- Position
- Researcher
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni [IINF-05/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/giorgia.minello (personal record)
Year | Type | Publication |
Year | Type | Publication |
2024 | Journal Article |
Bicciato, Alessandro; Cosmo, Luca; Minello, Giorgia; Rossi, Luca; Torsello, Andrea GNN-LoFI: A novel graph neural network through localized feature-based histogram intersection in PATTERN RECOGNITION, vol. 148 (ISSN 0031-3203) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5062361 |
2024 | Journal Article |
Cosmo, Luca; Minello, Giorgia; Bicciato, Alessandro; Bronstein, Michael M.; Rodolà, Emanuele; Rossi, Luca; Torsello, Andrea Graph Kernel Neural Networks in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS, vol. PP, pp. 1-14 (ISSN 2162-237X) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5062362 |
2024 | Journal Article |
Minello, Giorgia; Santagiustina, Carlo Romano Marcello Alessandro; Warglien, Massimo LDA2Net Digging under the surface of COVID-19 scientific literature topics via a network-based approach in PLOS ONE, vol. 19 (ISSN 1932-6203) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5056020 |
2023 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
Lucchese C.; Orlando S.; Minello G.; Perego R.; Nardini F.M.; Veneri A. Can Embeddings Analysis Explain Large Language Model Ranking? , International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings, Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 4150-4154, Convegno: 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2023, 2023 (ISBN 9798400701245) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5044867 |
2022 | Journal Article |
Cosmo L.; Minello G.; Bronstein M.; Rodola E.; Rossi L.; Torsello A. 3D Shape Analysis Through a Quantum Lens: the Average Mixing Kernel Signature in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER VISION, vol. 130, pp. 1474-1493 (ISSN 0920-5691) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3759610 |
2022 | Journal Article |
Giorgia Minello; Deborah Paci A Benchmark Corpus for Topic Modeling on the Origins of Modern Antisemitism in UMANISTICA DIGITALE, vol. 13, pp. 117-151 (ISSN 2532-8816) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5011562 |
2022 | Journal Article |
Levis Sullam, Minello, Tripodi, Warglien Representation of Jews and Anti-Jewish Bias in 19th-Century French Public Discourse: Distant and Close Reading in FRONTIERS IN BIG DATA, vol. 4, pp. 1-18 (ISSN 2624-909X) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3751527 |
2022 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
Bicciato, A; Cosmo, L; Minello, G; Rossi, L; Torsello, A Classifying Me Softly: A Novel Graph Neural Network Based on Features Soft-Alignment , Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, GEWERBESTRASSE 11, CHAM, CH-6330, SWITZERLAND, SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, vol. 13813, pp. 43-53, Convegno: S+SSPR 2022 (ISBN 978-3-031-23027-1; 978-3-031-23028-8) (ISSN 0302-9743) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5018602 |
2021 | Working paper |
Giorgia Minello; Carlo Santagiustina; Massimo Warglien LDA2Net: Digging under the surface of COVID-19 topics in scientific
literature DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5002014 |
2020 | Journal Article |
Giorgia Minello; Andrea Torsello; Edwin R Hancock Open system quantum thermodynamics of time-varying graphs in JOURNAL OF COMPLEX NETWORKS, vol. 8 (ISSN 2051-1329) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3724419 |
2020 | Journal Article |
Minello, Giorgia; Rossi, Luca; Torsello, Andrea k-Anonymity on Graphs using the Szemerédi Regularity Lemma in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, vol. -, pp. 1-1 (ISSN 2327-4697) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3733047 |
2020 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
Cosmo L., Minello G., Bronstein M., Rossi L., Torsello A. The Average Mixing Kernel Signature , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Convegno: 16th European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV 2020 (ISBN 978-30-30585-64-8) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3732710 |
2019 | Journal Article |
Minello G.; Rossi L.; Torsello A. Can a quantumwalk tell which is which? A study of quantum walk-based graph similarity in ENTROPY, vol. 21, pp. 328 (ISSN 1099-4300) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3717299 |
2019 | Journal Article |
Giorgia Minello, Luca Rossi, Andrea Torsello On the von Neumann entropy of graphs in JOURNAL OF COMPLEX NETWORKS, vol. 7, pp. 491-514 (ISSN 2051-1310) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3710483 |
2017 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
Rodola E.; Cosmo L.; Litany O.; Bronstein M.M.; Bronstein A.M.; Audebert N.; Ben Hamza A.; Boulch A.; Castellani U.; Do M.N.; Duong A.-D.; Furuya T.; Gasparetto A.; Hong Y.; Kim J.; Le Saux B.; Litman R.; Masoumi M.; Minello G.; Nguyen H.-D.; Nguyen V.-T.; Ohbuchi R.; Pham V.-K.; Phan T.V.; Rezaei M.; Torsello A.; Tran M.-T.; Tran Q.-T.; Truong B.; Wan L.; Zou C. SHREC'17: Deformable shape retrieval with missing parts , Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, EG 3DOR, Eurographics Association, vol. 2017-, pp. 85-94, Convegno: 10th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 3DOR 2017, 2017 DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3717555 |
2016 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
Lockhart, Joshua; Minello, Giorgia; Rossi, Luca; Severini, Simone; Torsello, Andrea Edge Centrality via the Holevo Quantity , Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) in LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, GEWERBESTRASSE 11, CHAM, CH-6330, SWITZERLAND, SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, vol. 10029, pp. 143-152, Convegno: Joint IAPR International Workshops on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition, SSPR 2016, 2016 (ISBN 9783319490540; 9783319490540) (ISSN 1611-3349) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3689153 |
2016 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
Minello, Giorgia; Torsello, Andrea; Hancock, Edwin R. Quantum Thermodynamics of Time Evolving Networks , Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 10662 LOS VAQUEROS CIRCLE, PO BOX 3014, LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720-1264 USA, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, pp. 1536-1541, Convegno: 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2016, 2016 (ISBN 9781509048472) (ISSN 1051-4651) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3689154 |
2016 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
Minello, Giorgia; Torsello, Andrea; Hancock, Edwin R. Thermodynamic Characterization of Temporal Networks , Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) in LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, GEWERBESTRASSE 11, CHAM, CH-6330, SWITZERLAND, SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, vol. 10029, pp. 49-59, Convegno: Joint IAPR International Workshops on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition, SSPR 2016, 2016 (ISBN 9783319490540; 9783319490540) (ISSN 1611-3349) DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3684406 |
2015 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
Andrea Gasparetto; Giorgia Minello; Andrea Torsello A non-parametric spectral model for graph classification , Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, SciTePress, vol. 1, pp. 312-319, Convegno: 4th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, ICPRAM 2015, 2015 (ISBN 9789897580765) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3648941 |
2015 | Article in Conference Proceedings |
Gasparetto, Andrea; Minello, Giorgia; Torsello, Andrea Non-Parametric Spectral Model for Shape Retrieval , 2015 International Conference on 3D Vision, 3DV 2015, Lyon, France, October 19-22, 2015, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA, IEEE, pp. 344-352, Convegno: International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV) (ISBN 978-1-4673-8332-5; 978-1-4673-8332-5) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3663537 |