
09 Apr 2025 10:00

BEH Workshop | Conceptual History in Entrepreneurship Research

Campus San Giobbe - Aula Saraceno | Online

Questo incontro è parte della serie di workshop "BEH - Business & Economic History," organizzato in collaborazione il Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche, Geografiche e dell'Antichità dell'Università degli Studi di Padova.

Conceptual History in Entrepreneurship Research
Con Christina Lubinski, Copenhagen Business School
In conversazione con: Camilla Ferri, Nicolai Jepsen e Morten Tinning, Copenhagen Business School

Zoom Meeting
ID: 820 3086 7543
Passcode: jhxcq8

L'evento è rivolto a docenti, studentesse e studenti, PhD delle università di Venezia e Padova, e al pubblico interessato. 

The paper explores the value of conceptual history for entrepreneurship research, emphasizing how concepts evolve over time and serve as both markers and makers of change. While theory-driven research typically prioritizes conceptual clarity (Suddaby, 2010), this often strips constructs of their culturally embedded meanings and ignores how they evolve with lived experiences (Hargadon & Wadhwani, 2023). Conceptual history is an approach and a method that tackles this challenge. To illustrate conceptual history empirically, the paper traces the evolution of the concept of hype. Initially used in early 20th-century criminal subcultures to distinguish themselves from mainstream respectability, hype was later adopted by mid-century countercultures and, ultimately, by late 20th-century startup culture to contrast corporate norms (Wadhwani & Lubinski, 2025). The conceptual history of hype highlights key features of the historical evolution of entrepreneurship culture, including its emphasis on revolutionary futures, rule-breaking, and deviant authenticity. By historicizing entrepreneurial concepts, this paper contributes to critiques of entrepreneurship ideology (Caliskan & Lounsbury, 2022), revealing both its productive and destructive dimensions. It underscores the importance of understanding how vernacular concepts shape entrepreneurial thought and practice.



L'evento si terrà in inglese


Venice School of Management

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