- Position
- Associate Professor
- Telephone
- 041 234 8703
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Economia applicata [ECON-04/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/monica.plechero (personal record)
- Office
Venice School of Management
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.management
Where: San Giobbe
Year | Type | Publication |
Year | Type | Publication |
In press | Book Article |
Monica Plechero; Heidi Wiig Regional restructuring in the Norwegian seafood industry: Coupling green and digital transitions in local SMEs , Sustainable Regional Restructuring: Insights from Economic Geography and Regional Innovation Studies, Edward Elgar Publishing - ARCA card: 10278/5083243 |
2024 | Book Article |
Vladi Finotto;
Monica Plechero Tecnologie 4.0 e imprese agroalimentari: il ruolo delle relazioni con i fornitori e gli ecosistemi di supporto , Traiettorie di sviluppo per le imprese agroalimentari: sfide, management e innovazione, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari - Venice University Press, Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari (ISBN 978-88-6969-836-1) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5083242 |
2023 | Journal Article |
Plechero, Monica; Grillitsch, Markus Advancing innovation in manufacturing firms: knowledge base combinations in a local productive system in EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES, vol. 31, pp. 1247-1269 (ISSN 0965-4313) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5003861 |
2023 | Working paper |
Monica Plechero, Erica Santini, Giancarlo Corò Through firms’ eyes: How SMEs define technological spaces and trajectories in the digital era , vol. 9, pp. 1-25 (ISSN 2239-2734) - ARCA card: 10278/5045291 |
2022 | Journal Article |
Marco Bellandi, Monica Plechero, Erica Santini Distretti industriali italiani in cambiamento e place leadership in ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ REGIONALE. OLTRE IL PONTE, vol. XL, pp. 73-82 (ISSN 1827-2479) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3762563 |
2022 | Journal Article |
Valentina Forrer, Monica Plechero, Alessandro Rossi, Erica Santini Top-down and bottom-up legitimization of emerging industries. Evidence from two Italian Mechatronics clusters in REGIONAL STUDIES, vol. 56, pp. 656-667 (ISSN 1360-0591) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3733753 |
2021 | Journal Article |
Plechero M.; Kulkarni M.; Chaminade C.; Parthasarathy B. Explaining the past, predicting the future: the influence of regional trajectories on innovation networks of new industries in emerging economies in INDUSTRY AND INNOVATION, vol. 28, pp. 932-954 (ISSN 1366-2716) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3728392 |
2021 | Journal Article |
Marco Bellandi; Monica Plechero; Erica Santini Forms of place leadership in local productive systems: from endogenous rerouting to deliberate resistance to change in REGIONAL STUDIES, vol. 55, pp. 1327-1336 (ISSN 1360-0591) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3736416 |
2021 | Journal Article |
Coro Giancarlo, Plechero Monica, Rullani Francesco, Volpe Mario Industry 4.0 technological trajectories and traditional manufacturing regions: the role of knowledge workers in REGIONAL STUDIES, vol. 55, pp. 1681-1695 (ISSN 1360-0591) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3740876 |
2021 | Journal Article |
Bruno Anastasia, Giancarlo Corò, Monica Plechero Tecnologie digitali e occupazione operaia in un sistema manifatturiero di piccole e medie imprese in ECONOMIA & LAVORO, vol. 3, pp. 81-97 (ISSN 0012-978X) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3757021 |
2021 | Book Article |
Marco Bellandi; Monica Plechero; Erica Santini The supporting and hampering role of place leadership in Italian industrial districts in Markku Sotarauta; Andrew Beer, Handbook on city and regional leadership, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 187-202 (ISBN 9781788979672; 9781788979689) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3736335 |
2020 | Journal Article |
Giancarlo Corò, Monica Plechero, Mario Volpe Fattori abilitanti ed effetti sulle PMI dell’adozione delle tecnologie di Industria 4.0 in L'INDUSTRIA, vol. 2 (ISSN 0019-7416) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3728390 |
2020 | Journal Article |
Giancarlo coro; Monica plechero; Mario volpe Il ruolo degli investimenti in tecnologie digitali sulla capacità di risposta all'emergenza Covid-19: un'indagine sulle imprese manifatturiere del Veneto in ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ REGIONALE, vol. 38, pp. 119-134 (ISSN 2038-6745) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3732499 |
2020 | Book Article |
Bellandi Marco; Chaminade Cristina; Plechero Monica Transformative paths, multi-scalarity of knowledge bases and Industry 4.0 , Industry 4.0 and Regional Transformations, Lisa De Propris, David Bailey (ISBN 9780367178413; 9780429057984) - ARCA card: 10278/3725790 |
2020 | Working paper |
Giancarlo Corò, Monica Plechero, Francesco Rullani, Mario Volpe The Evolution of Technological Space and Firms’ Workforce Composition in a Manufacturing Region , vol. WP 12/2020, pp. 1-35 - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3728740 |
2019 | Journal Article |
Monica Plechero; Enzo Rullani Beyond Local: The Role of National Innovation Networks Within the 4th IR in SYMPHONYA, vol. 2, pp. 60-71 (ISSN 1593-0319) - ARCA card: 10278/3725352 |
2019 | Journal Article |
Lin Jingyi; Plechero Monica Global innovation networks for Chinese high tech small and medium enterprises: the supportive role of highly skilled migrants and returnees in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGICAL LEARNING, INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT, vol. 11 (ISSN 1753-1942) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3721523 |
2019 | Journal Article |
Chaminade Cristina; Bellandi Marco; Plechero Monica; Santini Erica Understanding processes of path renewal and creation in thick specialized regional innovation systems. Evidence from two textile districts in Italy and Sweden. in EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES, vol. 27, pp. 1978-1994 (ISSN 1469-5944) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3721527 |
2018 | Journal Article |
plechero Fuori dalla crisi: la capacità competitiva delle imprese del distretto della meccatronica vicentina in SINERGIE, vol. 36, pp. 139-157 (ISSN 0393-5108) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3721453 |
2018 | Working paper |
Bellandi Marco; Plechero Monica; Santini Erica Oligarchic place leadership and resistance to change in industrial districts , vol. 18 - ARCA card: 10278/3721519 |
2017 | Journal Article |
Zukauskaite, Elena; Trippl, Michaela; Plechero, Monica Institutional Thickness Revisited in ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY, vol. 93, pp. 325-345 (ISSN 0013-0095) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3689323 |
2016 | Journal Article |
Plechero Monica; Chaminade Cristina Spatial distribution of innovation networks, technological competencies and degree of novelty in emerging economy firms in EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES, vol. 24, pp. 1056-1078 (ISSN 1469-5944) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3682912 |
2016 | Journal Article |
Plechero M; Chaminade C The role of regional sectoral specialisation on the geography of innovation networks: A comparison between firms located in regions in developed and emerging economies in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGICAL LEARNING, INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT, vol. 8, pp. 148-171 (ISSN 1753-1942) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3682911 |
2016 | Book Article |
Chaminade Cristina; Plechero Monica International knowledge flows , Science, Research and Innovation performance of the EU. A contribution to the Open Innovation Open Science Open to the World agenda, Luxembourg, Publication office of the European Union, pp. 203-226 (ISBN 9789279495571) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3682916 |
2016 | Book Article |
Chaminade, Cristina; De Fuentes, Claudia; Harirchi, Gouya; Plechero Monica The geography and structure of global innovation networks: Global scope and regional embeddedness , Handbook of the Geographies of Innovation, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp. 370-381 (ISBN 9781784710767) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3684118 |
2015 | Journal Article |
Chaminade Cristina; Plechero Monica Do Regions Make a Difference? Regional Innovation Systems and Global Innovation Networks in the ICT Industry in EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES, vol. 23, pp. 215-237 (ISSN 0965-4313) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3682910 |
2014 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
Chaminade Cristina; Castellani Davide; Plechero Monica The emergence of China and India as new innovation power houses – threat or opportunity? , Örebro, Entreprenörskapsforum (ISBN 9189301552) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3682921 |
2013 | Journal Article |
Lv Ping; Plechero Monica; Basant Rakesh International competitive strategy choices: comparing firms in China and India in ASIA PACIFIC BUSINESS REVIEW, vol. 19, pp. 542-558 (ISSN 1360-2381) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3682913 |
2013 | Journal Article |
Plechero Monica; Chaminade Cristina The Influence of Micro-Characteristics in Different Modes of Globalization of Innovation: A Comparative Study of Indian (Pune) and Chinese (Beijing) Firms in INDUSTRY AND INNOVATION, vol. 20, pp. 661-682 (ISSN 1366-2716) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3682909 |
2013 | Abstract in Rivista |
Plechero Monica The changing geography of innovation: Chinese and Indian regions and the global flows of innovation in INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT, vol. 3, pp. 319-319 (ISSN 2157-930X) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3682914 |
2013 | Book Article |
Plechero Monica; Filippetti Andrea Quali politiche di investimento per la ricerca? , Saperi in rete. Scenari e Prospettive su Popolazione, Welfare, Scienza e Società, Roma, Istituto di ricerche sulla popolazione e le politiche sociali, pp. 113-123 (ISBN 9788898822003) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3682915 |
2012 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
Plechero Monica The changing geography of innovation. Chinese and Indian regions and the global flows of innovation. , Lund, Lund University Press (ISBN 9789174733990) - ARCA card: 10278/3682920 |
2010 | Working paper |
Plechero, Monica; Chaminade, Cristina From new to the firm to new to the world. Effect of geographical proximity and technological capabilities on the degree of novelty in emerging economies , vol. 12, pp. 1-27 (ISSN 1654-3149) - ARCA card: 10278/3689349 |
2009 | Working paper |
Plechero, Monica The Role of Local Universities in Improving Traditional SMEs Innovative Performances: The Veneto Region Case , vol. 11, pp. 1-22 (ISSN 1654-3149) - ARCA card: 10278/3689347 |
2007 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
Plechero Monica; Rullani Enzo Innovare. Reinventare il made in Italy , EGEA (ISBN 9788823831742) - ARCA card: 10278/3682919 |
2007 | Book Article |
Furlan Andrea; Plechero Monica I casi aziendali in Giancarlo Corò Roberto Grandinetti, Le strategie di crescita delle medie imprese: dimensione, relazioni e competenze, Il Sole 24 ORE, pp. 123-255 (ISBN 9788883638862) - ARCA card: 10278/3682918 |
2006 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
RULLANI E.; PLECHERO M L'innovatore della porta accanto. Creatività imprenditoriale e innovazione a Treviso , TREVISO, UNINDUSTRIA TREVISO - ARCA card: 10278/16823 |
2005 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
Lattarulo Patrizia; Plechero Monica Traffico e Inquinamento: I Danni per la salute dell’Uomo e i Costi Sociali , FIRENZE, IRPET, vol. 28/2005 - ARCA card: 10278/3682922 |
2005 | Book Article |
Lattarulo, Patrizia; Plechero, Monica I costi sanitari e sociali dell’inquinamento da traffico , Inquinamento atmosferico urbano e salute in Toscana, Regione Toscana - ARCA card: 10278/3689358 |
2003 | Book Article |
Plechero Monica Sistema Nord-Est: ICT alla prova , Crisi e trasformazione dell’economia digitale. Il dibattito e il caso italiano, Franco Angeli Editore, pp. 206-228 (ISBN 8846450124) - ARCA card: 10278/3682917 |
2001 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
Rullani, Enzo; Plechero, Monica L'industria vicentina ad una svolta: strategie per crescere, differenziarsi, investire in risorse umane , Associazione Industriali della Provincia di Vicenza - ARCA card: 10278/3689359 |