Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Linguistic and Cultural Mediation

Linguistic and Cultural Mediation [LT5-21-21]
Enrolled in a.y. 2021/2022


Professoressa Ordinaria
Componente della Commissione Etica
Componente della Giunta del Dipartimento di Economia
Coordinatrice del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Data Analytics for Business and Society
041 234 9162
Economia politica [ECON-01/A]
Sito web (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Economia
Sito web struttura:
Sede: San Giobbe
Research Institute
Research Institute for Social Innovation







Work Address:                 Dipartimento di Economia - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia






                                               S. Giobbe, 873 - 30121 Venezia - Italy






                                               Tel. 39-041-2574162 ; Fax 39-041-2574176;






                                               Mobile: +39 3665796871














Main Research Interests






Agar Brugiavini has investigated the behaviour of individuals and household both in the area of consumption and saving and in the area of labour supply. In particular she is interested in the effects of pension reforms on household’s saving decisions, in  retirement choices and in the insurance aspects of pension arrangements.  More recently she has looked at the relationship between health conditions  and economic behaviour.




November 77 to  February 83                  

University  of  Rome   "La  Sapienza", Laurea in Statistics, summa cum laude




 October 83  to June 84




The London School of Economics, London; M.Sc. in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics


October 84 to October 90                          

The London School of Economics; Ph.D. in Economics; Thesis title: “Longevity Risk and the Life Cycle”  




September 89 to  January 91:                   






Permanent Lecturer in Finance, City University Business School, London.


January 91 to  May 97:                 






Ricercatore (Lecturer) in Economics,  Department  of  Economics, University  of Venice, Italy


August 97 to  July 98                                     






Visiting Scholar - Department of Economics, Northwestern University - Evanston  - IL


November 98 to 2004


Assistant Professor, Department of Economic, University of Venice, Italy


November 2004 to date


Full Professor, Department of Economic, University of Venice, Italy


November 2006 to 2012






Director of the Master program in Economics also part of the QEM Erasums Mundus network (in English) in Venice


November 2006 to 2012






Chairperson of the Graduate School of Economics in Venice






Chairperson of the Doctoral Program in Economics in Venice


January 2011 to date






Responsible for Ca’ Foscari of the PhD-Erasmus-Mundus EDEEM program in Economics


November 2011 to October 2012






Pro-rector for Teaching Activities of Ca’ Foscari University


May 2012 to date






Dean of the Venice International University – VIU


May 2102 to date






Director of the Ca’ Foscari International College (Collegio di Merito di Ca’ Foscari)



Research Projects and Other Research Activities





Participation to the  European  Community-funded  "S.P.E.S."  Project  on "Indirect Taxation  of  European  Households",  1989-91  (coordinated  by R.Blundell)






Participation to the  European  Community-funded  "S.P.E.S."  Project  on "Dynamic Models of Household Behaviour", 1992 (coordinated by C. Meghir)






Participation   to   the   European   Union-funded   "HCM"   Project   on "Microecometrics for Public Policy", 1993 (coordinated by I. Walker)






Participation to the Leverhulme Trust-funded Project on  "Pension  Choice and Savings Behaviour in the UK Economy", 1993-1994  (coordinated  by  R. Disney and R. Blundell).






Organization of the International  Conference  sponsored  by  the  Review Ricerche Economiche and by the Department of Economics at the  University of Venice Ca' Foscari, on  "The  Economics  of  Saving  and  Retirement", Venice, January 1995.






Editor of two special issues (vol. 3/95 and 4/95) of Ricerche  Economiche on "The Economics of Saving and Retirement", September 1995.






"Research Associate" of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, London.






Organization of the International  Conference  sponsored  by  the EC-DGXII and by the European Science Foundation (Training and Mobility of Researchers) at the  University of Venice Ca' Foscari, on  "The  Economics  of  Saving  and  Retirement", Venice, September 1999.






Responsible of the EC funded T.M.R. (Training and Mobility of Research) Project, 1996-2002 on “Saving and Retirement” for the Venice-node.






Associate Editor for “Il Giornale degli Economisti”






Member of the “Core-Management-Group” for the EU-sponsored project “SHARE” (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement).






Responsible for the Venice node of the RTN (Research Training Network) of the EU “AGE” (2000-2003)






Responsible for the Ca’ Foscari node of the RAND-USA project on “Ageing”, (2001-2006)






Responsible for the Employment and Pension Group of SHARE-I3 and for the Ca’ Foscari node, EU funded – Fifth Framework (2006-2008)






Responsible for the Employment and Pension Group and for the Ca’ Foscari node of SHARELIFE, EU funded, Sixth Framework (2007-2010)






Responsible for the Employment and Pension Group and for the Ca’ Foscari node of SHAREPREP, EU funded, Seventh Framework (2006-2008)






Responsible for the Employment and Pension Group and for the Ca’ Foscari node of SHARE_LEAP (2008-2010), EU funded, Seventh Framework






Responsible for the Employment and Pension Group and for the Ca’ Foscari node of SHARE-M4, EU funded, Seventh Framework – Infrastructure (ongoing)






Responsible for the Ca’ Foscari node of DASISH, EU funded, Seventh Framework - Infrastructure (ongoing)











Ente Einaudi-funded scholarship, 1984.



Banca d'Italia-funded "Stringher" scholarship, 1984.



Ente Einaudi-funded prize, 1985.



Mediocredito  Centrale-funded "Marco  Fanno" scholarship, 1985.



Fulbright “International Scholars” Fellowship, 1997-1998



Winner of the “Senior Researchers” prize of Ca’ Foscari University, 2010







Review of Economic  Studies;  Journal  of  Public  Economics;  Economica; International Economic Review;  Economic  Journal; Journal of the European Economic Association,  Journal of Health Economics. Ricerche  Economiche; Giornale degli Economisti; Scandinavian Journal of Economics; Southern Journal of Economics.






Ph.D. Thesis Supervision


Ludovico Carrino (ongoing); Breno Pietracci (ongoing); Luis Aranda (ongoing); Chen Hao (2012); Elena Fumagalli (2010); Marcella Lucchetta (2007); Giacomo Pasini (2007); Franco Mariuzzo (2004)