- Position
- Associate Professor
- Roles
Vice Director of the Department of Asian and North African Studies
- Telephone
- 041 234 9508
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Archeologia e storia dell'arte dell'Asia centrale e dell'India [ASIA-01/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/lucamaria.olivieri (personal record)
- Office
Department of Asian and North African Studies
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.dsaam
Where: Ca' Cappello
Year | Type | Publication |
Year | Type | Publication |
In press | Book Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri Introduction in Giuseppina Esposito, Gennaro Alterio, TERRACOTTA FIGURINES FROM THE EXCAVATIONS IN THE HISTORIC SETTLEMENT AT BĪR-KOṬ-GHWAṆḌAI (BARIKOT) SWAT, PAKISTAN (1977-2019), Lahore, Sang-e-Meel Publications, vol. SPECIAL VOLUME 3//BĪR-KOṬ-GHWAṆḌAI INTERIM REPORTS, V, pp. 13-25 (ISBN 9789693521221; 9789693521115; 9693521110) - ARCA card: 10278/5068861 |
2025 | Book Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri Archaeological Notes in Giuseppina Esposito, Gennaro Alterio, TERRACOTTA FIGURINES FROM THE EXCAVATIONS IN THE HISTORIC SETTLEMENT AT BĪR-KOṬ-GHWAṆḌAI (BARIKOT) SWAT, PAKISTAN (1977-2019), Lahore, Sang-e-Meel Publications, vol. ACT-FIELD SCHOOL PROJECT REPORTS AND MEMOIRS SPECIAL VOLUME 3 BĪR-KOṬ-GHWAṆḌAI INTERIM REPORTS, VI, pp. 3-15 (ISBN 978-969-35-2122-1) - ARCA card: 10278/5089888 |
2025 | Book Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri Introduction in Mubariz Ahmed Rabbani, BEADS FROM THE EXCAVATIONS IN THE HISTORIC SETTLEMENT AT BĪR-KOṬ-GHWAṆḌAI (BARIKOT) SWAT, PAKISTAN (1984-2020), Lahore, Sang-e-Meel Publications, vol. ACT-FIELD SCHOOL PROJECT REPORTS AND MEMOIRS SPECIAL VOLUME 4 - BĪR-KOṬ-GHWAṆḌAI INTERIM REPORTS, VIII, pp. 3-21 (ISBN 978-969-35-2169-6) - ARCA card: 10278/5089887 |
2025 | Book Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri PA RT T H R E E : A R C H A E O L O G I C A L N O T E S in Ehsan Shavarebi, A NUMISMATIC HISTORY OF BARIKOT Catalogue and Analysis of the Coin Finds from the Excavations at Bīr-koṭ-ghwaṇḍai (Barikot), Swāt, Pakistan (1984–2022), Wien, ISMEO, ÖSTERREICHISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN, vol. 39, pp. 187-204 (ISBN 9783700195511) (ISSN 0582-7906) - ARCA card: 10278/5087307 |
2024 | Journal Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri Barikot's apsidal temple. An early Buddhist urban shrine in Outer Gandhara in HISTORIAN, vol. 161, pp. 47-53 (ISSN 0265-1076) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5059481 |
2024 | Journal Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri; Ingo Strauch The Proto-Sharada Rock Inscription at Talang, Kotah Valley, Swat (Pakistan) in EAST AND WEST, vol. 6 (65), pp. 1-19 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/5089051 |
2024 | Book Article |
Olivieri Luca Maria, Roberta Spallone, Fabrizio Lamberti, Filippo Gabriele Pratticò, Davide Calandra, Francesca Ronco, Lorenzo Castagna Reality-Virtuality Continuum Between Heuristic Research and Museum Presentation. Experiences in Reconstructive Modelling and AR Communication , Proceedings of the 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Digital Environments for Education, Arts and Heritage. EARTH 2023, Cham, Springer Nature Switzerland, vol. 36, pp. 1-15 (ISBN 9783031738227; 9783031738234) (ISSN 2661-8184) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5084311 |
2024 | Book Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri The Itinerary of Orgyan pa (ca. 1230-1293) in Giuseppe Tucci, Luca Maria Olivieri, Swāt Archaeology – From Tucci to the Present, Roma, ISMEO, pp. 145-151 (ISBN 9788866872887) - ARCA card: 10278/5068221 |
2024 | Book Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri Tucci and Swāt, Seventy Years Later in Giuseppe Tucci, Luca Maria Olivieri, Swāt Archaeology – From Tucci to the Present, Roma, ISMEO, pp. 245-294 (ISBN 9788866872887) - ARCA card: 10278/5068223 |
2024 | Book Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri Vajirasthāna, Bázira, Beira, Barikot, Bir-Kot in Giuseppe Tucci, Luca Maria Olivieri, Swāt Archaeology – From Tucci to the Present, Roma, ISMEO, pp. 153-155 (ISBN 9788866872887) - ARCA card: 10278/5068222 |
2024 | Book Article |
Omar Coloru, Elisa Iori, Luca Maria Olivieri Wine in Gandhāra. Notes on a Mythical and Economical Geography , Wine Cultures Gandhara and Beyond, Venezia, Edizioni Ca' Foscari, vol. 42, pp. 167-213 (ISBN 9788869698163) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5067741 |
2024 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) Harald Hauptmann, Hermann Parzinger, Luca Maria Olivieri, Lords of the Mountains. Pre-Islamic Heritage along the Upper Indus in Pakistan , Heidelberg, Heidelberg University Publishing (ISBN 9783968222707) - ARCA card: 10278/5067721 |
2024 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) Luca Maria Olivieri; Harald Hauptmann; Hermann Parzinger Lords of the Mountains. Pre-Islamic Heritage along the Upper Indus in Pakistan (ebook) , Heidelberg, Heidelberg University Publishing (ISBN 9783968222691) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5068181 |
2024 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) Giuseppe Tucci; Luca Maria Olivieri; Giuseppe Vignato Swāt Archaeology – From Tucci to the Present , Roma, ISMEO, vol. 50 (ISBN 9788866872887) - ARCA card: 10278/5068182 |
2023 | Journal Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri A Note on the Sphero-conical Vessels: New Evidence from Swat, Pakistan in ANCIENT PAKISTAN, vol. XXXIV, pp. 65-77 (ISSN 0066-1600) - ARCA card: 10278/5049720 |
2023 | Journal Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri Introductory Note in EAST AND WEST, vol. 4 (63), pp. 9-10 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/5060205 |
2023 | Journal Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri; Luca Colliva La conversione del Naga Apalala. Complessi buddhisti e controllo delle acque nella Valle
dello Swat (Pakistan) in BYRSA, vol. 2023, pp. 61-75 (ISSN 1721-8071) - ARCA card: 10278/5048940 |
2023 | Journal Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri Physical Repatriation: Tucci, the Gilgit Manuscripts, and the Beginning of IsMEO Archaeological Work in Swat in EAST AND WEST, vol. 4, pp. 37-64 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/5026580 |
2023 | Book Article |
Spallone, Roberta; Lamberti, Fabrizio; Olivieri, Luca Maria; Ronco, Francesca; Lombardi, Luca Augmented Reality and Avatars for Museum Heritage Storytelling in Roberta Spallone, Fabrizio Lamberti, Luca Maria Olivieri, Francesca Ronco, Luca Lombardi, Beyond Digital Representation Advanced Experiences in AR and AI for Cultural Heritage and Innovative Design, Berlin, Springer Link, pp. 241-258 (ISBN 978-3-031-36154-8; 978-3-031-36155-5) (ISSN 2731-7269) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5034373 |
2023 | Book Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri Early Gandhāran art: artists and working processes at Saidu Sharif I , Gandhāran Art in Its Buddhist Context, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 60-76 DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5017561 |
2023 | Book Article |
Olivieri, Luca M. Le cosiddette ‘croci di San Tommaso’. Una nota archeologica , L’arte armena e oltre. Nuovi contributi Studies in Armenian and Eastern Christian Art 2022, Venezia, Edizioni Ca' Foscari, vol. 20, pp. 47-66 (ISBN 978-88-6969-694-7) (ISSN 2610-9433) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5031680 |
2023 | Book Article |
L.M. Olivieri; M. Minardi Scavare a Barikot. Le fasi tardo-antiche in L.M. Olivieri, M. Minardi, Le forme della città Iran, Gandhāra e Asia Centrale Scritti offerti a Pierfrancesco Callieri in occasione del suo 65° compleanno, Roma, Scienze e Lettere, vol. 34, pp. 601-635 (ISBN 9788866872191) (ISSN 0582-7906) - ARCA card: 10278/5053160 |
2023 | Prefazione/Postfazione |
Luca Colliva, Anna Filigenzi, Luca Maria Olivieri Premessa/Foreword , Le forme della città. Iran, Gandhāra e Asia Centrale. Scritti offerti a Pierfrancesco Callieri in occasione del suo 65° compleanno, Roma, ISMEO, vol. 34, pp. 17-24 (ISBN 9788866872191) (ISSN 0582-7906) - ARCA card: 10278/5060204 |
2023 | Schede di Catalogo, repertorio o corpus |
OLIVIERI; Anna Filigenzi Bodhisattva Bhaishajyaraja, ‘The Healing King:’ Intertwined Religious Cultures: Buddhism, and Hinduism , Project Himalayan Art, Rubin Museum of Art, 2023, New York, Rubin Museum, vol. 1, pp. 1-13 - ARCA card: 10278/5014561 |
2023 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
Luca Maria Olivieri; Matteo Sesana A Tale of Two Cities. Notes on the Two Barikot in Dir and Swat , ROOTS OF PERISTAN THE PRE-ISLAMIC CULTURES OF THE HINDUKUSH/KARAKORUM Proceedings of the International Interdisciplinary Conference ISMEO, Rome, Palazzo Baleani, 5-7 October, 2022, Roma, ISMEO, vol. n.s. 37, pp. 743-758, Convegno: International Interdisciplinary Conference ISMEO, 5-7 October, 2022 (ISBN 978-88-66872-65-8) (ISSN 0582-7906) - ARCA card: 10278/5047780 |
2023 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) Luca Maria Olivieri; Ghani-ur-Rahman Journal of Asian Civilizations, 46, 2 (December 2023) in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, Islamabad, Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations, vol. 46, pp. 1-142 (ISSN 1993-4696) - ARCA card: 10278/5057801 |
2023 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) Luca Maria Olivieri; Ghani-ur-Rahman Journal of Asian Civilizations, Vol. 46, No. 1, June 2023 in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, Islamabad, Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations, vol. 46, pp. 1-108 (ISSN 1993-4696) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5050463 |
2023 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) Luca Maria Olivieri, Luca Colliva, Anna Filigenzi Le forme della città. Iran, Gandhāra e Asia Centrale. Scritti offerti a Pierfrancesco Callieri in occasione del suo 65° compleanno , Roma, Scienze e Lettere, vol. 34, pp. 1-657 (ISBN 978-88-6687-219-1) (ISSN 0582-7906) - ARCA card: 10278/5050380 |
2022 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
Luca M. Olivieri Stoneyards and Artists in Gandhara.The Buddhist Stupa of Saidu Sharif I, Swat (c. 50 CE) , Venezia, Edizioni Ca' Foscari, vol. 1, pp. 1-245 (ISBN 9788869695773) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3755747 |
2022 | Critical edition of texts/Critical edition of excavation |
Luca Maria Olivieri; Llewelyn Morgan The View from Malakand: Harold Deane's 'Note on Udyana and Gandhara' , Archaeopress, vol. 1, pp. 1-286 (ISBN 1803272074) - ARCA card: 10278/3760048 |
2022 | Journal Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri, Michele Minardi, Massimo Vidale A Note on the Discovery of a Prehistoric Maskoid on the Barikot Top-Hill (Bir-kot-ghwandai, Swat) in ANCIENT PAKISTAN, vol. XXXIII, pp. 65-75 (ISSN 0066-1600) - ARCA card: 10278/5016325 |
2022 | Journal Article |
2022 | Journal Article |
Anna Lluveras‐Tenorio; Alessia Andreotti; Fabio Talarico; Stefano Legnaioli; Luca Maria Olivieri; Maria Perla Colombini; Ilaria Bonaduce; Simona Pannuzi An insight into Gandharan Art: Materials and Techniques of Polychrome Decoration in HERITAGE, vol. 2022, pp. 488-508 (ISSN 2571-9408) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3752882 |
2022 | Journal Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri Antonio Invernizzi (Turin, 1 January 1941 - 2 December 2021) in EAST AND WEST, vol. 3 (62), pp. 211-212 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/5011921 |
2022 | Journal Article |
2022 | Journal Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri Obituaries: Gérard Fussman, Michael Jansen in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, vol. 45, pp. 171-177 (ISSN 1993-4696) - ARCA card: 10278/5011920 |
2022 | Journal Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri Passaggio in Swat. Antichità buddhista in ARCHEOLOGIA VIVA, vol. 3, pp. 28-39 (ISSN 0392-9485) - ARCA card: 10278/5026582 |
2022 | Journal Article |
Luca M. Olivieri; Elisa Iori Patterns of Early Urbanisation in Swat: A Reassessment of the Data from the Recent Excavations at Barikot in ANCIENT PAKISTAN, vol. XXXII, pp. 33-55 (ISSN 0066-1600) - ARCA card: 10278/3755427 |
2022 | Journal Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri, Elisa Iori, Omar Coloru Swat after the Indo‑Greeks. The City, the Sanctuaries and the Economy. An Archaeological Overview on the Saka‑Parthian period in STUDIA HERCYNIA, vol. XXV, pp. 110-135 (ISSN 2336-8144) - ARCA card: 10278/3753928 |
2022 | Book Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri Routes of Swat, New Perspectives , The World of the Ancient Silk Road, New York, Routledge, pp. 354-377 (ISBN 9780367199968) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5002332 |
2022 | Book Article |
Adriano Rossi; Luca Maria Olivieri Sebastiano Tusa e gli scavi dell'IsMEO , Orizzonti d'Oriente : tra Mediterraneo e Asia centrale : studi in ricordo di Sebastiano Tusa, LoGisma, pp. 179-186 (ISBN 9788894926538) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3763550 |
2022 | Book Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri Temples of Swat. The Śāhi archaeological landscape of Barikot , The Routledge Handbook of Hindu Temples Materiality, Social History and Practice, London, Routledge India, vol. 1, pp. 251-276 (ISBN 9780367563158; 9781003097709) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5011041 |
2022 | Entry in dictionary/encyclopedia |
Olivieri, Luca Maria The Archaeology of Gandhāra , Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Oxford University Press (ISBN 9780190854584) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3755746 |
2022 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) Luca Maria Olivieri; Ghani-ur-Rahman Journal of Asian Civilizations, Vol. 45, No. 1, June 2022 in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, Islamabad, Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations, vol. 45, pp. 1-194 (ISSN 1993-4696) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5050461 |
2022 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) Luca Maria Olivieri; Ghani-ur-Rahman Journal of Asian Civilizations, Vol. 45, No. 2, December 2022 in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, Islamabad, Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations, vol. 45, pp. 1-186 (ISSN 1993-4696) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5050462 |
2021 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
Luca Maria Olivieri; Anna Filigenzi; Noor Agha Noori; Massimo Vidale; Livia Alberti Fieldwork Guidelines for Archaeology Officers , Kabul, Archaeology Institute of Afghanistan, vol. 1, pp. 1-131 - ARCA card: 10278/3742222 |
2021 | Journal Article |
Spengler R.N.; Stark S.; Zhou X.; Fuks D.; Tang L.; Mir-Makhamad B.; Bjorn R.; Jiang H.; Olivieri L.M.; Begmatov A.; Boivin N. A Journey to the West: The Ancient Dispersal of Rice Out of East Asia in RICE, vol. 14, pp. 1-18 (ISSN 1939-8425) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3744465 |
2021 | Journal Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri; Michele Minardi Acropoli di Barikot. Microcosmo di riflessi asiatici in ARCHEOLOGIA VIVA, vol. 2, pp. 39-51 (ISSN 0392-9485) - ARCA card: 10278/5026581 |
2021 | Journal Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri Antonio Invernizzi
(Turin, 1 January 1941 – 2 December 2021) in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, vol. 44, pp. 254-257 (ISSN 1993-4696) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5002455 |
2021 | Journal Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri; Massimo Vidale, Michael W. Meister, Francesco Martore, Ron Hatfield Gumbat-Balo Kale, Swat (GBK 1). A Revised Excavation Report 1 in PAKISTAN ARCHAEOLOGY, vol. 33-2018, pp. 20-72 (ISSN 0078-7868) - ARCA card: 10278/3752912 |
2021 | Journal Article |
Olivieri, Luca Maria; Iori, Elisa Monumental Entrance to Gandharan Buddhist Architecture
Stairs and Gates from Swat in ANNALI DI CA' FOSCARI. SERIE ORIENTALE, vol. 57, pp. 197-240 (ISSN 2385-3042) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3741228 |
2021 | Journal Article |
Luca M. Olivieri The Problem of Negative Interfaces in Stratigraphic Excavations:
Two Case Studies from Swat in ANCIENT PAKISTAN, vol. XXXI, pp. 27-37 (ISSN 0066-1600) - ARCA card: 10278/3741200 |
2021 | Journal Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri; Fabrizio Sinisi The Stele and the Other Statues. A Stone Puzzle from Surkh Kotal in EAST AND WEST, vol. 2 (61), pp. 115-161 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3743747 |
2021 | Book Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri Architetture cultuali urbane kuṣāṇo-sasanidi a Barikot, Swāt , L’eredità umana e scientifica di Mario Bussagli, Roma, Scienze e Lettere, pp. 271-280 (ISBN 9788866872016) - ARCA card: 10278/3743468 |
2021 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
Salemi, G.; Faresin, E.; Olivieri, L. M. LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES APPLIED TO A BUDDHIST CARVED ROCK SCULPTURE , The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences in INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES, ISPRS, vol. XLIII-B2-2021, pp. 863-867, Convegno: The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XXIV ISPRS Congress (ISSN 2194-9034) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3741121 |
2021 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) Luca Maria Olivieri; Ghani-ur-Rahman Journal of Asian Civilizations, Vol. 44, No. 1, June 2021 in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, Islamabad, Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations, vol. 44, pp. 1-286 (ISSN 1993-4696) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5050403 |
2021 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) Luca Maria Olivieri; Ghani-ur-Rahman Journal of Asian Civilizations, Vol. 44, No. 2, December 2021 in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, Islamabad, Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations, vol. 44, pp. 1-266 (ISSN 1993-4696) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5050404 |
2020 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
Part 1 The study
Part 2 The materials , Lahore, Sang-e-Meel Publications, vol. 22, pp. 1-1251 (ISBN 969-35-3312-7; 978-969-35-3312-5) (ISSN 0582-7906) - ARCA card: 10278/3734882 |
2020 | Journal Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri;
Massimo Vidale Akhtar Munir (1949-2020) in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, vol. 43, pp. 202-207 (ISSN 1993-4696) - ARCA card: 10278/5050400 |
2020 | Journal Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri; Omar Coloru Mount Aornos and the Operations of the Macedonian Army in Swat.
Sources and Archaeological Data in PAKISTAN HERITAGE, vol. 11, pp. 105-122 (ISSN 2073-641X) - ARCA card: 10278/3726621 |
2020 | Journal Article |
Luca M. Olivieri, Massimo Vidale, Lara Maritan, Luca Nodari Shades of black: Production technology of the black slip ware from Barikot, north-western Pakistan in JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE, vol. N/D (ISSN 1778-3674) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3726103 |
2020 | Journal Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri; Elisa Iori The Kushano-Sasanian Phases at Barikot, Swat: The Evidence from the 2018 Excavation Campaign in ANCIENT PAKISTAN, vol. XXX, pp. 23-42 (ISSN 0066-1600) - ARCA card: 10278/3728777 |
2020 | Journal Article |
Spengler, Robert N.; Tang, Li; Nayak, Ayushi; Boivin, Nicole; Olivieri, Luca Maria The southern Central Asian mountains as an ancient agricultural mixing zone: new archaeobotanical data from Barikot in the Swat valley of Pakistan in VEGETATION HISTORY AND ARCHAEOBOTANY, vol. 2020, pp. 1-14 (ISSN 0939-6314) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3730726 |
2020 | Book Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri A SHORT NOTE ON THE FORTUNE OF TOPONYMY STUDIES IN SWĀT AND GANDHĀRA in Matteo De Chiara, TOPONYMY OF THE SWĀT VALLEY. LINGUISTIC ARCHAEOLOGY, Sang-e-Meel Publications, vol. 25, pp. 237-238 (ISBN 969-35-3298-8; 978-969-35-3298-2) (ISSN 0582-7906) - ARCA card: 10278/3730388 |
2020 | Book Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri Gandhāra and North-Western India , The Graeco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek World, New York, Routledge, Taylor and Francis, vol. 1, pp. 386-415 (ISBN 9781138090699) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3734883 |
2020 | Book Article |
Elisa Iori; Luca Maria Olivieri Macrophases 2 and 3a: Materials from Trenches BKG 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 12E, L and M in P. Callieri and L.M. Olivieri, Ceramics from the excavations in the Historic Settlement at Bīr-koṭ-ghwaṇḍai (Barikot) Swat, Pakistan (1984-1992), Lahore, Sang-e-Meel, pp. 309-322 (ISBN 9693533127) - ARCA card: 10278/5082598 |
2020 | Book Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri; Matteo De Chiara; Roberto Micheli Pašto mečəń مٻچن ‘hand-mill, quern’. Linguistic and archaeological notes on rotary querns , IRANIAN STUDIES IN HONOUR OF ADRIANO V. ROSSI, Napoli, Unior Press, vol. LXXXVII.1, pp. 255-272 (ISBN 978-88-6719-171-0) (ISSN 1824-6109) - ARCA card: 10278/3730067 |
2020 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
Luca Maria Olivieri, Ian Haynes, Kay Wannaporn, Iwan Peverett De-fragmenting Gandhāran art: advancing analysis through digital imaging and visualization , The Global Connections of Gandhāran Art Proceedings of the Third International Workshop of the Gandhāra Connections Project, University of Oxford, 18th-19th March, 2019, Oxford, Archaeopress, pp. 251-264, Convegno: Third International Workshop of the Gandhāra Connections Project, University of Oxford, 18-19/03 2019 (ISBN 978-1-78969-695-0) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3729446 |
2020 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
Luca Maria Olivieri; Elisa Iori Early-historic Data from the 2016 Excavation Campaigns at the Urban Site of Barikot, Swat (Pakistan): A Shifting Perspective , Religion, Society, Trade and Kinship. Art and Religion in South Asia and along the Silk Road 5500 BCE - 5th Century CE, New Delhi, Dev Publishers & Distributors, pp. 79-103, Convegno: European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art, 2016 (ISBN 9789381406953) - ARCA card: 10278/3726805 |
2020 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) Luca Maria Olivieri; Ghani-ur-Rahman Journal of Asian Civilizations Vol. 43, No. 1, June 2020 in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, Islamabad, Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations, vol. 43, pp. 1-220 (ISSN 1993-4696) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5050401 |
2020 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) Luca Maria Olivieri; Ghani-ur-Rahman Journal of Asian Civilizations, Vol. 43, No. 2, December 2020 in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, Islamabad, Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations, vol. 43, pp. 1-316 (ISSN 1993-4696) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5050402 |
2020 | Other |
Luca Maria Olivieri Archaeological Evidence for a Climatic and Agrarian Crisis in Swat between 530 and 660: Possible Effects of the So-called “Late Antique Little Ice Age” (LALIA) , Universität Wien, pp. 1-5 - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3735256 |
2019 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; Marzaioli F; Passariello I; Iori E; Micheli R; Terrasi F; Vidale M; D'Onofrio A A new revised chronology and cultural sequence of the Swat valley, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan) in the light of current excavations at Barikot (Bir-kot-ghwandai) in NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION B, BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, vol. 456, pp. 148-156 (ISSN 0168-583X) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3722730 |
2019 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L A short note on contexts and chronology of the materials from Saidu Sharif,
Amluk-dara, Gumbat and Barikot (Swat) in RESTAURO ARCHEOLOGICO, vol. 1, pp. 112-131 (ISSN 1724-9686) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3722739 |
2019 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Amluk-dara (AKD 1)
A Revised Excavation Report in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, vol. 41, pp. 1-106 (ISSN 1993-4696) - ARCA card: 10278/3722728 |
2019 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; S Pannuzi An Introduction: the Swat Valley and Florence in RESTAURO ARCHEOLOGICO, vol. 1, pp. 6-11 (ISSN 1724-9686) - ARCA card: 10278/3722738 |
2019 | Journal Article |
Zellman-Rohrer M; OLIVIERI L An inscribed sherd in Aramaic script from Barikot, Pakistan in BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF ORIENTAL RESEARCH, vol. 381, pp. 203-210 (ISSN 2161-8062) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3722727 |
2019 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; E Iori; Noor Agha Noor Fashion Ware in Mes Aynak, Logar:
Chronology and comparison
(with an Appendix on a single specimen of
tulip-bowl from Site MA-100) in AFGHANISTAN STUDIES JOURNAL, vol. 3, pp. 91-114 (ISSN 1046-9834) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3722724 |
2019 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Giorgio Stacul in SOUTH ASIAN STUDIES, vol. 2019, pp. 1-3 (ISSN 0266-6030) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3722736 |
2019 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; Vidale M; Zaminga M; Guida G Investigating gilding techniques on Gandharan stone sculptures and
architectural components: a preliminary note in RESTAURO ARCHEOLOGICO, vol. 1, pp. 90-99 (ISSN 1724-9686) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3722722 |
2019 | Journal Article |
L.M. Olivieri The early-historic funerary monuments of Butkara IV. New evidence on a forgotten excavation in outer Gandhara in RIVISTA DEGLI STUDI ORIENTALI, vol. XCII, pp. 231-258 (ISSN 0392-4866) - ARCA card: 10278/3723347 |
2019 | Journal Article |
Vagheesh N; Reich D; OLIVIERI L; Vidale M; Micheli; R; Zahir M; Coppa A; et al The formation of human populations in South and Central Asia in SCIENCE, vol. 365, pp. 1-356 (ISSN 1095-9203) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3722735 |
2019 | Journal Article |
Olivieri L Una breve nota in ricordo di Harald Hauptmann. La lastra BI 3818 da Butkara I in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, vol. 41, pp. 195-200 (ISSN 1993-4696) - ARCA card: 10278/3722734 |
2019 | Review in magazine |
Luca Maria Olivieri; Massimo Vidale A. Uesugi (ed.) Iron Age in South Asia. Research Group for South Asian Archaeology, Archaeological Research Institute, Kansai University, Osaka, 2018 [ISBN 978-4-9909150-1-8] in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, vol. 42, pp. 185-198 (ISSN 1993-4696) - ARCA card: 10278/3728778 |
2019 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L Early Archaeology in a “Native State”: Khans, Officers, and Archaeologists in Swat (1895–1939), with a Digression on the 1950s , “Masters” and “Natives”Digging the Others’ Past, DEU, Walter de Gruyter and Company:Genthinerstrasse 13, D 10785 Berlin Germany:011 49 30 260050, EMAIL: customerservice@deguyter.de, INTERNET: link esterno , Fax: 011 49 30 26005338, vol. 8, pp. 209-232 (ISBN 9783-11-059706-6) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3722726 |
2019 | Book Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri Economie collegate: i monasteri buddhisti e le città in S. Whitfield, Le Vie della Seta. Popoli, culture, paesaggi, Torino, Einaudi, vol. 1, pp. 160-166 (ISBN 9788806241537) - ARCA card: 10278/5031020 |
2019 | Book Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri Il tesoro battriano e altri tesori insepolti in S. Whitfield, Le Vie della Seta. Popoli, culture, paesaggi, Torino, Einaudi, pp. 132-135 (ISBN 9788806241537) - ARCA card: 10278/5031040 |
2019 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L Linked economies: Buddhist monasteries and cities , Silk Roads. Peoples, Cultures, Landscapes, Londra, Thames & Hudson, pp. 160-167 (ISBN 978-0-500-02157-6) - ARCA card: 10278/3722731 |
2019 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L; P Brancaccio Regional workshops and small stūpas in the Swat Valley: an analysis of the evidence from Gumbat, Saidu Sharif, and Pānr , The Geography of Gandhāran Art, Archeopress Publishing LTD, pp. 121-142 (ISBN 978-1-78969-186-3) - ARCA card: 10278/3722737 |
2019 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L The Bactrian hoard and other unearthed treasures , Silk Roads. peoples, Cultures, Landscapes, GBR, Thames and Hudson, pp. 132-135 (ISBN 978-0-500-02157-6) - ARCA card: 10278/3722729 |
2019 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) Luca Maria Olivieri; Ghani-ur-Rahman Journal of Asian Civilizations, Vol. 42, No. 2, December 2019 in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, Islamabad, Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations, vol. 42, pp. 1-210 (ISSN 1993-4696) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5050460 |
2019 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) Luca Maria Olivieri; Ghani-ur-Rahman Journal of Asian Civilizations; Vol. 42, No. 1, July 2019 in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, Islamabad, Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations, vol. 42, pp. 1-279 (ISSN 1993-4696) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5050444 |
2019 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) Arrighetti A; OLIVIERI L; Pannuzi S Restauro Archeologico in RESTAURO ARCHEOLOGICO, Firenze University Press, vol. 1, pp. 1-180 (ISSN 2465-2377) - ARCA card: 10278/3722725 |
2018 | Journal Article |
Maritan, Lara; Piovesan, Rebecca; Dalconi, Maria Chiara; Rius, Jordi; Crespi, Anna; Vallcorba, Oriol; Casas, Lluís; Vidale, Massimo; Olivieri, Luca Maria Looking like gold: Chlorite and talc transformation in the golden slip ware production (Swat valley, North-Western Pakistan) in MINERALS, vol. 8, pp. 200 (ISSN 2075-163X) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3722744 |
2018 | Journal Article |
Olivieri L Physiology and Meaning of Pottery Deposits in Urban Contexts (Barikot, Swat):
Archaeological Field Notes with an Addendum on the lásana Pottery Forms in ANCIENT PAKISTAN, vol. XXIX, pp. 123-139 (ISSN 0066-1600) - ARCA card: 10278/3722742 |
2018 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L Archaeology from below in Swat, Pakistan: Heritage and Social Mobilization in a Post-Conflict Reality , Post-Conflict Archaeology and Cultural Heritage. Rebuilding Knowledge, Memory and Community from War-Damaged Material Culture, USA, Routledge, Taylor and Francis, pp. 217-237 (ISBN 978-1-138-29656-5) - ARCA card: 10278/3722743 |
2018 | Book Article |
Olivieri L Vajirasthana/Bazira and Beyond: foundation and current status of the archaeological work in Swat , Buddhism and Gandhara: An Archaeology of Museum Collections, IND, Routledge India, vol. 1, pp. 173-212 (ISBN 9781351252751) - ARCA card: 10278/3722740 |
2018 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
OLIVIERI L; Filigenzi A On Gandhāran sculptural production from Swat: recent archaeological and chronological data , Problems of Chronology inGandhāran ArtProceedings of the First InternationalWorkshop of the Gandhāra Connections Project,University of Oxford, 23rd-24th March, 2017, GBR, Archaeopress Publishing Ltd, vol. 1, pp. 71-92, Convegno: First International Workshop of the Gandhāra Connections Projec, 23-24/03/2017 (ISBN 9781784918552) - ARCA card: 10278/3722741 |
2018 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) Luca Maria Olivieri; Ghani-ur-Rahman Journal of Asian Civilizations, Vol. 41, No. 1, July 2018 in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, Islamabad, Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations, vol. 41, pp. 1-234 (ISSN 1993-4696) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5050442 |
2018 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) Luca Maria Olivieri; Ghani-ur-Rahman Journal of Asian Civilizations, Vol. 41, No. 2, December 2018 in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, Islamabad, Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations, vol. 41, pp. 1-196 (ISSN 1993-4696) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5050443 |
2017 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
Fieldwork guidelines for archaeology students
2nd Revised Edition , Sang-e-Meel Publications, vol. 2, pp. 1-102 (ISBN 969-35-3037-3) - ARCA card: 10278/3722745 |
2017 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L A Note on the Swat ‘Fashion Ware’: Its Origin and Diffusion in ANCIENT PAKISTAN, vol. XXVIII, pp. 105-117 (ISSN 0066-1600) - ARCA card: 10278/3722746 |
2017 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Decline or Transformations:
Patterns of Change in Swat at and
after the end of the Kushan Era
(3rd-6th Century AD) in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, vol. 40, pp. 41-59 (ISSN 1993-4696) - ARCA card: 10278/3722747 |
2017 | Journal Article |
Luca Maria Olivieri; Luca Colliva IsMEO/IsIAO – DOAM Excavations at Bīr-koṭ-ghwaṇḍai 1984-1992. A Reassessment of the Chronological Sequence on the Basis of the Latest Fieldwork at the Site in PAKISTAN ARCHAEOLOGY, vol. 32, pp. 26-63 (ISSN 0078-7868) - ARCA card: 10278/3728779 |
2017 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L The itinerary of O rgyan pa in
Swat/Uddiyana (second half of
13th Century) in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, vol. 40, pp. 87-101 (ISSN 1993-4696) - ARCA card: 10278/3722748 |
2017 | Journal Article |
Tribulato, O., Olivieri L.M. Writing Greek in the Swat region: A new graffito from Barikot (Pakistan) in ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR PAPYROLOGIE UND EPIGRAPHIK, vol. 204, pp. 128-135 (ISSN 0084-5388) - ARCA card: 10278/3685857 |
2017 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L Il limite come frontiera culturale.
L’esperienza archeologica recente nello Swat, Pakistan , BEYOND LIMITSSTUDI IN ONORE DI GIOVANNI LEONARDI, ITA, UP Padova, vol. 39, pp. 603-606 (ISBN 9788869380709) - ARCA card: 10278/3722718 |
2017 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L Le attività di formazione, scavo e restauro della Missione Italiana nello Swat (2011-2016) , Archeologia delle Vie della SetaPercorsi, immagini e cultura materiale, ITA, Scienze e Lettere S.r.l., vol. III, pp. 1-99-11-108 (ISBN 9788866871309) - ARCA card: 10278/3722719 |
2017 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) Luca Maria Olivieri; Ghani-ur-Rahman Journal of Asian Civilizations, Vol. 40, No. 1, July 2017 in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, Islamabad, Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations, vol. 40, pp. 1-206 (ISSN 1993-4696) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5050440 |
2017 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) Luca Maria Olivieri; Ghani-ur-Rahman Journal of Asian Civilizations, Vol. 40, No. 2, December 2017 in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, Islamabad, Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations, vol. 40, pp. 1-206 (ISSN 1993-4696) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5050441 |
2016 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; Moscatelli C; Syed Niaz Ali Shah A Late Kushan Urban Temple from Bazira/Vajīrasthāna. Data from the 2016 Excavation Campaign at Barikot, Swat in PAKISTAN HERITAGE, vol. 8, pp. 49-61 (ISSN 2073-641X) - ARCA card: 10278/3722759 |
2016 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Behind the Buddhist Communities.
A Revised Note on Subalternity and Dominancy in Ancient Swat in PAKISTAN ARCHAEOLOGY, vol. 30, pp. 45-67 (ISSN 0078-7868) - ARCA card: 10278/3722767 |
2016 | Journal Article |
FILIGENZI, Anna; OLIVIERI, LUCA MARIA; Terrasi, F.; Marzaioli, F.; Passariello; M. Capano Buddhist settlements and proto-historic graveyards: New chronometric and archaeological data from Saidu Sharif I (Swat, Pakistan) in NEWSLETTER DI ARCHEOLOGIA CISA, vol. 7, pp. 23-33 (ISSN 2036-6353) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3722755 |
2016 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; Martore F Forts of Swat
Military Architecture at the Time of the Mianguls.
Domenico Faccenna dicatum in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, vol. 39, pp. 1-19 (ISSN 1993-4696) - ARCA card: 10278/3722751 |
2016 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Guru Padmasambhava in Context: Archaeological and Historical Evidence from Swat/Uddiyana (c. 8th
century CE) in JOURNAL OF BHUTAN STUDIES, vol. 34, pp. 20-42 (ISSN 1608-4128) - ARCA card: 10278/3722754 |
2016 | Journal Article |
Iori E; OLIVIERI L The Early-Historic Urban Area at Mingora in the light of Domenico Faccenna's Excavations at Barama-i (Swat) in FRONTIER ARCHAEOLOGY, vol. 7, pp. 99-103 - ARCA card: 10278/3722764 |
2016 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L The Last Phases at Barikot: Urban Cults and Sacred Architecture. Data from the Spring 2013 Excavation Campaign in Swat, Journal of Inner Asia Art and Archaeology 7: 7-30 in JOURNAL OF INNER ASIAN ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY, vol. 1, pp. 7-30 (ISSN 1783-9025) - ARCA card: 10278/3722766 |
2016 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L The graveyard and the Buddhist shrine at Saidu Sharif I (Swat, Pakistan). Fresh chronological and stratigraphical evidence in VESTNIK DREVNEI ISTORII, vol. 76, pp. 559-578 (ISSN 0321-0391) - ARCA card: 10278/3722763 |
2016 | Journal Article |
Bagnera A; OLIVIERI L The site of Mount Raja Gira, Udegram. Archaeological Evidences and new Hypotheses in FRONTIER ARCHAEOLOGY, vol. 7, pp. 137-161 - ARCA card: 10278/3722761 |
2016 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L; Vidale M; Micheli R Concluding remarks, Appendices and Postscript , Excavations at the protohistoric graveyards of Gogdara and Udegram, Sang-e-Meel Publications, vol. III, pp. 189-225 (ISBN 9789693529821) - ARCA card: 10278/3722752 |
2016 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L; Vidale M; Agha N; Iqbal A; Pulcini M Gogdara IV Fieldwork Season, November 2011 , Excavations at the Protohistoric Graveyards of Gogdara and Udegram, Sang-e-Meel Publications, vol. III, pp. 11-47 (ISBN 9789693529821) - ARCA card: 10278/3722749 |
2016 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L; Vidale M; Cupitò M; Iqbal A; Javed E; Pulcini ML Udegram First campaign May-June 2012 , Excavations at protohistoric graveyards of Gogdara and Udegram, Sang-e-Meel Publications, vol. III, pp. 51-74 (ISBN 9789693529821) - ARCA card: 10278/3722762 |
2016 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L; Vidale M; Iqbal; A; Javed E; Micheli R; Pulcini M; Zahir M; Quarta G Udegram second campaign October-November 2012 , Excavations at the protohistoric graveyards of Gogdara and Udegram, Sang-e-Meel Publications, vol. III, pp. 75-188 (ISBN 9789693529821) - ARCA card: 10278/3722760 |
2016 | Prefazione/Postfazione |
Biagioli C, De Chiara M, Ferrari E, Aftab ur-Rehman Rana, Shafiq Ahmad Khan, Vidale M; OLIVIERI L Foreword , A Guide to Kandak and Kotah Valleys. A Field companion to "Talking Stones", Sang-e-Meel Publications, vol. 4, pp. iv-iv (ISBN 9693529855) - ARCA card: 10278/3722750 |
2016 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) OLIVIERI L; Vidale M; Micheli R Excavations at the Protohistoric Graveyards of Gogdara and Udegram , PAK, Sang-e-Meel Publications, vol. III, pp. 1-244 (ISBN 9789693529821) - ARCA card: 10278/3722765 |
2015 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
New Archival Materials , Sang-e-Meel Publications, vol. 1, pp. 1-402 (ISBN 9789693528879) - ARCA card: 10278/3722784 |
2015 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
OLIVIERI L Talking Stones. Painted Rock Shelters of the Swat Valley , PAK, Sang-e-Meel Publications, pp. 1-260 (ISBN 9789693528886) - ARCA card: 10278/3722720 |
2015 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L 'Frontier Archaeology': Sir Aurel Stein, Swat, and the Indian Aornos in SOUTH ASIAN STUDIES, vol. 31, pp. 58-70 (ISSN 0266-6030) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3722770 |
2015 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; Nasir A Appendix: The Painted Shelters of Chargul Dheri (Sites 617b and 617c) (Mt. Karamar N; Swabi District) in FRONTIER ARCHAEOLOGY, vol. 5, pp. 1-5 - ARCA card: 10278/3722773 |
2015 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L From Giuseppe Tucci to the ACT Project. Italian Archaeology, training and social mobilization in the Swat Valley in PAKISTAN ARCHAEOLOGY, vol. 30, pp. 179-194 (ISSN 0078-7868) - ARCA card: 10278/3722782 |
2015 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L The Last Phases at Barikot: Urban Cults and preliminary Chronology: Data from the 2012 Excavation Campaign in Swat in JOURNAL OF INNER ASIAN ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY, vol. 6/2011, pp. 7-40 (ISSN 1783-9025) - ARCA card: 10278/3722787 |
2015 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; Iori E; Amanullah Afridi Urban Defences at Bir-kot-ghwandai, Swat (Pakistan. Data from the 2015 Excavation Campaign in PAKISTAN HERITAGE, vol. 7, pp. 73-94 (ISSN 2073-641X) - ARCA card: 10278/3722785 |
2015 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Urban Defenses at Bir-kot-ghwandai,
Swat (Pakistan)
New Data from the 2014 Excavation Campaign in ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS FROM SCYTHIA TO SIBERIA, vol. 21, pp. 183-199 (ISSN 0929-077X) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3722786 |
2015 | Journal Article |
ELISA IORI; LUCA OLIVIERI; AMANULLAH AFRIDI Urban Defenses at Bīr-koṭ-ghwaṇḍai, Swat (Pakistan). The Saka-Parthian Phases: Data from the 2015 Excavation Campaign in PAKISTAN HERITAGE, vol. 7, pp. 73-94 (ISSN 2073-641X) - ARCA card: 10278/3722768 |
2015 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L Bibliography (of the Italian Archaeological Mission on Buddhist Archaeology 1955-2015) , At the Origin of Gandharan Art, CHN, Shangai Classics Publishing House, vol. 1, pp. 181-197 (ISBN 978-7-5325-7786-6) - ARCA card: 10278/3722769 |
2015 | Book Article |
Filigenzi A; OLIVIERI L; Filigenzi A Catalogue and Photographic Documentation , Art and Landscape. Buddhist Rock Sculptures of Late Antique Swat/Uddiyana, AUT, Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissensch, vol. 1, pp. 174-321 (ISBN 9783700172413) - ARCA card: 10278/3722788 |
2015 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L Domenico Faccenna and the development of archaeological study in Swat.
Methodology, fieldwork and bibliography. , At the Origin of the Gandharan Art, CHN, Shangai Classics Publishing House, vol. 1, pp. 16-28 (ISBN 978-7-5325-7786-6) - ARCA card: 10278/3722774 |
2015 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L Et in Uddiyana ego. Recenti attività archeologiche nella valle dello Swat , Gandhara. Tecnologia, produzione e conservazione. Indagini preliminari su sculture in pietra e stucco del Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale "Giuseppe Tucci", ITA, Gangemi Editore, pp. 28-34 (ISBN 978-88-492-2863-2) - ARCA card: 10278/3722781 |
2015 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L; Vidale M; Ferrari S; Loliva E Tracce di strumenti e organizzazione del lavoro su elementi scolpiti gandharici di Saidu Sharif e Panr (Swat, Pakistan) conservati nel MNAO , Gandhara. Tecnologia, produzione e conservazione. Indagini preliminari su sculture in pietra e stucco del Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale "Giuseppe Tucci", ITA, Gangemi Editore, pp. 35-45 (ISBN 978-88-492-2863-2) - ARCA card: 10278/3722777 |
2015 | Prefazione/Postfazione |
Bagnera A; OLIVIERI L Note , THE GHAZNAVID MOSQUEAND THE ISLAMIC SETTLEMENTAT MT. RAJA GĪRA, UDEGRAM, PAK, Sang-e-Meel Publications, vol. 1, pp. 4-5 (ISBN 978-969-35-2880-0) - ARCA card: 10278/3722783 |
2015 | Schede di Catalogo, repertorio o corpus |
OLIVIERI L Breve storia dell'archeologia cristiana in India , L'arte di Francesco. Capolavori d'arte italiana e terre d'Asia dal XIII al XV secolo, ITA, Giunti Editore, vol. 1, pp. 444-446 (ISBN 978-88-09-80801-0) - ARCA card: 10278/3722776 |
2015 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
Vidale M; OLIVIERI L; Cupitò M; Micheli R.; Iqbal A; Zarif M; Genchi R A New Phase of Research on the Protohistoric Graves of Swat valley, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan , South Asian Archaeology and Art 2012. 1. Man and Environment in prehistoric and Protohistoric South Asia: New Perspectives, Brepols, pp. 331-348, Convegno: EASAA, 2012 (ISBN 978-2-503-56803-4) - ARCA card: 10278/3722779 |
2015 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
South Asian Religions and Visual Forms in their Archaeological Context; Meister M; OLIVIERI L; Vidale M Gumbat Balo-Kale (Swat): Architectural Analysis, Conservation and Excavation (2011-2012) , South Asian Art and Archaeology 2012. 2. South Asian Religions and Visual Forms in their Archaeological Context., Brepols, vol. 2, pp. 553-566, Convegno: EASAA, 2012 (ISBN 9782503568041) - ARCA card: 10278/3722780 |
2015 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
OLIVIERI L L’attività di formazione, scavo e restauro della Missione Italiana nello Swat (2011-2014) , Archeologie delle “Vie della Seta”: Percorsi, Immagini e Cultura Materiale. III Ciclo di Conferenze, CISA, vol. 1, pp. 1-25, Convegno: Le Vie della Seta (ISBN 978-88-6719-078-2) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3722778 |
2015 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) AAVV; CALLIERI, PIERFRANCESCO; FILIGENZI, Anna; OLIVIERI, LUCA MARIA Jiantuoluo Yishu Tanyuan《犍陀罗艺术探源》[At the origin of Gandharan Art] , CHN, Shanghai Classics Publishing House, vol. 4 (ISBN 978-7-5325-7786-6) - ARCA card: 10278/3722772 |
2014 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
OLIVIERI L Digging up. Fieldwork Guidelines for Archaeology Students , PAK, Sang-e-Meel Publications, vol. ACT Series Minor, pp. 1-107 (ISBN 969-35-2748-8) - ARCA card: 10278/3722798 |
2014 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
GUMBAT AND AMLUK-DARA (BARIKOT) , PAK, Sang-e-Meel Publications, vol. ACT Series 2, pp. 1-425 (ISBN 969-35-2731-3) - ARCA card: 10278/3722796 |
2014 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; Vidale M An ethno-historical and ethno-archaeological to the off-sites archaeological locations of the Swat Valley (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan) in ARCHEOLOGIA MEDIEVALE, vol. XLI, pp. 55-64 (ISSN 0390-0592) - ARCA card: 10278/3722721 |
2014 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Restauro conservativo e mobilizzazione sociale in siti archeologici della valle dello Swat (Pakistan) in RESTAURO ARCHEOLOGICO, vol. 1/2014, pp. 56-77 (ISSN 1724-9686) - ARCA card: 10278/3722758 |
2014 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L Il danno degli scavi clandestini/ The damages of illegal digging , Simboli vivi. Il potere delle immagini nelle ceramiche preistoriche del Pakistan/ Living Symbols. The power of imagery in the prehistoric pottery of Pakistan, ITA, Editoriale Artemide srl, vol. 1, pp. 12-13 (ISBN 978-88-7575-210-1) - ARCA card: 10278/3722800 |
2014 | Prefazione/Postfazione |
2014 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
Biagioli C; OLIVIERI L; Abdur Rauf Yousufzai; Fazal Khaliq Conservation and Development: Pakistan Conservation Challenge , The Right to [World] HeritageConference Proceedings, Cottbus, IAWHP, vol. 1, pp. 129-157, Convegno: The Right to [World] Heritage, 23-25/10/2014 (ISBN 978-3-00-047536-8) - ARCA card: 10278/3722797 |
2013 | Journal Article |
Cupitò M; OLIVIERI L Architectural and infra-structural evidence of re-use of residential units in macro-phase D, sector 11 W of Bir-kot-ghwandai/Barikot in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, vol. 36, pp. 41-81 (ISSN 1993-4696) - ARCA card: 10278/3722803 |
2013 | Book Article |
Marati I, Vassallo C; OLIVIERI L ACT Field School Project: An Overview , The New Swat Archaeological Museum: Architectural Study, Master Plan and Execution, PAK, Sang-e-Meel, pp. 1-15 (ISBN 9789693526646) - ARCA card: 10278/3722733 |
2013 | Book Article |
Marati I, Vassallo C; OLIVIERI L Swat Museum: A Visual Cultural Path in I. Marati/C. Vassallo, The New Swat Archaeological Museum. Architectural Study, Master Plan and Execution, PAK, Sang-e-Meel, vol. I, pp. 105-121 (ISBN 969-35-2664-3) - ARCA card: 10278/3722804 |
2013 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) Giuseppe Tucci, Pierfrancesco Callieri, Ghani-ur-Rahman, Luca Maria Olivieri, Luciano Petech, Maurizio Taddei, Domenico Faccenna Giuseppe Tucci: On Swāt. Historical and Archaeological Notes , Islamabad, Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations – Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, vol. 21, pp. 1-348 (ISBN 978-969-9265-01-3) - ARCA card: 10278/3725570 |
2012 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
OLIVIERI L Painted Rock Shelters of
the Swat-Malakand Area
From Bronze Age to Buddhism
Materials for a Tentative Reconstruction of the Religious and Cultural Stratigraphy of Ancient Swat , DEU, Freie Universitaet Berlin, vol. 1, pp. 1-389 - ARCA card: 10278/3722807 |
2012 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; SHAH NAZAR KHAN; VIDALE M ACT Archaeological Fieldwork in Swat
(2012) in ANCIENT PAKISTAN, vol. 23, pp. 1-6 (ISSN 0066-1600) - ARCA card: 10278/3722811 |
2012 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; MW Meister Conservation and Studies at Gumbat-Balo Kale (Thasil Barikot, District Swat, Pakistan) in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, vol. 35, pp. 1-22 (ISSN 1993-4696) - ARCA card: 10278/3722806 |
2012 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Gherardo Gnoli (1937-2012) in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, vol. 34, pp. 235-237 (ISSN 1993-4696) - ARCA card: 10278/3722812 |
2012 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Newly Discovered Painted Shelters from Swabi, Swat and Buner: A Brief Note in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, vol. 35, pp. 185-196 (ISSN 1993-4696) - ARCA card: 10278/3722805 |
2012 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Why and When the Ancient Town of Barikot was Abandoned? A Preliminary Note based on the Last Archaeological Data in PAKISTAN HERITAGE, vol. 4, pp. 109-120 (ISSN 2073-641X) - ARCA card: 10278/3722808 |
2011 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; Humera Alam A Recent Acquisition of the Lahore Museum: Brief Note on a post-Gandharan Buddhist stele in LAHORE MUSEUM BULLETIN, vol. XX-XXVII, pp. 35-40 - ARCA card: 10278/3722818 |
2011 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Behind the Buddhist Communities: Subalternity and Dominancy in Ancient Swat in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, vol. 34, pp. 123-151 (ISSN 1993-4696) - ARCA card: 10278/3722817 |
2011 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Bibliography (1940-2011). IsMEO/IsIAO activities and research in Northern Pakistan in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, vol. 34, pp. 313-354 (ISSN 1993-4696) - ARCA card: 10278/3722815 |
2011 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Coat Scales and Correlated Finds from Bir-kot-ghwandai Stratigraphic Context in SOUTH ASIAN STUDIES, vol. 27, pp. 1-24 (ISSN 0266-6030) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3722813 |
2011 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; Vidale M; Micheli R Iconography of Protohistoric Swat and the Agricultural Intensification of Period IV (2nd Millennium BCE) in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, vol. 34, pp. 94-122 (ISSN 1993-4696) - ARCA card: 10278/3722814 |
2011 | Schede di Catalogo, repertorio o corpus |
Luca Maria Olivieri; Joan Anastasia Raducha; Elizabeth Errington Nimogram : Pakistani Archaeological Site : Minor Finds , Nimogram: Pakistani Archaeological Site Images, University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3733067 |
2011 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) OLIVIERI L; Ghani-ur-Rahman Italian Achaeological and Historical Research in Balochistan and Sindh (1987-2012) in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, Quaid-e-Azam University, Taxila institute of Asian Civilizations, vol. 34, pp. 1-242 (ISBN 1993-4696) (ISSN 1993-4696) - ARCA card: 10278/3722821 |
2011 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) OLIVIERI L; Ghani-ur-Rahman Italian Archaeology and Anthropology in Northern Pakistan (1955-2011) in JOURNAL OF ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS, Quaid-e-Azam University, Taxila institute of Asian Civilizations, vol. 34, pp. 1-360 (ISBN 1993-4696) (ISSN 1993-4696) - ARCA card: 10278/3722819 |
2010 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L Gli scavi nella valle dello Swat e la collezione dell'IsIAO , Il Gandhara presso il Museo di Arte Orientale, ITA, Artemide Editore, pp. 48-56 (ISBN 9788875751142) - ARCA card: 10278/3722822 |
2010 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L Late Historic Cultural landscape in Swat. New data for a tentative Historical Reassessment , Coins, Art and Chronology II. The First Millennium CE in the Indo-Iranian Borderlands, AÖW, vol. 1, pp. 357-369 (ISBN 9783700168850) - ARCA card: 10278/3722827 |
2010 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
OLIVIERI L Painted Shelters from Swat (Pakistan) and Surrounding Areas. Recent Discovery in the frame of the AMSV Project , Picture in Transformation. Rock Art Research from Central Asia to the Subcontnent. Papers presented at the 19th EASAA Conference (Special Session and Thematic Symposia), Ravenna 2-6 July 2007, GBR, Hadrian Books,, vol. 2010, pp. 13-26, Convegno: South Asian Archaeology 2007 (ISBN 978-1-4073-0711-4) - ARCA card: 10278/3722826 |
2010 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) OLIVIERI L Picture in Transformation. Rock Art Research from Central Asia to the Subcontinent. Papers presented at the 19th EASAA Conference (Special Session and Thematic Symposia), Ravenna 2-6 July 2007 , GBR, Hadrian Books,, vol. 2167, pp. 1-81 - ARCA card: 10278/3722824 |
2009 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
OLIVIERI L Swat Storia di una frontiera , ITA, ISIAO, vol. 1, pp. 1-135 (ISBN 9788863232714) - ARCA card: 10278/3722136 |
2009 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Ahmed Hassan Dani (1920-2009) in EAST AND WEST, vol. 59, pp. 379-384 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722180 |
2009 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Archaeology in Swat: Activities and Challenges of the Italian Mission, 2000-2010 in ANCIENT PAKISTAN, vol. XX, pp. 97-102 (ISSN 0066-1600) - ARCA card: 10278/3722165 |
2008 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Hanging Rocks and ‘Intoxicating Drinks’: The Rock Art Sequence of the Swat Valley in SOUTH ASIAN STUDIES, vol. 24, pp. 15-26 (ISSN 0266-6030) - ARCA card: 10278/3722171 |
2008 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L Fallsstudie Swat: Die Stadt Barikot und Ihr Umfeld , Gandhara - Das buddhistische Erbe Pakistans. Legenden, Klöster und Paradiese, DEU, Philipp Von Zabern, pp. 294-297 (ISBN 9783805339162) - ARCA card: 10278/3722160 |
2007 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Studies on Art, Archaeology and Indology. Papers Presented in Memory of Dr Haribishnu Sarkar. Volumes I-II by Arundhati Banerji, Hari Smrti, Kapila Vatsyayan in EAST AND WEST, vol. 57, pp. 411-412 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722169 |
2006 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; VIDALE M Archaeology and Settlement History in a Test Area of the Swat Valley. Preliminary Report on the AMSV Project (1st Phase) in EAST AND WEST, vol. 56, pp. 73-150 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722184 |
2006 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Outline History of the IsIAO Italian Archaeological Mission in Pakistan (1956-2006) in EAST AND WEST, vol. 56, pp. 23-41 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722154 |
2006 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L The IsIAO Italian Archaeological Mission in Pakistan. A Selected Bibliography in EAST AND WEST, vol. 56, pp. 301-318 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722178 |
2006 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Die Felsbildstation Dadam Das by Martin Bemman, Oskar von Hinüber, Jason Neelis, Nicholas Sims-Williams in EAST AND WEST, vol. 56, pp. 481-482 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722155 |
2006 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Gender and Tuberculosis in Afghanistan by Antonio Luigi Palmisano in EAST AND WEST, vol. 56, pp. 479-480 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722166 |
2006 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L Per. saxa. Il contributo della Missione Italiana nello Swat allo studio geo-archeologico e dei manufatti rupestri , Architetti, Capomastri, Artigiani. L’organizzazione dei cantieri e della produzione artistica nell’Asia ellenistica. Studi offerti a Domenico Faccenna nel suo ottantesimo compleanno, ITA, IsIAO, Serie Orientale Roma, vol. C, pp. 137-156 - ARCA card: 10278/3722144 |
2006 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) OLIVIERI L Special issue dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of the IsIAO Italian Archaeological Mission in Pakistan (1956-2006) in EAST AND WEST, ITA, ISIAO, vol. 56, pp. 1-318 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722141 |
2006 | Curatorship |
(a cura di) OLIVIERI L; Callieri; P; Vidale; Colliva L; Galli M; Morigi E; Micheli R Valli della memoria. Antiche Genti, Luoghi e Immagini dello Swat. 50 anni della Missione Archeologica Italiana dell’IsIAO in Pakistan/ Valleys of memory. Ancient People, Sites and Images from Swat. 50 Years of the IsIAO Italian Archaeological Mission in Pakistan - ARCA card: 10278/3722130 |
2005 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; Vidale M Analytical Recognition or Visual māyā? A Cup-marked Megalith in the Kandak Valley (Swat, Pakistan) in EAST AND WEST, vol. 55, pp. 445-463 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722187 |
2005 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
OLIVIERI L Gogdara I and Beyond. The Cultural Sequence of the Non-Buddhist Rock Art in Swat Valley. Preliminary Conclusions , South Asian Archaeology 2003, DEU, LINDEN SOFT Verlag, pp. 215-222 (ISBN 3929290316) - ARCA card: 10278/3722140 |
2004 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; Vidale M Beyond Gogdara I. New Evidence of Rock Carvings and Rock Artefacts from the Kandak Valley and Adjacent Areas (Swat, Pakistan) in EAST AND WEST, vol. 54, pp. 121-180 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722132 |
2004 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Fenomeni entoptici e universali artistici. Alcune riflessioni in ARCHEOLOGIA AFRICANA, vol. 2003-2004, pp. 67-71 (ISSN 2036-0711) - ARCA card: 10278/3722183 |
2004 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Lettera in ARCHEOLOGIA AFRICANA, vol. 2003-2004, pp. 106-107 (ISSN 2036-0711) - ARCA card: 10278/3722188 |
2004 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Agriculture and Pastoralism in the Late Bronze and Iron Age, North West Frontier Province, Pakistan, Bradford Monographs in the Archaeology of Southern Asia, 1. BAR International Series 1124 by R. Young in EAST AND WEST, vol. 54, pp. 318-319 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722159 |
2004 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Che cos'è l'etnoarcheologia by M. Vidale in EAST AND WEST, vol. 54, pp. 329-330 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722181 |
2004 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Journal of Eritrean Studies I, 1, 2002 in AFRICA, vol. LIX, pp. 518-519 (ISSN 0001-9747) - ARCA card: 10278/3722142 |
2004 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Nicola Labanca, Posti al sole. Diari e memorie di vita e di lavoro delle colonie d'Africa, Memorie 7, Rovereto, Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra, 2001 in AFRICA, vol. LIX, pp. 520-520 (ISSN 0001-9747) - ARCA card: 10278/3722163 |
2004 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Petroglyphs of Central Asia by K. Tashbayeva, M. Khujanazarov, V. Ranov, Z. Samashev in EAST AND WEST, vol. 54, pp. 321-322 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722145 |
2004 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: S. O'Kelly (2002) Amedeo. Vita, avventure, amori di un eroe italiano in Africa orientale. Milano (Rizzoli) in AFRICA, vol. LIX, pp. 274-275 (ISSN 0001-9747) - ARCA card: 10278/3722167 |
2004 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: The Buddhist Architecture of Gandhāra, Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section Two by K.A. Behrendt in EAST AND WEST, vol. 54, pp. 319-321 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722175 |
2004 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Tucci, l'esploratore dell'anima (Catalogue of the exhibition) in EAST AND WEST, vol. 54, pp. 328-329 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722150 |
2003 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
OLIVIERI L The Survey of the Bir-kot Hill. Architectural Comparisons and Photographic Documentation. Bīr-koṭ-ghwaṇḍai Interim Reports I , ITA, ISIAO, pp. 1-93 (ISBN 9788863231502) - ARCA card: 10278/3722139 |
2003 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: ABIA South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeological Index 2 by E.M. Raven, H.I. Lasschuijt in EAST AND WEST, vol. 53, pp. 314-315 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722152 |
2003 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Die Felsbildstationen Shing Nala und Gichi Nala by Ditte Bandini-König, Oskar von Hinüber, W. Bernhard Dickoré, Günther A. Wagner in EAST AND WEST, vol. 53, pp. 318-319 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722176 |
2003 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Gandhara Sculptures of Bharat Kala Bhavan by Shashi Asthana, Bhogendra Jha in EAST AND WEST, vol. 53, pp. 313-314 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722153 |
2003 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: The Inner Asian International Style. 12th-14th Centuries, Papers Presented at a Panel at the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, VII by Deborah E. Klimburg-Salter, Eva Allinges in EAST AND WEST, vol. 53, pp. 315-315 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722133 |
2003 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L La fase di occupazione islamica del colle di Bir-kot. Le evidenze della ricognizione e dello scavo , Studi in onore di Umberto Scerrato per il suo settantacinquesimo compleanno, ITA, Istituto Universitario Orientale, pp. 593-608 - ARCA card: 10278/3722164 |
2002 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; Vidale M Painted Rock Shelters from Swat Valley. Further Discoveries and New Hypotheses in EAST AND WEST, vol. 52, pp. 173-223 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722134 |
2002 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; Cereti C; Vazhutanapally J The Problem of the Saint Thomas Crosses and Related Questions: Epigraphical Survey and Preliminary Research in EAST AND WEST, vol. 52, pp. 285-310 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722149 |
2002 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Buddhist Paintings in Gandhara by M. Nasim Khan, Peshawar 2000 in EAST AND WEST, vol. 52, pp. 452-453 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722172 |
2002 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Early Buddhist Narrative Art. Illustrations of the Life of the Buddha from Central Asia to China, Korea, Japan by Patricia E. Karetzy in EAST AND WEST, vol. 52, pp. 453-454 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722135 |
2002 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Islamic Remains in Bahrain, Jutland Archaeological Society in association with Moesgaard Museum and Ministry of Information by Karen Frifelt in EAST AND WEST, vol. 52, pp. 448-449 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722131 |
2002 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Stupa Designs at Taxila by T. Fitzsimmons, Kyoto University, 2001 in EAST AND WEST, vol. 52, pp. 451-452 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722161 |
2002 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Summit of Treasures. Buddhist Cave Art of Dazu, China by Angela Falco Howard in EAST AND WEST, vol. 52, pp. 454-455 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722174 |
2002 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Tell Kosak Shamali. I. The Archaeological Investigations on the Upper Euphrates, Syria. Chalcolithic Architecture and the Earlier Prehistoric Remains by Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Toshio Matsutani in EAST AND WEST, vol. 52, pp. 445-445 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722138 |
2002 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: The Bible and the Buddhists by J.D.M. Derret in EAST AND WEST, vol. 52, pp. 457-458 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722157 |
2002 | Book Article |
OLIVIERI L L'itinerario della spedizione di Alessandro Magno nello Swat , Il Maestro di Saidu Sharif. Alle origini dell'arte del Gandhara, ITA, MBAC/MNAOR/ISiAO, pp. 29-33 - ARCA card: 10278/3722147 |
2001 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Antiquities of Upper Tibet. Pre-Buddhist Archaeological Sites on the High Plateau. Findings of the Upper Tibet Circumnavigation Expedition, 2000 by John Vincent Bellezza in EAST AND WEST, vol. 51, pp. 430-430 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722146 |
2001 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Keriya, mémoires d'un fleuve. Archéologie et civilisation des oasis du Taklamakan by C. Debaine-Francfort, Abduressul Idris in EAST AND WEST, vol. 51, pp. 436-437 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722182 |
2001 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Riddles of Indian Rockshelter Paintings by S.K. Tiwari in EAST AND WEST, vol. 51, pp. 433-433 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722148 |
2001 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Robert Powell. Himalayan Drawings by Michael Oppitz in EAST AND WEST, vol. 51, pp. 430-433 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722177 |
2001 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: Rock Art in Orissa by Sadasiba Pradhan in EAST AND WEST, vol. 51, pp. 434-434 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722179 |
2000 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; Callieri P; Micheli R; Colliva L; Abdul Nasir Bir-kot-ghwandai, Swāt, Pakistan. 1998-1999 Excavation Report in EAST AND WEST, vol. 50, pp. 191-226 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722137 |
2000 | Review in magazine |
OLIVIERI L RECENSIONE A: From Stone Quarry to Sculpturing Workshop. A Report on Archaeological Investigations around Chunar, Varanasi and Sarnath by Vidula Jayaswal in EAST AND WEST, vol. 50, pp. 581-584 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722170 |
1998 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L The Rock-Carvings of Gogdara I. Documentation and Preliminary Analysis in EAST AND WEST, vol. 48, pp. 57-91 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722173 |
1996 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Notes on the Problematic Sequence of Alexander’s Itinerary in Swat. A Geoarchaeological Study in EAST AND WEST, vol. 46, pp. 45-78 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722168 |
1994 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Recent Discoveries of Rock-carvings in Buner and Puran in EAST AND WEST, vol. 44, pp. 467-480 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722158 |
1994 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; Abdul Nasir; Nazir Khan; Vitali M The Recent Discovery of Cave Paintings in Swat. A Preliminary Note in EAST AND WEST, vol. 44, pp. 333-353 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722143 |
1993 | Journal Article |
M.R. Di Florio
Luca M. Olivieri
Eleonora Zanettin Lorenzoni
Sergio Lorenzoni Evidence of Ancient Quarrying in Lower Swat, N.W.F.P., Pakistan. A Geo-Archaeological Study in SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE, vol. 2, pp. 63-74 (ISSN 1121-9122) - ARCA card: 10278/3727238 |
1993 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L Excavations at Bir-Kot-Ghwandai, Swat: 1992 Preliminary Report in PAKISTAN ARCHAEOLOGY, vol. 28, pp. 103-116 (ISSN 0078-7868) - ARCA card: 10278/3722156 |
1993 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; Lorenzoni S; Zanettin E; Faccenna C Geo-archaeology of the Swat Valley (NWFP, Pakistan) in the Charbagh-Barikot Stretch in EAST AND WEST, vol. 43, pp. 257-270 (ISSN 0012-8376) - ARCA card: 10278/3722185 |
1992 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; Faccenna D.; Callieri P. Barikot, Swat, Pakistan. Rapporto sullo scavo nel centro abitato di Bir-kot-Ghwandai durante gli anni 1990-1992 ad opera della Missione Archeologica Italiana dell’IsMEO in BOLLETTINO DI ARCHEOLOGIA, vol. 13-15, pp. 305-310 (ISSN 1120-2742) - ARCA card: 10278/3722151 |
1992 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; Callieri P; Brocato P; Filigenzi A; Nascari M Bir-kot-ghwandai 1990-1992. A Preliminary Report on the Excavations of the Italian Archaeological Mission, IsMEO in AION ANNALI DELL'ISTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO ORIENTALE DI NAPOLI. DIPARTIMENTO DI STUDI DEL MONDO CLASSICO E DEL MEDITERRANEO ANTICO. SEZIONE FILOLOGICO-LETTERARIA, vol. 52, pp. 1-48+XXIV (ISSN 1128-7209) - ARCA card: 10278/3722186 |
1992 | Journal Article |
OLIVIERI L; Lorenzoni S; Zanettin E Evidence of Ancient Stone Quarrying in Lower Swat, NWFP, Pakistan. A Geo-archaeological Study in SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE, vol. 2, pp. 63-74 (ISSN 1121-9122) - ARCA card: 10278/3722162 |