships/ECTS recognition contact person
  • CAMEROTTO Alberto History-Philology final degree exams coordinator and plans of study/internships/ECTS recognitions coordinator
  • FERRI Margherita Archaeology labs, Archaeology plans of study/internships/ECTS recognitions
  • MAIOCCHI Massimo History-Philology Erasmus mobility and plans of study/internships/ECTS recognitions coordinator
  • VENUTI Martina Chiara History-Philology plans of study/internships/ECTS recognitions

Quality assurance group

Committees, commissions and student representatives