Associate Professor
Permanent member of the Commission for Knowledge Valorisation - Representative of the Scientific and Technological Area (DAIS)
041 234 8435
Scientific sector (SSD)
Informatica [INFO-01/A]
www.unive.it/people/pitt (personal record)
Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.dais
Where: Campus scientifico via Torino
Room: office Z.B16 (Zeta B building)
Research Institute
Research Institute for Digital and Cultural Heritage


Year Type Publication
Year Type Publication
2024 Article in Conference Proceedings Fabio PITTARELLO; Semenzato Manuel Experimenting with Dataphys, a Physicalization Toolkit for Representing Spatio-Temporal Environmental Data , Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 1-9, Convegno: AVI 2024 (ISBN 9798400717642)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5062424
2024 Article in Conference Proceedings Fabio Pittarello; Manuel Semenzato Towards a Data Physicalization Toolkit for Non-Sighted Users , 2024 IEEE 21st Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), IEEE, pp. 1-6, Convegno: IEEE 21st Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) (ISBN 979-8-3503-0457-2)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5062401
2023 Article in Conference Proceedings Corazza Sara; Pittarello Fabio; Simeoni Marta 3D Molecules Visualization with XRmol: An AR Web Tool for Mobile Devices , Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality - 20th EuroXR International Conference, EuroXR 2023, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, November 29 – December 1, 2023, Proceedings, Springer, vol. 14410 LNCS, pp. 136-149, Convegno: 20th EuroXR International Conference, EuroXR 2023, November 29 – December 1, 2023 (ISBN 978-3-031-48494-0; 978-3-031-48495-7) (ISSN 0302-9743)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5045620
2023 Article in Conference Proceedings Fabio Pittarello, Alessandro Carrieri, Tommaso Pellegrini, Alessandra Volo Designing Accessible Urban AR Experiences for Digital Humanities , 2023 IEEE 20th Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), IEEE, pp. 1-6, Convegno: Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) (ISBN 978-1-6654-9734-3)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5029243
2023 Article in Conference Proceedings Pittarello Fabio, Carrieri Alessandro, Pellegrini Tommaso, Volo Alessandra Stories from the Empty School Desk: Places, Objects and Memories in Augmented Reality , Proceedings of the 15th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter, Association for Computing Machinery, Convegno: Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter: Crossing HCI and AI, CHItaly 2023 (ISBN 9798400708060)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5048970
2022 Article in Conference Proceedings Fabio Pittarello Designing Interactive Systems for Seniors: Living on an Island , 2022 IEEE 19th Annual Consumer Communications Networking Conference (CCNC), IEEE, Convegno: Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) (ISBN 978-1-6654-3161-3)
- ARCA card: 10278/3751792
2022 Article in Conference Proceedings Pittarello Fabio, Carrieri Alessandro, Pellegrini Tommaso, Volo Alessandra Remembering the City: Stumbling Stones, Memory Sites and Augmented Reality , Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 1-9, Convegno: AVI 2022, 6–10/6/2022 (ISBN 9781450397193)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5004787
2021 Article in Conference Proceedings Barbara Rita Barricelli, Antonella Varesano, Giuliana Carbi, Torkil Clemmensen, Fabio Pittarello, Contemporary Art Digitalization: An Opportunity for Designing New Experiences , Human-Computer Interaction -- INTERACT 2021, Springer International Publishing, pp. 382-385, Convegno: Interact 2021 (ISBN 978-3-030-85607-6)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3751790
2021 Article in Conference Proceedings Pittarello, Fabio Designing Interactive Systems for Seniors: An Educational Experience , 2021 IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications Networking Conference (CCNC), IEEE, pp. 1-6, Convegno: Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 9-12 Jan. 2021 (ISBN 978-1-7281-9794-4; 978-1-7281-9795-1)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3742780
2021 Article in Conference Proceedings Barbara Rita Barricelli, Antonella Varesano, Giuliana Carbi, Torkil Clemmensen, Gian Luca Foresti, José Abdelnour Nocera, Maja Ćirić, Gerrit van der Veer, Fabio Pittarello, Nuno Jardim Nunes, Letizia Bollini, Alexandra Verdeil, Experiencing Contemporary Art at a Distance , Human-Computer Interaction -- INTERACT 2021, Springer International Publishing, pp. 344-347, Convegno: Interact 2021 (ISBN 978-3-030-85607-6)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3751789
2021 Curatorship (a cura di) De Marsico, Maria; Spagnolli, Anna; Pittarello, Fabio; Gamberini, Luciano Sustainable, empowering and emotional interactive multimedia in MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, ACM Press, vol. 80, pp. 34787-34789 (ISSN 1573-7721)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3751787
2020 Article in Conference Proceedings Pittarello Fabio; Botter Samuele A face recognition based system to assist seniors in managing access to their home , 2020 IEEE 17th Annual Consumer Communications Networking Conference (CCNC), IEEE, pp. 1-6, Convegno: Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) (ISBN 978-1-7281-3893-0; 978-1-7281-3894-7)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3733441
2020 Article in Conference Proceedings Pittarello Fabio, Pagini Veronica, Zuffellato Leonardo Design and Evaluation of an Educational Virtual Reality Application for Learning How to Perform on a Stage , Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 1-8, Convegno: AVI '20 (ISBN 9781450375351)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3733435
2019 Article in Conference Proceedings Fabio Pittarello; Lorenzo Brutti A public tangible interface for engaging and informing young citizens about climate change , Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, pp. 25:1-25:6, Convegno: 8th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, PerDis 2019, 2019 (ISBN 9781450367516)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3718600
2019 Article in Conference Proceedings Pittarello, Fabio Designing AR Enhanced Art Exhibitions: A Methodology and a Case Study , Proceedings of the 13th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter: Designing the Next Interaction, ACM, pp. 19:1-19:5, Convegno: CHItaly 2019 (ISBN 978-1-4503-7190-2)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3718601
2019 Curatorship (a cura di) Luciano Gamberini, Fabio Pittarello, Anna Spagnolli CHItaly '19: Proceedings of the 13th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter: Designing the next Interaction , ACM Press (ISBN 9781450371902)
- ARCA card: 10278/3751791
2018 Journal Article Cristina, Fenu; Fabio, Pittarello Svevo Tour: The Design and the Experimentation of an Augmented Reality Application for Engaging Visitors of a Literary Museum in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES, vol. 114, pp. 20-35 (ISSN 1071-5819)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3696622
2018 Article in Conference Proceedings Fabio, Pittarello; Alexandru, Dumitriu; Elisa, Piazza 3D Interaction with Mouse-Keyboard, Gamepad and Leap Motion: A? Comparative Study , Proceedings of Goodtechs 2017, Springer Verlag, vol. 233, pp. 122-131, Convegno: 3rd International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good, GOODTECHS 2017, 2017 (ISBN 9783319761107) (ISSN 1867-8211)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3695455
2018 Article in Conference Proceedings Emmanuel Dubois; Fabio Pittarello Designing Eco-Feedback Systems for a University Campus , Proceedings of the 4th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good, ACM, pp. 49-54, Convegno: International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good (Goodtechs ’18) (ISBN 978-1-4503-6581-9)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3711187
2018 Article in Conference Proceedings Dubois, Emmanuel; Pittarello, Fabio Designing the engaging Energy-Box Bridging the gap between energy control systems and users' energy awareness , Proceedings of the 2017 Intl IEEE Smart World Congress, IEEE, pp. 1-6, Convegno: 2017 Intl IEEE Smart World Congress, August, 4-8, 2017 (ISBN 978-153860434-2)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3691405
2017 Journal Article Pittarello, Fabio; Pellegrini, Tommaso HCI and education: a blended design experience in MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 76, pp. 4895-4923 (ISSN 1573-7721)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3680241
2017 Schede di Catalogo, repertorio o corpus Fabio, Pittarello Augmenting MODUS , MODUS. Tecniche, poetiche, materiali nell'arte contemporanea. Evento collaterale della 57. Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte - La Biennale di Venezia. Catalogo., Milano, Edizioni della Galleria l'Affiche, pp. 54-55 (ISBN 9788894215526)
- ARCA card: 10278/3695456
2017 Article in Conference Proceedings Pittarello, Fabio Experimenting with PlayVR, a Virtual Reality Experience for the World of Theater , Proceedings of the 12th Biannual Conference on Italian SIGCHI Chapter, New York, NY, ACM, pp. 16:1-16:10, Convegno: CHItaly '17, September 18 - 20, 2017 (ISBN 978-1-4503-5237-6)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3691394
2017 Article in Conference Proceedings Pittarello, Fabio From building control to eco-feedback: opportunities and challenge , Proceedings of the 2016 Intl IEEE Conferences on Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced and Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing and Communications, Cloud and Big Data Computing, Internet of People, and Smart World Congress, IEEE, pp. 1013-1020, Convegno: 2016 Intl IEEE Conferences on Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced and Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing and Communications, Cloud and Big Data Computing, Internet of People, and Smart World Congress (ISBN 978-1-5090-2771-2)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3680251
2017 Article in Conference Proceedings Pittarello, Fabio; Volpe, Gualtiero; Zancanaro, Massimo HCI and Education in a Changing World: From School to Public Engagement , Proceedings of the 12th Biannual Conference on Italian SIGCHI Chapter, New York, NY, ACM, pp. 31:1-31:2, Convegno: CHItaly '17, September 18–20 (ISBN 978-1-4503-5237-6)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3691403
2016 Poster in Atti di convegno Pittarello, Fabio; Franchin, Eugenio PlayVR: A VR Experience for the world of theater , Proceedings of AVI '16 the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Association for Computing Machinery, vol. 07-10-, pp. 338-339, Convegno: 13th ACM International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, AVI 2016, 2016 (ISBN 9781450341318)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3680244
2015 Journal Article Minuto, Andrea; Pittarello, Fabio; Nijholt, Anton Smart material interfaces for education in JOURNAL OF VISUAL LANGUAGES AND COMPUTING, vol. 31, pp. 267-274 (ISSN 1045-926X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3663992
2015 Journal Article Pittarello, Fabio Testing a Storytelling Tool for Digital Humanities in JOURNAL OF VISUAL LANGUAGES AND SENTIENT SYSTEMS, vol. 2015, pp. 59-61 (ISSN 2575-3916)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3663996
2015 Book Article Minuto, Andrea; Pittarello, Fabio Smart Materials: When Art Meets Technology , More Playful User Interfaces, Singapore, Springer, pp. 177-196 (ISBN 978-981-287-546-4)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3660256
2015 Article in Conference Proceedings Minuto, Andrea; Pittarello, Fabio; Nijholt, Anton A smart material interfaces learning experience , Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, Pittsburgh, PA, Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, vol. 2015, pp. 131-140, Convegno: 21st International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, DMS 2015, 2015 (ISBN 9781891706387)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3663994
2015 Article in Conference Proceedings Pittarello, Fabio; Pellegrini, Tommaso Designing and evaluating interfaces for domestic eco-feedback: A blended educational experience , Proceedings of the 11th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter, New York, Association for Computing Machinery, vol. 28, pp. 18-25, Convegno: 11th Biannual Conference of the ACM SIGCHI Italian Chapter, CHItaly 2015, 2015 (ISBN 9781450336840)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3663995
2015 Poster in Atti di convegno Pittarello, Fabio Testing a storytelling tool for Digital Humanities , Proceedings - DMS 2015: 21st International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, vol. 2015, pp. 59-61, Convegno: 21st International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, DMS 2015, 2015 (ISBN 1891706381; 1891706381)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3681813
2014 Journal Article F. Pittarello; L. Bertani Castor: Designing and experimenting a context-aware architecture for creating stories outdoors in JOURNAL OF VISUAL LANGUAGES AND COMPUTING, vol. 25, pp. 1030-1039 (ISSN 1045-926X)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/43827
2014 Journal Article I. Gatto; F. Pittarello Creating Web3D educational stories from crowdsourced annotations in JOURNAL OF VISUAL LANGUAGES AND COMPUTING, vol. 25, pp. 808-817 (ISSN 1045-926X)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/43828
2014 Article in Conference Proceedings A. Minuto; F. Pittarello; A. Nijholt New Materials = New Expressive Powers: Smart Material Interfaces and Arts, an Interactive Experience Made Possible Thanks to Smart Materials , Proceedings of the 2014 International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, New York, NY, USA, ACM Press, pp. 141-144, Convegno: AVI '14, International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 2014 (ISBN 9781450327756)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/43825
2014 Article in Conference Proceedings I. Gatto; F. Pittarello Web3D Representation and Cultural Heritage: From Annotations to Narrations , Proceedings of the 2014 International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, New York, NY, USA, ACM Press, pp. 367-368, Convegno: AVI '14, International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 2014 (ISBN 9781450327756)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/43826
2013 Book Article Fabio Pittarello; Ivano Gatto L'annotazione dei modelli digitali architettonici , Ville Venete. Un nuovo sguardo, Crocetta del Montello (TV), Terra Ferma, pp. 98-101 (ISBN 9788863222135)
- ARCA card: 10278/39166
2013 Article in Conference Proceedings F. Pittarello;L. Bertani A software infrastructure for managing the lifecycle of context-aware stories , Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 523-526, Convegno: IDC 2013, 2013 (ISBN 9781450319188)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/38862
2013 Article in Conference Proceedings F. PITTARELLO;L. BERTANI A system for creating and listening to context-aware stories outdoors , Biannual Conference of the Italian Chapter of SIGCHI, Published on-line, Convegno: Chitaly 2013, 2013
- URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/38822
2013 Article in Conference Proceedings F. Pittarello;L. Bertani CASTOR: listening to engaging context-aware stories outdoors , Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 324-327, Convegno: IDC 2013, 2013 (ISBN 9781450319188)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/38850
2013 Article in Conference Proceedings F. PITTARELLO;T. PELLEGRINI Designing and experimenting a web3d application for increasing the environmental awareness , Proceedings of the Biannual Conference of the Italian Chapter of SIGCHI, New York, NY, USA, ACM, Convegno: Chitaly 2013, 2013 (ISBN 9781450320610)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/38821
2013 Article in Conference Proceedings F. Pittarello Testing the X3DOM framework for the development of Web3D applications , Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, New York, NY, USA, ACM Press, pp. 191-194, Convegno: Web3D 2013, 2013 (ISBN 9781450321334)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/38849
2012 Journal Article CELENTANO A.; PITTARELLO F. From real to metaphoric maps: Cartography as a visual language for organizing and sharing knowledge in JOURNAL OF VISUAL LANGUAGES AND COMPUTING, vol. 23, pp. 63-77 (ISSN 1045-926X)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/32452
2012 Article in Conference Proceedings MAGGIORE G.; ABBADI M.; PITTARELLO F.; BUGLIESI M.; A compilation technique to increase X3D performance and safety , Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2012, Riva, Trento, Italy, March 26-30, 2012, ACM, pp. 969-974, Convegno: SAC 2012 (ISBN 9781450308571)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/24481
2012 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F.; GATTO I. A visual interface for querying ontologically and socially annotated 3D worlds for the web , Proceedings of AVI '12, International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, New York, NY, USA, ACM Press, pp. 377-381, Convegno: AVI '12, International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 2012 (ISBN 9781450312875)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/33653
2012 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F.; GATTO I. An integrated ecosystem of interfaces for annotating, querying and browsing networks of Web3D worlds , Proceedings of AVI '12, International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, New York, NY, USA, ACM Press, pp. 794-795, Convegno: AVI '12, International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 2012 (ISBN 9781450312875)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/34110
2012 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F.; BERTANI L. CASTOR: learning to create context-sensitive and emotionally engaging narrations in-situ , Proceedings of IDC 2012, 11th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, New York, NY, USA, ACM Press, pp. 1-10, Convegno: IDC 2012, 11th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, 2012 (ISBN 9781450310079)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/32408
2012 Article in Conference Proceedings GATTO I.; PITTARELLO F. Prototyping a gestural interface for selecting and buying goods in a public environment , Proceedings of AVI '12, International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, New York, NY, USA, ACM Press, pp. 784-785, Convegno: AVI '12, International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 2012 (ISBN 9781450312875)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/33654
2011 Journal Article PITTARELLO F. Semantic Description of Web 3D Worlds Through Social Tagging in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING, vol. 21(1), pp. 73-102 (ISSN 0218-1940)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/33604
2011 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F. Designing a Context-Aware Architecture for Emotionally Engaging Mobile Storytelling , Proceedings of INTERACT '11, 13th IFIP TC 13 international conference on Human-computer interaction, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, vol. 6946, pp. 144-151, Convegno: INTERACT'11, 13th IFIP TC 13 international conference on Human-computer interaction (ISBN 9783642237737) (ISSN 0302-9743)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/29035
2011 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F. Exploring the Relations between Physical Objects and Digital World with a Geometric Sorting Board in MARTI P., SORO A., GAMBERINI L., BAGNARA S., CHItaly, Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGCHI Italian Chapter International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction: Facing Complexity, New York, NY, ACM Press, pp. 53-58, Convegno: CHItaly (ISBN 9781450308762)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/28955
2011 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F.; STECCA R. Mapping Physical Objects to Digital Functions: A Tangible Interface for Querying and Navigating a Multimedia Database , Proceedings of DEXA '11, 22nd International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Washington, DC, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 134-138, Convegno: DEXA '11, 22nd International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (ISBN 9780769544861) (ISSN 1529-4188)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/28867
2011 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F.; GATTO I. ToBoA-3D: an Architecture for Managing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Annotated 3D Objects and Spaces on the Web , Proceedings of Web3D '11, 16th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, New York, NY, ACM Press, pp. 57-65, Convegno: Web3D '11, 16th International Conference on 3D Web Technology (ISBN 9781450307741)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/29081
2010 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F. An Architecture and a Visual Interface for Tagging the 3D Web in SANTUCCI G., Proceedings of AVI 2010, International Working Conference on Advanced User Interfaces, ACM Press, pp. 311-315, Convegno: AVI 2010, International Working Conference on Advanced User Interfaces (ISBN 9781450300766)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/24313
2010 Article in Conference Proceedings BARBIERI G.; CELENTANO A.; FINOCCHI V.; MAURIZIO M.;ORSINI R.; PITTARELLO F. Experience with Interactive Multimedia Art Guides in G. SANTUCCI, AVI 2010, International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, NEW YORK, NY, ACM Press, pp. 395-396, Convegno: AVI 2010, International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (ISBN 9781450300766)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/30047
2010 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F.; STECCA R. Querying and Navigating a Database of Images With the Magical Objects of the Wizard Zurlino , Proceedings of IDC 2010, 9th international Conference on interaction Design and Children, NEW YORK, NY, ACM Press, pp. 250-253, Convegno: IDC 2010, 9th international Conference on interaction Design and Children (ISBN 9781605589510)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/31118
2010 Article in Conference Proceedings CELENTANO A.; ORSINI R.; PITTARELLO F. Towards an Environment for Designing and Evaluating Multimedia Art Guides in G. SANTUCCI, AVI 2010, International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, NEW YORK, NY, ACM Press, pp. 93-96, Convegno: AVI 2010, International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (ISBN 9781450300766)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/29623
2009 Journal Article CELENTANO A.; ORSINI R.; PITTARELLO F.; BARBIERI G. Design and Evaluation of a Mobile Art Guide on iPod Touch in ID&A INTERACTION DESIGN & ARCHITECTURE(S), vol. 5-6, pp. 77-80 (ISSN 1826-9745)
- ARCA card: 10278/29233
2009 Journal Article CELENTANO A.; FARALLI S.; PITTARELLO F. The Situation Lens: A Metaphor for Personal Task Management on Mobile Devices in JOURNAL OF COMPUTING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, vol. 3 (4), pp. 238-259 (ISSN 1976-4677)
- ARCA card: 10278/4271
2009 Book Article PITTARELLO F.; CELENTANO A. Multimodality and Environment Semantics in P. GRIFONI, Multimodal Human Computer Interaction and Pervasive Services, HERSHEY, PENNSYLVANIA, Information Science Reference, IGI Global, pp. 204-229 (ISBN 9781605663869)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/31136
2009 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F. An Approach for Tagging 3D Worlds for the Net in CELENTANO A.; YOSHITAKA A.; MARESCA P.; JIN Q.; STAPLETON G., Proceedings of DMS 2009, 15th Int. Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, SKOKIE, IL, Knowledge Systems Institute, pp. 88-93, Convegno: DMS 2009, 15th Int. Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (ISBN 189170625X)
- ARCA card: 10278/31334
2009 Article in Conference Proceedings CARNIELLI A.; PITTARELLO F. Interactive stories on the net: a model and an architecture for X3D worlds in FELLNER D.; SOURIN A.; BEHR J.; WALCZAK K.; SPENCER S., Proceedings of Web3D 2009, 14th International Conference on 3D Web Technologies, NEW YORK, NY, ACM Press, pp. 91-99, Convegno: Web3D 2009, 14th International Conference on 3D Web Technologies (ISBN 9781605584324)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/25834
2009 Article in Conference Proceedings BARBIERI G.; CELENTANO A.; ORSINI R.; PITTARELLO F. Understanding Art Exhibitions: From Audioguides To Multimedia Companions in A. CELENTANO; A. YOSHITAKA; P. MARESCA; Q. JIN; G. STAPLETON, DMS 2009, International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, SKOKIE, IL, Knowledge Systems Institute, pp. 250-255, Convegno: DMS 2009, International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, 10/09/2009-12/09/2009 (ISBN 978189170625X)
- URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/21148
2008 Journal Article CELENTANO A.; MUSSIO P.; PITTARELLO F. Editorial Preface, Special Issue on Map-Based Interaction in PSYCHNOLOGY, vol. 6, pp. 221-223 (ISSN 1720-7525)
- ARCA card: 10278/18984
2008 Article in Conference Proceedings CELENTANO A.; MUSSIO P.; PITTARELLO F. Metaphorical Cartography for Knowledge Creation and Sharing in E. Jungert, M. Hirakawa, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, SKOKIE, IL, Knowledge Systems Institute, pp. 214-219, Convegno: DMS 2008, 14th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (ISBN 9781891706233)
- ARCA card: 10278/19702
2008 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F.; NARDA A. Organizing and navigating user-generated content for the web: a collaborative approach based on a 3D multimodal interactive environment in TJOA A.M.; WAGNER R.R., Proceedings of DEXA '08, 19th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, LOS ALAMITOS, CA, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 150-154, Convegno: DEXA '08, 19th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (ISBN 9780769532998) (ISSN 1529-4188)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/26214
2008 Article in Conference Proceedings CELENTANO A.; FARALLI S.; PITTARELLO F. The Situation Lens: Looking into Personal Service Composition , Advances in Conceptual Modeling – Challenges and Opportunities, Springer-Verlag, vol. 5232, pp. 165-174, Convegno: ER 2008 Workshops (ISBN 9783540879909) (ISSN 0302-9743)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/29362
2008 Article in Conference Proceedings CELENTANO A.; PITTARELLO F. Visual Design of Service Deployment in Complex Physical Environments in BOTTONI P.; LEVIALDI S, AVI '08: Proceedings of the Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, ACM Press, pp. 400-403, Convegno: AVI '08: Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (ISBN 9781605581415)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/19703
2008 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F.; NARDA A. YouTube3D: Accessing Web Video Streams Through a 3D Interface , Proceedings of EUROITV '08, 6th European conference on Changing Television Environments, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, vol. 5066, pp. 188-192, Convegno: EUROITV '08, 6th European conference on Changing Television Environments (ISBN 9783540694779) (ISSN 0302-9743)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/29140
2007 Journal Article DEL FATTO V.; PAOLINO L.; PITTARELLO F. A usability-driven approach to the development of a 3D web-GIS environment in JOURNAL OF VISUAL LANGUAGES AND COMPUTING, vol. 18, pp. 280-314 (ISSN 1045-926X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/27384
2007 Journal Article ARDITO C.; COSTABILE M.F.; DE ANGELI A.; PITTARELLO F. Navigation Help in 3D Worlds: Some Empirical Evidences on Use of Sound in MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 33(2), pp. 201-216 (ISSN 1380-7501)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/29813
2007 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F. An Integrated System for Easing the Access to Georeferenced Information on the Web in AA. VV., Proceedings of DMS 2007, 13th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, SKOKIE, IL, Knowledge Systems Institute, pp. 99-105, Convegno: DMS 2007, 13th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (ISBN 1891706-217)
- ARCA card: 10278/19222
2007 Article in Conference Proceedings CELENTANO A.; OKROGLIC A.; PITTARELLO F. An Ontology Based Approach to Interaction Ambient Design in C. BECKER; C. S. JENSEN; J. SU, IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, LOS ALAMITOS, CA, IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY, pp. 407-411, Convegno: IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (ISBN 9781424412412)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/17801
2007 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F.; CELENTANO A. Deployment of Multimodal Services: an Ontology Driven Architecture in AA. VV., Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services, LOS ALAMITOS, CA, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 267-274, Convegno: IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services (ISBN 1424413257)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/31153
2007 Article in Conference Proceedings CELENTANO A.; PITTARELLO F. Situated Multimodal Documents in A.M. TJOA; R. R. WAGNER, DEXA '07. 18th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications., LOS ALAMITOS, CA, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 104-108, Convegno: DEXA '07. 18th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications. (ISBN 9780769529325)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/17802
2007 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F. Teaching 3D interaction at the Fine Arts Academy of Venice in GAMBERINI L.; SPAGNOLLI A., Proceedings of HCItaly 2007, Fifth Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction, PADOVA, Università di Padova, Dip. di Psicologia Generale, pp. 57-57, Convegno: HCItaly 2007, Fifth Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction (ISBN 9788861291102)
- ARCA card: 10278/29290
2007 Article in Conference Proceedings CELENTANO A.; MUSSIO P.; PITTARELLO F. The Map is the Net. Towards a Geography of Social Relationships , MapISNet '07, Map-based Interaction in Social Networks, Venezia, Dipartimento di Informatica, Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, Convegno: MapISNet 2007, 1st Int. Workshop on Map-based Interaction in Social Networks, September 10, 2007
- URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/18176
2006 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F. A Simple Story: Using an Agents' Based Context-Aware Architecture for Storytelling , Proceedings of TIDSE'06, Third international conference on Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, vol. 4326, pp. 25-36, Convegno: TIDSE'06, Third international conference on Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment (ISBN 9783540499343) (ISSN 0302-9743)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/28606
2006 Article in Conference Proceedings CELENTANO A.; PITTARELLO F. Design of Ambient Dependent multimodal Services: A Semantic Approach , Proceedings of Multimodal and Pervasive Services MAPS '06, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 7-12, Convegno: Multimodal and Pervasive Services (MAPS '06), June 29, 2006
- ARCA card: 10278/5966
2006 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F.; DE FAVERI A. Improving Access of Elderly People to Real Environments: a Semantic Based Approach , Proceedings of AVI 2006, International Working Conference on Advanced User Interfaces, ACM Press, pp. 364-368, Convegno: AVI 2006, International Working Conference on Advanced User Interfaces, May 23–26, 2006 (ISBN 9781595933539)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/25387
2006 Article in Conference Proceedings DEL FATTO V.; PAOLINO L.; PITTARELLO F. Representing Topological Relationships by Using 3D Objects: an Empirical Survey , Proceedings of VLC 2006, International Workshop on Visual Languages and Computing, Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, Convegno: VLC 2006, International Workshop on Visual Languages and Computing, August 30 - September 1, 2006 (ISBN 1891706195)
- ARCA card: 10278/9239
2006 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F.; DE FAVERI A. Semantic Description of 3D Environments: a Proposal Based on Web Standards , Proceedings of Web3D 2006, 11th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, ACM Press, pp. 85-95, Convegno: Web3D 2006, 11th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, April 18-21, 2006 (ISBN 1595933360; 9781595933362)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/31271
2006 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F.; CELENTANO A. Supporting Mobile Activities in a Shared Semantic Ambient , Proceedings of OTM'06, 2006 International Conference on On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, vol. 4277, pp. 916-925, Convegno: OTM'06, 2006 International Conference on On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems, October 29, 2006 (ISBN 9783540482697) (ISSN 0302-9743)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/16110
2006 Article in Conference Proceedings DEL FATTO V.; PAOLINO L.; PITTARELLO F.; SEBILLO M.; VITIELLO G. WebMGISQL 3D – Iterating the Design Process Passing through a Usability Study , Proceedings of HCI 2006 Engage, 20th BCS HCI Group Conference, BCS HCI Group, Convegno: HCI 2006 Engage, 20th BCS HCI Group Conference, September 11-15, 2006
- ARCA card: 10278/24222
2005 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F. Context-based Management of Multimedia Documents in 3D Navigational Environments , Proceedings of MIS'05, 11th international conference on Advances in Multimedia Information Systems, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, vol. 3665, pp. 146-162, Convegno: MIS'05, 11th international conference on Advances in Multimedia Information Systems (ISBN 9783540287926)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/31325
2005 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F.; FOGLI D. Modelling Complex User Experiences in Distributed Interaction Environments , Proceedings of DMS 2005, 11th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, Knowledge Systems Institute, pp. 184-189, Convegno: DMS 2005, 11th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, September 5-7, 2005 (ISBN 9781891706172)
- ARCA card: 10278/28979
2004 Book Article PITTARELLO F. The Time-Pillars World. A 3D Paradigm for the New Enlarged TV Information Domain , Personalized Digital Television. Targeting Programs to Individual Viewers, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 287-320 (ISBN 9781402021633)
- ARCA card: 10278/26243
2004 Article in Conference Proceedings CELENTANO A.; NODARI M.; PITTARELLO F. Adaptive Interaction in Web3D Virtual Worlds , 3D Technologies for the World Wide Web. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, ACM Press, pp. 41-50, Convegno: Web3D 2004, 9th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, April 5-8, 2004 (ISBN 9781581138450)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/16150
2004 Article in Conference Proceedings CELENTANO A.; PITTARELLO F.; FOGLI D.; MUSSIO P. Model-based Specification of Virtual Interaction Environments , Proceedings of VL/HCC '04, IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 257-260, Convegno: VL/HCC '04, IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, September 26-29, 2004 (ISBN 9780780386969)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/16161
2004 Article in Conference Proceedings CELENTANO A.; PITTARELLO F. Observing and Adapting User Behavior in Navigational 3D Interfaces , Proceedings of AVI 2004, International Working Conference on Advanced User Interfaces, ACM Press, pp. 275-282, Convegno: AVI 2004, International Working Conference on Advanced User Interfaces, May 25-28, 2004 (ISBN 9781581138679)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/16111
2003 Journal Article PITTARELLO F. Accessing Information Through Multimodal 3d Environments: Towards Universal Access in UNIVERSAL ACCESS IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY, vol. 2(2), pp. 189-204 (ISSN 1615-5289)
- ARCA card: 10278/26193
2003 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F. 3D Time-pillar: an Information Access Metaphor for the TV Domain , Proceedings of SEKE '03, 15th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, pp. 555-560, Convegno: SEKE '03, 15th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, July 1-3, 2003 (ISBN 9781891706127)
- ARCA card: 10278/9473
2003 Article in Conference Proceedings COSTABILE M.F.; DE ANGELI A.; PITTARELLO F.; ARDITO C. Can Audio Help Navigating in Virtual Environments? An Experimental Evaluation , Proceedings of INTERACT 2003, 9th IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 733-736, Convegno: INTERACT 2003, 9th IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, September 1-5, 2003 (ISBN 9781586033637; 9784274906145)
- ARCA card: 10278/25386
2003 Article in Conference Proceedings FOGLI D.; PITTARELLO F.; CELENTANO A.; MUSSIO P. Context-Aware Interaction in a Mobile Environment , Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, vol. 2795, pp. 434-439, Convegno: Mobile HCI 2003 (ISBN 9783540408215)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/25833
2003 Article in Conference Proceedings PAOLINO L.; PITTARELLO F.; SEBILLO M.; TORTORA G.; VITIELLO G. WebMGISQL - A 3D Visual Environment for GIS Querying , Proceedings of VLC 2003, International Conference on Visual Languages and Computing, pp. 294-299, Convegno: VLC 2003, International Conference on Visual Languages and Computing, SEPTEMBER 24-26, 2003 (ISBN 9781891706134)
- ARCA card: 10278/25302
2002 Article in Conference Proceedings CELENTANO A.; FOGLI D. ; MUSSIO P. ; PITTARELLO F. Agents for Distributed Context-Aware Interaction , Proceedings of AIMS '02, Workshop on Artifical Intelligence in Mobile Systems, pp. 29-36, Convegno: AIMS '02, Workshop on Artifical Intelligence in Mobile Systems, July 22, 2002
- ARCA card: 10278/16151
2002 Article in Conference Proceedings COSTAGLIOLA G.; DI MARTINO S.; FERRUCCI F.; PITTARELLO F. An Approach for Authoring 3D Cultural Heritage Exhibitions on the Web , Proceedings of SEKE '02, 14th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, ACM Press, pp. 601-608, Convegno: SEKE '02, 14th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, July 15-19, 2002 (ISBN 9781581135565)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/25352
2002 Article in Conference Proceedings PAOLINO L.; PITTARELLO F.; SEBILLO M.; TORTORA G.; VITIELLO G. Extending the Metaphor GIS Query Language and Environment to 3D Domains , Proceedings of AVI 2002, International Working Conference on Advanced User Interfaces, ACM Press, pp. 144-147, Convegno: AVI 2002, International Working Conference on Advanced User Interfaces, May 22–24, 2002 (ISBN 9781581135374)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/25351
2002 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F. Time-pillars: a 3D Cooperative Approach for the TV Domain , Proceedings of TV '02: 2nd Workshop on Personalization in Future TV, pp. 141-150, Convegno: TV '02: 2nd Workshop on Personalization in Future TV, May 28, 2002
- ARCA card: 10278/9520
2002 Article in Conference Proceedings FOGLI D.; MUSSIO P.; CELENTANO A.; PITTARELLO F. Toward a Model-Based Approach to the Specification of Virtual Reality Environments , Proceedings of IEEE Fourth International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering (MSE '02), LOS ALAMITOS, CA, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 148-155, Convegno: IEEE Fourth International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering (MSE '02), December 11-13, 2002 (ISBN 9780769518572)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5539
2002 Article in Conference Proceedings CELENTANO A.; FOGLI D.; MUSSIO P.; PITTARELLO F. Virtual Reality Interaction: the Characteristic Pattern Approach , Proceedings of HCC'02, IEEE Symposia on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environment, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 48-50, Convegno: HCC'02, IEEE Symposia on Human Centric Computing, September 6-9, 2002 (ISBN 9780769516448)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5495
2001 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F.; CELENTANO A. 3D Authoring for Content Experts: a Collaborative Approach , Proceedings of 2001 IEEE Symposia on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 344-345, Convegno: IEEE Symposia on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments (HCC01), September 5-7, 2001 (ISBN 9780769504742)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5543
2001 Article in Conference Proceedings CELENTANO A.; PITTARELLO F. A Content-Centered Methodology for Authoring 3D Interactive Worlds for Cultural Heritage , International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting: Cultural Heritage and Technologies in the Third Millennium, vol. 2, pp. 315-324, Convegno: ICHIM '01, International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting, September 3-7, 2001 (ISBN 9781885626240)
- ARCA card: 10278/5494
2001 Article in Conference Proceedings CELENTANO A.; PITTARELLO F. Classes of experiences: a high level approach to support content experts for the authoring of 3D environments , Structured Design of Virtual Environments and 3D-Components, Shaker Verlag, Convegno: International Workshop on Structured Design of Virtual Environments and 3D-Components, February 19, 2001 (ISBN 9783826598012)
- ARCA card: 10278/5496
2001 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F.; CELENTANO A. Interaction locus: a Multimodal Approach for the Structuring of Virtual Spaces , HCITALY 2001, Simposio su Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 411-416, Convegno: Simposio su Human-Computer Interaction HCTALY 2001, SEPTEMBER 25-27, 2001
- ARCA card: 10278/26430
2001 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F. Multi Sensory Guided Tours for Cultural Heritage: the Palazzo Grassi Experience , Proceedings of ICHIM '01, International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting, vol. 1, pp. 73-90, Convegno: ICHIM '01, International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting, September 3-7, 2001 (ISBN 9781885626240)
- ARCA card: 10278/25323
2001 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F.; CELENTANO A. Panphonen: a Spatial Enhanced Audio Interface for Blind Users , Proceedings of 2001 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME'01), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 1087-1090, Convegno: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME '01), August 22-25, 2001 (ISBN 9780769511986)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5967
1999 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F. Three-d Interfaces for Didactics and Cultural Applications , Proceedings of Learntec99 - 7. Europaeischer Kongress Und Fachmesse Fuer Bildungs Und Informationstechnologie, pp. 335-343, Convegno: Learntec99 - 7. Europaeischer Kongress Und Fachmesse Fuer Bildungs Und Informationstechnologie, February 9-11, 1999
- ARCA card: 10278/9521
1998 Article in Conference Proceedings PITTARELLO F.; PITTARELLO M.; ITALIANO G.F. Architecture and Digital Exhibitions - The Einstein Tower World , Proceedings of Virtual Environments '98, Springer-Verlag, pp. 162-171, Convegno: Virtual Environments '98, June 16-18, 1998 (ISBN 9783211832332)
- ARCA card: 10278/25303