
13 Mar 2025 15:00

Seminario di ricerca | Legitimizing Regeneration across Supply Networks

Campus San Giobbe - Aula Saraceno

Seminario: "Legitimizing Regeneration across Supply Networks: Insights from the Spanish Agriculture Industry"
Relatrice: Valentina De Marchi, Associate Professor, ESADE Business School


Amidst escalating environmental degradation, scholars and practitioners have proposed regenerative business practices to restore and sustain social-ecological systems. However, regeneration fundamentally departs from mainstream, individualistic and profit-centric business approaches in that it adopts a holistic system-centric view that goes beyond the individual organization, towards the entire supply network. Understanding how actors, especially those in peripheral positions, seek to gain internal and external legitimacy throughout the supply networks is thus crucial. We address this challenge by qualitative analysis of regenerative producers in Spain to identify supply network actors, investigating the nature of their strategies depending on the perceived ideological stance and proximity. Our research contributes to the nascent field of regenerative business by unveiling how peripheral actors live up to their systemic aspirations by seeking to legitimize regeneration throughout the entire supply networks they belong to.


Valentina De Marchi è Associate Professor presso il Dipartimento di Society, Politics and Sustainability di ESADE Business School, dove dirige anche il Center for Teaching and Learning.

I suoi interessi di ricerca si concentrano su:

  • Innovazioni ambientali e economia circolare nel contesto delle catene del valore globali
  • Approcci paradossali alla sostenibilità
  • Dinamiche di upgrading e downgrading ambientale nei diversi livelli delle catene del valore

Ha pubblicato in prestigiose riviste accademiche, tra cui:

  • Research Policy
  • Economic Geography
  • Journal of Business Ethics
  • Business Strategy & the Environment
  • International Journal of Production Economics

È stata riconosciuta tra il top 2% dei professori per impatto delle pubblicazioni ed è Deputy Editor del Journal of International Business Policy, oltre a far parte dell’Editorial Board di Organization & Environment e Journal of International Business Studies.

Contatti: Valentina De Marchi | ESADE Business School, Dept. of Society, Politics and Sustainability



L'evento si terrà in inglese


Venice School of Management

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