
19 Mar 2025 15:30

BEH Workshop | Managing the austerity years. The case of the Catalonia’ Generalitat, 2011-2015

Campus San Giobbe - Aula Saraceno | Online

Questo incontro è parte della serie di workshop "BEH - Business & Economic History," organizzato in collaborazione il Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche, Geografiche e dell'Antichità dell'Università degli Studi di Padova.

Managing the austerity years. The case of the Catalonia’ Generalitat, 2011-2015
Con Albert Carreras, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Zoom Meeting
ID: 820 3086 7543
Passcode: jhxcq8

L'evento è rivolto a docenti, studentesse e studenti, PhD delle università di Venezia e Padova, e al pubblico interessato. 

The financial crisis that exploded in 2008 devastated most countries and governments, but Keynesian recovery policies helped make the impact shorter and less dangerous than the Great Depression. What was really without precedent was the sovereign debt crisis that started in Greece in 2010 and knocked down the Euro periphery. Spain suffered both crises. The experience at the Catalonia Generalitat during the whole 2011-2015 years, with a team made of university scholars (Andreu Mas-Colell, Ivan Planas and myself) was registered in a book (Turbulències I tribulacions. Els anys de les retallades; Edicions 62, Barcelona, 2018). As we enter, again, in dangerous waters, it is worth reassessing the austerity's lessons.


L'evento si terrà in inglese


Venice School of Management

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