Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Linguistic and Cultural Mediation
Enrollment until 2024/2025

Linguistic and Cultural Mediation [LT5-21-21]
Enrolled in a.y. 2021/2022


Tecnica Amministrativa
041 234 6732
Sito web (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica
Sito web struttura:
Sede: Campus scientifico via Torino
Stanza: studio 115 (edificio Epsilon, 1° piano)
Addetto Squadre di Emergenza
Preposto di Laboratorio

Laura Falchi, conservator scientist.

2010- Graduated in “Chemical Sciences for the Conservation and Restoration” at the Ca´ Foscari University of Venice with the thesis “ Chemical-physical study of consolidants based on water-borne acrylic emulsions and colloidal silica emulsions for historical mortars”.

2010-2011, Internship and working experience in the research product departments of the San Marco Group S.p.A., Volteco S.p.A, VENETO NANOTECH S.C.p.A.

2012, 7 months internship  at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM, Berlin), 

2013 science teaching at the secondary school.

2013 Ph. Doctorate in “Chemical Science” at Ca´ Foscari with the topic “ Study of Water-Repellent Systems for the Protection and Maintenance  of Mortars”.

Since 2014,  fellow researcher at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in the “Chemistry for the Conservation of Cultural heritage Group”. 

I have been working for the characterization of acrylic emulsion, colloidal silica, and epoxy resins suitable as consolidants for stone materials. My actual research topics include the study of architectural surfaces in Venice area also in relation with the environment and the climate changes, development of techniques and products for the protection of historic masonries.