Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Linguistic and Cultural Mediation
Enrollment until 2024/2025

Linguistic and Cultural Mediation [LT5-21-21]
Enrolled in a.y. 2021/2022


Professore Ordinario
041 234 8772
041 234 8701
Economia aziendale [ECON-06/A]
Sito web (scheda personale)
Venice School of Management
Sito web struttura:
Sede: San Giobbe
Research Institute
Research Institute for Innovation Management


High School certificate in Accounting and Commercial Expert at I.T.C. A. Zanon (Udine) with a final grade of 60/60 - School year 1987/88.

Graduate Degree in Economics and Banking Sciences at University of Udine with a final grade of 110/110 cum laude with a final Thesis in Management Control titled “Il Governo di alcuni Fenomeni Operativi nella Banca e i nuovi Sistemi Direzionali” - Academic year 1991/1992.

PhD in Business Economics and Management at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice with a final Thesis titled “La Misurazione Economica “Sfocata”: opportunità e limiti” – Academic year 1996/1997.


From 1992, Expert in Business Economics and Management at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

From 1999, Assistant Professor in Business Economics and Management at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

From 2006, Associate Professor in Business Economics and Management at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.


Ca’ Foscari University of Venice - Faculty of Economic Best teacher award – 6th place, Academic year 2006/2007

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice - Department of Management Best teacher award (bachelor degree) – 1st

place, Academic year 2007/2008

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice - Department of Management Best teacher award (graduate degree) – 1st

place, Academic year 2008/2009

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Innovation and Transversal Teaching Annual Award – 1st

place, Academic year 2012/2013 

Proponent and scientific coordinator of the Master in Digital & Design Strategy Innovation in collaboration with IBM (1st edition Academic year 2015/2016).

Proponent and scientific coordinator of the innovative and interdisciplinary teaching project sConfini – Enterprise explorations: 24 selected students attending 4 graduate courses with live cases and an annual project work.

Proponent and scientific coordinator of the innovative and interdisciplinary teaching project Istorie – Enterprise stories: 24 selected students (12 from Management and 12 Humanities science) producing Storytellings and Short Movies focused on the enterprises: Inglesina Baby spa, Unox spa, Loison Dolciaria spa, Nice spa e FriulAdria spa.

Courses taught in Academic year 2015/2016:

Business Economics and Management at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – Bachelor Degree in Economics and Management.

Strategy and Business Planning (Italian language) at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – Graduate Degree in Business Administration and Finance.

Strategy and Business Planning (English language) at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – Graduate Degree in Business Administration and Finance.

Professor of Entrepreneurial vision at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – sConfini project.

Courses taught in previous academic years:

Accounting I (English language) at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – Ph.D Degree in Business Economics and Management.

Financial Accounting at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – Bachelor Degree in Business Economics and Management.

Management Accounting at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – Bachelor Degree in Business Economics and Management.

Financial Communication at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – Graduate Degree in Business Administration and Finance.

Strategic Planning and Sustainability Management the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – Graduate Degree in Business Economics and Management.

Corporate Strategy and Policies at University of Udine – Graduate Degree in Engineering Management.

Business Innovation at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – Graduate Degree in Business Economics and Management.

And in particular:

Students Average Evaluation (from the Academic year 2006/2007 to the Academic year 2014/2015):

Course total Satisfaction: 3,32/4

Lecturing skills of the teacher: 3,49/4

Final Thesis Supervised from 1999 (engagement as Assistant Professor)

Bachelor Degree


Graduate Degree




From 2013 supervised 36 Graduate Degree’s Final Thesis with an average final grade of 108 (without counting 22 Final thesis cum Laude)


From 1992 to 2003 research activities related to: The application of fuzzy logic to performance measurement methodologies.

Form 1998 to 2016 research activities related to: Voluntary disclosure strategies of listed firms with a special focus on Management report and IPO prospectus.

From 2006 to 2016 research activities related to: The link among competitive strategies, knowledge management strategies and financial performance.

From 2008 to 2016 research activities related to: Strategy innovation with a special focus on business model design-driven innovation.

From 2013 to 2016 research activities related to: Strategic fit and the link between organizational identity and business model.

And in particular:

Organization, direction, coordination, participation of national and international research groups

From 1998 to 2000, participation at the European (Adapt) action-research project “Eurogestion Banks – SMEs” coordinated by the Fondazione CUOA of Altavilla Vicentina (VI).

From 2001 to 2004, participation at the European action-research project “Forma-Con-Gest-PMI” coordinated by the Department of Management Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. The action-research project has been supported by EU (Euro 1.000.000) “5° framework”

From 2002 to 2003, participation at the National action-research project “Modelli di gestione delle comunità professionali on line” coordinated by the Department of Management Ca’ Foscari University of Venice with the partnership of: Fondazione CUOA of Altavilla Vicentina (VI), ENAIP and CAF ACLI of Rome.

From 2003 to 2004, participation at the Prin-MIUR research project “La mappatura della conoscenza nei processi di coproduzione di valore. Il settore del mobile” coordinated by the Department of Management Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

From 2005 to 2006, scientific coordinator of the European (Interreg) action-research project “IBC – International Business Connection” coordinated by AGEMONT S.p.A. of Amaro (UD).

From 2005 to 2008, scientific coordinator of the European (Equal) action-research project “Ambienti di iperconoscenza per la continuità delle PI e reti di impresa” coordinated by the Department of Management Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

From 2005 to 2007, participation at the National action-research project C1 “Innova”, coordinated by the Department of Management Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

From 2005 to 2007, participation at the Prin-MIUR research project “Dalla misurazione ai sistemi di Controllo focalizzati sulla conoscenza competitiva” , coordinated by the Department of Management Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

From 2009 to 2011, scientific coordinator of the research project “Energie rinnovabili ed efficienza energetica come fonti di vantaggio competitivo per le imprese e le aggregazioni di imprese del Veneto orientale” developed by Polins srl. The research project has been supported by the Venetian Region (Euro 116.000) and by Zignago Vetro Group (Euro 75.000).

From 2010 to 2016, scientific coordinator of the research project “Venice Strategic Innovation Center - VSIC” developed by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. The research project has been supported by the Venetian Region (Euro 962.000) “Azione progetti a regia regionale per la ricerca scientifica, lo sviluppo tecnologico e l'innovazione piano operativo Regionale FESR 2007-2013”

From 2011 to 2012, scientific coordinator of the research project “L’innovazione strategica nelle PMI a livello di singola impresa e di sistemi di imprese: una  metodologia innovativa” developed by Polins srl.  The research project has been supported by the Venetian Region (Euro 250.000) “Azione progetti a regia regionale per la ricerca scientifica, lo sviluppo tecnologico e l'innovazione piano operativo Regionale FESR 2007-2013”

From 2011 to 2015, scientific coordinator of the European action-research project “Co-generazione di conoscenza competitiva tra le università e le PMI” coordinated by the Department of Management Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. The action-research project has been supported by EU (Euro 2.850.000) “Interreg Italia-Slovenia 2007-2013 - Progetti Strategici Azione 2”.

From 2011 to 2012, scientific coordinator of action-research projects developed by the Department of Management Ca’ Foscari University of Venice on the issue of strategic innovation and internationalization and supported by enterprises

From 2011 to 2016, scientific coordinator of action-research projects developed by Polins srl or Strategy Innovation srl or Ca’ Foscari Foundation on the issue of strategic innovation and supported by enterprises

From 2013 to 2016, scientific coordinator of the action-research projects “Innovarea” developed by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice with the partnership of Confidustria Veneto. I The research project has been supported by the Venetian Region (Euro 1.000.000) “Azione progetti a regia regionale per la ricerca scientifica, lo sviluppo tecnologico e l'innovazione piano operativo Regionale FESR 2007-2013”

From 2013 coordination of an international research groups (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, University of Primoska (Slovenia) and Campus 02 University of Applied Science (Austria) focused on Strategic Innovation

From 2014 participation of an international research groups (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, University of Udine and Macquarie University (Australia)) focused on Intellectual Capital Reporting and Management

Organization and participation as a speaker at conferences and national and international conferences

(last 7 years)      

Member of the scientific commitee of the 1° Journal of Management and Governance Conference, Venice (Italy) 2009

Member of the scientific commitee of the IABE Summer Conference, Venice (Italy) 2012

President of the scientific commitee of the ISIS Summer Conference, Thessaloniki (Greece) 2013

President of the scientific commitee of the International Multidisciplinary Academic Summit: “Multiple Perspectives on Strategy and Innovation: From Theory to Practice”, Venice (Italy) 2014

President of the scientific commitee of the FEI (Front End Innovation)-Venice Conference IIR (Institute for International Research), Venice (Italy) 2014

President of the scientific commitee of the Biennale Innovazione, Venice (Italy) 2015 

President of the track “Using Knowledge visualization for knowledge management and business modeling” all’interno della ECKM (European Conference on Knowledge Management), Udine (Italy) 2015

President of the scientific commitee of the ECIC 2016 (European Conference on Intellectual Capital), Department of Management Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy) 2016

Appointment of teaching or official research roles at highly qualified foreign and international Universities and research institutions             

In 1996 Visiting Fellow (6 months) at the Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Florida – Gainesville (U.S.A.). Scientific coordinator of the research project funded by Florida Real Estate Commission Educational and Research Foundation: The application of fuzzy logic on real estate investment evaluation methodologies.  

In 2001 Visiting Fellow (1 month) at the Department of Accounting and Finance, New York University – New York (U.S.A.).

In 2012 Visiting Fellow (2 weeks) at the Department of Accounting, Nagasaki University – Nagasaki (Japan).

In 2013 Visiting Fellow (2 weeks) at the Rawls College of Business, Texas Tech University – Lubbock (U.S.A.).

In 2013 Invited speaker at the workshop “Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Global Growth” World Economic Forum - London (UK)

In 2014 Visiting Fellow (2 weeks) at the Economic and Administrative Science Faculty, Universidad Panamericana - Aquascalientes (Mex)

National and International Awards for research activities

Kizok best paper award on SME for the paper “The link between competitive strategies and knowledge management strategies in small firms”- 3rd EIASM Workshop on Intangibles and IC – Ferrara, 2007

3rd best paper award for the paper, “Strategy Map as Visual Artifact for Strategy-Making in Complex Setting” SMS (Strategic Management Society) conference, Glasgow, 2013 

Distinguished International Business Scholar, Angelo State University College of Business and Norris Family Endowment for International Business, October 2013

Direction of and participation in editorial committees of journals, book series, encyclopedias and recognizing and prestigious treatises, participation in prestigious academies

Editor in chief del Journal of Strategic & International Studies, ISIS, USA

Member of the Editorial Board del Journal of Management and Governance, Springer

Member of the Editorial Board del Journal of Business Model, Open Journal System

Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Governing Strategy and Knowledge: Methodology and Tools” del Journal of Management and Governance, Springer

Member of AIDEA - Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale

Member of SIDREA - Società Italiana dei Docenti di Ragioneria e di  Economia Aziendale

Vice President of ISIS - Institute of Strategic and International Studies

Patents and participatory and non-participatory spin-offs

Founder, Partner, Scientific Coordinator and Member of the Board of Directors of Strategy Innovation Srl, spin-off of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice which participates directly in the capital for a 10% and indirectly in the capital, through Ca’ Foscari Foundation for a 10%.

Fund raising activities (last 6 anni)

Funding obtainment of Euro 962.000 for the research project “Venice Strategic Innovation Center - VSIC” from Regione Veneto on “Azione progetti a regia regionale piano operativo Regionale FESR 2007-2013”

Funding obtainment of Euro 522.000 (plus Euro 368.000 for Polins srl) for the action-research project “Co-generazione di conoscenza competitiva tra le università e le PMI” from “Programma per la cooperazione territoriale Europea Interreg Italia-Slovenia 2007-2013 - Progetti Strategici Azione 2”.

Funding obtainment of Euro Euro 1.000.000 for the action-research project “Innovarea” from Regione Veneto on “Azione progetti a regia regionale piano strategico regionale per la ricerca scientifica, lo sviluppo tecnologico e l'innovazione”.

Funding obtainment of Euro 480.000 (plus Euro 420.000 for Polins srl and Euro 75.000 for Strategy Innovation srl) for privately commisioned research projects developed by the Department of Management Ca’ Foscari University of Venice or by Ca’ Foscari Foundation


Roles conferred by University and its Departments, participations to commissions and committees

(Last 6 years)

From November 2009 to October 2011: Director of the Curriculum in Business Administration of the Graduate Degree in Business Administration and Finance at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

From November 2011 to October 2014: President of the Graduate Degree in Business Administration and Finance at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

From November 2009 to October 2014, Delegate of the Rector of Ca’ Foscari for the Strategic planning and Entrepreneurship Development.

From November 2010 to October 2014: Coordinator of the Star CUP Veneto project in charge of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

From November 2010 to October 2013: Member of the Board of Directors of the Ca’ Foscari Foundation.

From 2015 to present, Delegate of the Rector of Ca’ Foscari for the Strategy Innovation in the Ca’ Foscari Foundation and for the development of Vega incubator.


Conference Papers accepted (last 2 years)

 Zanin F., Bagnoli C., Lusiani M., The visual mattering of strategic change, 32° EGOS colloquium, Naples July 7-9 2016

Girella L., Bagnoli C., The Archaeology of Business Model between Strategy, Financial and Non-Financial Reporting: Some Preliminary Insights” VII Financial Reporting Workshop University of Genoa, 9-10 June 2016.

Zanin F., Bagnoli C., Knowledge Management Strategies in SMEs: The Dynamics Behind the Alignment between Knowledge and Strategy , 20th IAMB Conference 2015, Istanbul (Turkey)

Girella L., Bagnoli C., The archeology of Business Model between accounting, strategy and economics, EIASM Workshop on Intangibles 2015, Atene (GR)

Bagnoli C., Massaro M., Bardy R., Rubens A. Does Internationalization Theory Apply in Contingencies? How Italian and Slovenian SMEs React to Pressures in Their Home Markets, European International Business Academy Coference 2015, Rio de Janeiro (BR).

Zanin F., Bagnoli C., Knowledge Visualization for Strategic Change. Mapping Knowledge for Discovering Business Renewal, 16th European Conference on Knowledge Management 2015, Udine

Bagnoli C. Setiffi F. Lazzer G.1 The role of market in shaping women’s identity as mothers: practices, objects and social representations European Sociological Association Conference 2015, Praga (Republica Ceca)

Bagnoli C., Biloslavo R. Strategic paradoxes as business model`s meta-dimensions, European Academy of Management Conference 2015, Varsavia (Polonia)

Bagnoli C., Massaro M., Bardy R., Rubens A., What Fosters SME Internationalization? A Cross-Border Study on Italian and Slovenian manufacturing SMEs Entering Foreign Markets, Academy International Business-Southeast USA Conference 2014, Miami (USA).

Bagnoli C., McKenna B., Sigurjónsson O., Arnardóttir A., Biloslavo R., Bulut C., Ray S., Rooney D., Zacher H., Küpers W., Dibben M., Macklin R., Gosling J. The Relationship between Concern for Environmental Sustainability and the Capacity for Wisdom and Other Factors among Postgraduate Business Students: An International Comparison, Irish Academy of Management Conference 2014, Limerik

Massaro M., Rossi G., Bagnoli C., Linking Market Orientation and Service relatedness to New Service Development, International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2014, Bangkok.

Referee for the following scientific journals:

Management Decision, Emerald

Journal of Business Economics and Management, Taylor & Francis

Journal of Management and Governance, Springer

Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Emerald

Journal of Business Modelling, Open Access

Financial Reporting, IFAF

Finance Research Letters, Elsevier

African Journal of Business Management, Open Access

Journal of Strategic & International Studies, ISIS

Istitutional & Governmental Roles:

Member of the Sme Confindustria’s Technical-Scientific Committee.

Member of the Regional Observatory for the Scientific Research and Innovation for the Regional law n.9 at the Assessorato allo Sviluppo e Attività Economiche – Veneto Region.

Member of the Technical Committee for the Evaluation of the Regional law n.4 April 2003, n.8 “Disciplina dei Distretti Produttivi ed interventi di politica industriale locale” at Direzione Sviluppo Economico e Innovazione – Veneto Region.

Member of the Research Group for the development of the project: “Rilevazione delle esigenze di innovazione tecnologica in particolare delle PMI e dei distretti” at Agenzia per la Diffusione delle Tecnologie per l’Innovazione – Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

Environment support activities:

From 2006 Guest speaker at more than 100 istitutional and professional conferences

In 2012 Awarded by the "Festival delle Città impresa 2012: fabbricatori di idee" at la Fiera di Vicenza - Vicenza (VI) – April 20th, 2012

From 2013 Columnist on the “Imprenditore” Confindustria’s official journal

From 2015 Broadcast Commentator on the “Fabbrica 2.4” Radio24 – Il Sole24ore