Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Linguistic and Cultural Mediation

Linguistic and Cultural Mediation [LT5-21-21]
Enrolled in a.y. 2021/2022


Professoressa Associata
041 234 8743
041 234 8701
Economia e gestione delle imprese [ECON-07/A]
Sito web (scheda personale)
Venice School of Management
Sito web struttura:
Sede: San Giobbe
Research Institute
Research Institute for Digital and Cultural Heritage

Andrea Carlo Lo Verso, Monica Calcagno, Nicola Fuochi Making sense of “heritage” from the bottom-up. An exploration of the places and spaces of Marghera (Venice, Italy) in IL CAPITALE CULTURALE, vol. 30, pp. 40-68 (ISSN 2039-2362)
DOI - URL correlato 2024, Articolo su rivista - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5087050

Monica Calcagno; Rachele Cavara Creative Work and Entrepreneurial Creativity , Creative Work Conditions, Contexts and Practices, Routledge, vol. 1, pp. 255-271 (ISBN 9781003402688)
DOI - URL correlato 2024, Articolo su libro - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5046424

Andrea Carlo Lo Verso; Monica Calcagno Organizing through and for the urban space. Experiencing of and reflecting on Marghera (mainland Venice) , EGOS 2024. Crossroads for organizations: Timne, Space, and People, EGOS, pp. 1-25, Convegno: EGOS annual conference, 4-6 Luglio 2024
2024, Articolo in Atti di convegno - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5090331

andrea carlo lo verso, monica calcagno, nicola fuochi Making sense of “heritage” from the bottom-up. An exploration of the places and spaces of Marghera (Venice) , EIASM WORKSHOP ON MANAGING ARTS AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Convegno: 8TH EIASM Workshop on Managing Arts and Cultural Organizations, 30 Novembre - 1 Dicembre 2023
2023, Articolo in Atti di convegno - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5065313

Monica Calcagno Reflecting on how artists-entrepreneurs make sense of the complexity of their double role , Euram 2023 Transforming Business for Good, European Academy of Management, pp. 1-24, Convegno: EURAM annual conference, June 13-16, 2023 (ISBN 978-2-9602195-5-5)
2023, Articolo in Atti di convegno - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5046035