- Position
- Associate Professor
- Telephone
- 041 234 6936 / 041 234 6690
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Ricerca operativa [MATH-06/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/favaret (personal record)
- Office
Venice School of Management
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.management
Where: San Giobbe
Year | Type | Publication |
Year | Type | Publication |
2023 | Journal Article |
Favaretto, D; Marin, A; Tolotti, M A theoretical validation of the DDMRP reorder policy in COMPUTATIONAL MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, vol. 20, pp. 1-28 (ISSN 1619-697X) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5019742 |
2023 | Journal Article |
Andrea Ellero , Giovanni Fasano , Daniela Favaretto Mathematical Programming for the Dynamics of Opinion Diffusion in PHYSICS, vol. 5, pp. 936-951 (ISSN 2624-8174) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5035246 |
2021 | Working paper |
Daniela Favaretto, Alessandro Marin, Marco Tolotti A data-driven and risk-based prudential approach to validate the DDMRP planning and control system , vol. 9/2021, pp. 1-26 - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3746643 |
2020 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
Andrea Ellero , Giovanni Fasano , Daniela Favaretto An application of Linear Programming to sociophysics models in A. Ellero, G. Fasano, D. Favaretto, Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems and Processes - MACSPro’2020, Aachen, Alexander Shapoval, Victor Popov, vol. 2795, pp. 23-33, Convegno: Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems and Processes - MACSPro'2020 October 2020, 22-24 ottobre 2020 (ISSN 1613-0073) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3731585 |
2019 | Book Article |
Corazza M., Fasano G., Favaretto D., Giove S. Properties of some generalized means for positive sequences in =, Working Paper Series, Venezia, Dipartimento di Management, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, vol. 5/2019, pp. 1-14 (ISSN 2239-2734) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3724483 |
2018 | Journal Article |
Baldin, Andrea; Bille, Trine; Ellero, Andrea; Favaretto, Daniela Revenue and attendance simultaneous optimization in performing arts organizations in JOURNAL OF CULTURAL ECONOMICS, vol. 42, pp. 677-700 (ISSN 0885-2545) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3700575 |
2018 | Book Article |
DANIELA FAVARETTO; ALESSANDRO MARIN An empirical comparison study between DDMRP and MRP in Material Management in Department of Management, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Working paper 15/2018, Venezia, Dipartimento di Management, Unviversità Ca' Foscari Venezia, vol. 15/2018, pp. 1-11 (ISSN 2239-2734) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3713150 |
2016 | Journal Article |
Daniela Favaretto, Luca Grosset, Bruno Viscolani Advertising a social event in a heterogeneous market in JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY MATHEMATICS, vol. 19, pp. 999-1014 (ISSN 0972-0502) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3673403 |
2016 | Working paper |
Baldin, Andrea; Bille, Trine; Ellero, Andrea; Favaretto, Daniela Multiobjective optimization model for pricing and seat allocation in non profit performing arts organization , Venezia, Department of Management, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, vol. 20/2016, pp. 1-28 (ISSN 2239-2734) - ARCA card: 10278/3683126 |
2012 | Journal Article |
PELLEGRINI P.; FAVARETTO D. Quantifying the Exploration Performed by Metaheuristics in JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL & THEORETICAL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, vol. 24, pp. 247-266 (ISSN 0952-813X) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/26260 |
2012 | Book Article |
A. Borghesan; D. Favaretto; F. Mason Constrained matchings in bipartite graphs , Working Paper 22/2012, Venezia, Department of Management, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia., pp. 1-14 (ISSN 2239-2734) - ARCA card: 10278/37171 |
2011 | Book Article |
Favaretto D.; Grosset L.; Viscolani B. Advertising exposure for a seasonal good in a segmented market , working paper 11/2011, Venezia, Department of Management, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, vol. 11/2011, pp. 1-12 (ISSN 2239-2734) - ARCA card: 10278/28261 |
2010 | Book Article |
Pellegrini P.; Favaretto D. Preliminary Studies on a Variant of TSP for Servicing Printers and Copiers , Working paper 205/2010, Venezia, Applied Mathematics Department, University of Venice, vol. 205-2010, pp. 1-13 - ARCA card: 10278/24991 |
2010 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
PELLEGRINI P.; FAVARETTO D.; MORETTI E. Exploration in stochastic algorithms: an application on MAX-MIN ant system in Krasnogor N., Melian-Batista M. B., Moreno Pérez J. A., Moreno-Vega J. M., Pelta D. A., Nature inspired cooperative strategies for optimization (NICSO 2008), Berlin, Springer, vol. 236, pp. 1-13, Convegno: NICSO 2008, settembre 2008 (ISBN 9783642032103) - ARCA card: 10278/4020 |
2009 | Journal Article |
FAVARETTO D.; VISCOLANI B Advertising andproduction of a seasonal good for a heterogeneous market in 4OR, vol. 8, pp. 141-153 (ISSN 1619-4500) - ARCA card: 10278/29957 |
2009 | Journal Article |
FAVARETTO D.; MORETTI E.; PELLEGRINI P. On the Explorative Behavior of MAX-MIN Ant System in LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 5752/2009, pp. 115-119 (ISSN 0302-9743) - ARCA card: 10278/21418 |
2007 | Journal Article |
FAVARETTO D.; MORETTI E; PELLEGRINI P Ant colony system for a VRP with multiple time windows and multiple visits in JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY MATHEMATICS, vol. 10, 2, pp. 263-284 (ISSN 0972-0502) - ARCA card: 10278/25480 |
2007 | Journal Article |
PELLEGRINI P; FAVARETTO D.; MORETTI E Multiple ant colony optimization for a rich vehicle routing problem: a case study in LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 4693/2007, pp. 627-634 (ISSN 0302-9743) - ARCA card: 10278/15399 |
2007 | Journal Article |
CORAZZA M.; FAVARETTO D. On the existence of solutions to the quadratic mixed-integer mean-variance portfolio selection problem in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, vol. 176, pp. 1947-1960 (ISSN 0377-2217) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/31448 |
2007 | Working paper |
FAVARETTO D.; VISCOLANI B Advertising and production of a seasonal good for a heterogeneous market: from total segment separability to real media , vol. 155 - ARCA card: 10278/25560 |
2006 | Journal Article |
FAVARETTO D.; MORETTI E; PELLEGRINI P An ant colony system approach for variants of traveling salesman problem with time windows in JOURNAL OF INFORMATION & OPTIMIZATION SCIENCES, vol. 27, 1, pp. 35-54 (ISSN 0252-2667) - ARCA card: 10278/30111 |
2006 | Journal Article |
PELLEGRINI P; FAVARETTO D.; MORETTI E On max/min ant system's parameters in LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 4150/2006, pp. 203-214 (ISSN 0302-9743) - ARCA card: 10278/23131 |
2004 | Journal Article |
FAVARETTO D.; VISCOLANI B. A general model for the marketing of seasonal products in JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY MATHEMATICS, vol. 7-3, pp. 349-366 (ISSN 0972-0502) - ARCA card: 10278/28531 |
2004 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
FAVARETTO D; MASON F; TREVISAN G. Analisi dell’efficienza nel settore ittico , Trevisan G. (a cura di) Economia e politica della pesca e dell’acquacoltura: tesi a confronto, VENEZIA, Cafoscarina, Convegno: Economia e politica della pesca e dell’acquacoltura: tesi a confronto - ARCA card: 10278/8129 |
2004 | Other |
BURATTO A.; FAVARETTO D. An online approach for the scheduling of treatment modalities in a rehabilitation department , vol. n. 7/2004 - ARCA card: 10278/4811 |
2004 | Other |
FAVARETTO D.; MORETTI E.; PELLEGRINI P. Ant colony system for variants of traveling salesman problem with time windows , vol. n. 120/2004 - ARCA card: 10278/4812 |
2003 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
FAVARETTO D. ; MASON F. ; TREVISAN G. Analisi dell'Efficienza nel settore ittico , Atti di convegno, Venezia, Sezione di Economia e Politica Agraria - Dipartimento di Statistica, Università Ca'Foscari di Venezia, Convegno: "Economia e Politica della Pesca e dell'Acquacoltura: tesi a confronto", 24-25 MARZO 2003 - ARCA card: 10278/6421 |
2003 | Abstract in Atti di convegno |
CORAZZA M.; FAVARETTO D. On the existence of solutions in the mixed-integer nonlinear mean-variance portfolio selection problem in =, Proceedings of the XXXIV Annual Conference of the Italian Operational Research Society, Venezia, Comitato organizzatore della XXXIV Annual Conference of the Italian Operational Research Society, vol. =, pp. 85-85, Convegno: XXXIV Annual Conference of the Italian Operational Research Society, 2-5 settembre 2003 - ARCA card: 10278/5741 |
2003 | Other |
FAVARETTO D.; PICCINONNO F Politiche ottime di investimento in presenza di incentivi fiscali , vol. 13/2003 - ARCA card: 10278/4844 |
2002 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
BORTOT P; FAVARETTO D; FUNARI S. Appunti di Excel per applicazioni matematiche , MILANO, Franco Angeli (ISBN 9788846440679) - ARCA card: 10278/7885 |
2002 | Journal Article |
BURATTO A; FAVARETTO D. Optimal communication mix to maximize brand image in RICERCA OPERATIVA, vol. 103/104, pp. 33-50 (ISSN 0390-8127) - ARCA card: 10278/11231 |
2002 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
VESCOVI T.; FAVARETTO D Competitive analysis in the Web , Marketing in a Changing World, BRAGA, Univesidade do Minho, Convegno: 31st EMAC Conference (ISBN 9789728755003) - ARCA card: 10278/8181 |
2001 | Journal Article |
FAVARETTO D.; PESENTI R.; UKOVICH W. Discrete frequency models for inventory management. An introduction in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, vol. 71, pp. 331-342 (ISSN 0925-5273) - ARCA card: 10278/11232 |
2001 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
FAVARETTO D.; VESCOVI T Competitive analysis of Web Communication , International Corporate and Marketing Communication Conference, Convegno: Proceeding of the 6th International Corporate and Marketing Communication Conference, 2001 - ARCA card: 10278/5556 |
2001 | Other |
BISETTO L; FAVARETTO D.; MASON F; ROSI P Sulla localizzazione di servizi di emergenza , vol. 94/2001 - ARCA card: 10278/4814 |
2000 | Journal Article |
BAITA F.; FAVARETTO D.; PESENTI R.; UKOVICH W. A comparison of different approaches to the vehicle scheduling problem in a practical case in COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH, vol. 27, pp. 1249-1269 (ISSN 0305-0548) - ARCA card: 10278/11230 |
2000 | Journal Article |
FAVARETTO D.; VISCOLANI B. A single season production and advertising control problem with bounded final goodwill in JOURNAL OF INFORMATION & OPTIMIZATION SCIENCES, vol. 21,3, pp. 337-357 (ISSN 0252-2667) - ARCA card: 10278/11228 |
2000 | Working paper |
DE CHECCHI D; ELLERO A; FAVARETTO D. Politiche ottime di garanzia per prodotti con tasso di guasto costante , Dip. di Matematica Applicata, Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, vol. 81/2000 - ARCA card: 10278/4813 |
1999 | Journal Article |
FAVARETTO D.; VISCOLANI B. A multiperiod prodution and advertising problem for a seasonal product in ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH, vol. 88, pp. 31-45 (ISSN 0254-5330) - ARCA card: 10278/11227 |
1999 | Book Article |
CORAZZA M.; FAVARETTO D. Approaching mixed-integer nonlinear mean-variance portfolio selection in =, Generalized Convexity and Optimization for Economic and Financial Decisions, BOLOGNA, Pitagora Editrice, vol. =, pp. 137-154 (ISBN 88-371-1086-3) - ARCA card: 10278/10869 |
1999 | Book Article |
1998 | Journal Article |
FAVARETTO D.; BAITA F.; PESENTI R.; UKOVICH W. Dynamic Routing-and-Inventory problems: a review in TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH. PART A, POLICY AND PRACTICE, vol. 32,8, pp. 585-598 (ISSN 0965-8564) - ARCA card: 10278/11229 |
1997 | Tesi di Dottorato |
FAVARETTO D. Politiche ottime di comunicazione e produzione per prodotti stagionali: problemi, metodi di analisi e risultati nell'ottica del modello di Nerlove e Arrow , vol. 1 - ARCA card: 10278/25722 |
1997 | Journal Article |
FAVARETTO D.; VISCOLANI B. Determining optimal production and advertising policies for a seasonal product in OPTIMIZATION, vol. 42, pp. 359-378 (ISSN 0233-1934) - ARCA card: 10278/11226 |
1996 | Journal Article |
FAVARETTO D.; MAZZEGA P.; MEZZAROBA A.; VISCOLANI B. Optimal control of advertising and production of a seasonal product with nondifferentiable demand in DYNAMICS AND CONTROL, vol. 6,1, pp. 91-104 (ISSN 0925-4668) - ARCA card: 10278/11225 |
1996 | Journal Article |
FAVARETTO D.; VISCOLANI B Optimal purchase and advertising for a product with immediate sales start in TRABAJOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN OPERATIVA, vol. 4, 2, pp. 301-318 (ISSN 0213-8204) - ARCA card: 10278/11233 |
1993 | Journal Article |
FAVARETTO D.; VISCOLANI B. Controllo ottimo di produzione e comunicazione per un prodotto stagionale in RENDICONTI DEL COMITATO PER GLI STUDI ECONOMICI, vol. XXX-XXXI, pp. 209-225 (ISSN 1591-9781) - ARCA card: 10278/26318 |