Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Linguistic and Cultural Mediation
Enrollment until 2024/2025

Linguistic and Cultural Mediation [LT5-21-21]
Enrolled in a.y. 2021/2022


Professore Ordinario
041 234 8406 / 041 234 8952
Oceanografia, meteorologia e climatologia [GEOS-04/C]
Sito web (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica
Sito web struttura:
Sede: Campus scientifico via Torino
Stanza: ex sala riunioni A (edificio Zeta A, 1° piano)
Research Institute
Research Institute for Complexity


Curriculum Vitæ et Studiorum


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Angelo Rubino, Privatdozent


State: October 2014


Date of birth:                   April 21st 1963

Place of birth:                   Formia (LT), Italy

Civil state:              married, one daughter

Address (work):       Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia,
Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali,

                            Informatica e Statistica      
Calle Larga Santa Marta,
Dorsoduro 2137,
I-30123 Venezia, Italia, Tel.: +39 041 2348952  


Address (private):    Campo San Geremia, 283, I-30121 Venezia, Italia


1981-1984              Informatics, University of Torino, Italy

1985-1989               Physical Oceanography, Istituto Universitario Navale, Napoli, Italy

{C}1989                                     Degree of "Dottore in Discipline Nautiche” (110/110)

1991                      Equivalence between his degree of "Dottore in Discipline Nautiche” and the German degree of "Diplom Ozeanograph"

1992-1994               Ph. D. student at the Institut für Meereskunde, Universität Hamburg, Germany, in the frame of the EU program “Human Capital and Mobility”

1994                      Ph. D. degree in Physical Oceanography (magna cum laude), supervisor: Prof. Dr. J. O. Backhaus

1995                      Equivalence between his German degree of "Doktor der Naturwissenschaften" and the Italian Ph. D. degree ("Dottore di Ricerca")

Professional experience

1994-1997               Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institut für Meereskunde, Universtät Hamburg, Germany, in the frame of the EU project „EU Network” and of the German project „ARKTIEF”.

1997-2006               University Assistant at the Institut für Meereskunde, Universtät Hamburg, Germany.

1999-2012               Researcher at the "Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia" in Physical Oceanography.

2005                      “Habilitation” and “Venia Legendi” in Physical Oceanography at the University of Hamburg: Privatdozent.

2007                      Coordinator of the Doctoral School in “Scienza e Gestione dei Cambiamenti Climatici” at the "Università Ca’ Foscari", Venezia.

2007-2009               Member of the teaching staff of the Doctoral School in “Scienza e Gestione dei Cambiamenti Climatici” at the "Università Ca’ Foscari", Venezia.

2012-Present           Member of the editorial board of the international journal “Physical Oceanography”.

2012-Present           Associate Professor at the "Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia" in Physical Oceanography, Meteorology and Climatology.


{C}1996                                     Humboldt-Ritter-Penck Award of the “Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin” (first place).

{C}2010                                      National Award at the "XIII concorso nazionale di letteratura del Parco Naturale della Majella per la divulgazione Scientifica 2010".

{C}2011                                      National Award at the "X concorso nazionale di letteratura Enrico Fermi di Cecina per la divulgazione Scientifica".

Project participation and direction

{C}1.    {C}1991-1994: “Modelling of dense gravity plumes on continental slopes”, in the frame of the EU program "EU Network"

{C}2.    {C}1992-1993: “Human Capital and mobility S/MAST – 913009”

{C}3.    {C}1994-1996: “Network” (CHRX-CT93-0312 (DG 12 COMA) – Human Capital Program

{C}4.    {C}1995: experimental project AIS’95 in the Strait of Messina

{C}5.    {C}1996-1997: BMBF project 03f0178C – ARKTIEF.

{C}6.    {C}1997-2000: European project MATER (EU MAST 3).

{C}7.    1998-2000: DFG SFB 512 Sonderforschungsbereich 512, project „Mesoscale Dynamics of the Ocean in Arctic Key Regions: Variability of the Fresh Water Layer in the Greenland Sea“

{C}8.    {C}European project “frictional and nonfrictional decay of surface frontal anticyclonic vortices in a stratified environment I” in Trondheim, Norway, rotating tank SINTEF/CORIOLIS

{C}9.    {C}2000: European project “frictional and nonfrictional decay of surface frontal anticyclonic vortices II”, Grenoble, France, rotating tank LEGI/CORIOLIS

{C}10. {C}1998 - 2000: in the EU program “III announcement of opportunity”, project ESA AO3-400: “Mesoscale and small-scale oceanic features in the Black Sea studied by remote sensing, in situ measurements, and numerical models”

{C}11. {C}1999-present: in the EU program ENVISAT–AO, project ID 735: “Study of small scale and mesoscale oceanic flow features in Norwegian Fjords”

{C}12. {C}1999-present: in the EU program ENVISAT–AO, project ID 709: “Mesoscale flow features in river outflow regions studied by remote sensing, numerical modelling, and laboratory experiments”

{C}13. {C}1999-present: in the EU program ENVISAT–AO, project ID 564: “Study of small and medium scale oceanic phenomena at the ice edge in the Greenland Sea”

{C}14. {C}2000-2003: DFG SFB 512 Sonderforschungsbereich 512: Tiefdruckgebiete und Klimasystem des Nordatlantiks / Cyclones and Climate System of the North Atlantic, C3, project:  „Remote sensing of oceanic convection in the Greenland Sea and its variability”

{C}15. {C}2003: “Ionio2003”, DFG MITTLERE SCHIFFE 2003 POSEIDON

{C}16. {C}2004-2006: DFG SFB 512 Sonderforschungsbereich 512: Tiefdruckgebiete und Klimasystem des Nordatlantiks / Cyclones and Climate System of the North Atlantic, del progetto E1 project: „Remote sensing of water masses and transport anomalies in the Northern Seas”

{C}17. 2004-2007:  Italian project “Centro Euro Mediterraneo per i cambiamenti climatici”

{C}18. 2006-2009: Italian project CMCC: "La laguna di Venezia nel quadro dei cambiamenti climatici, delle misure di mitigazione ed  adattamento e dell'evoluzione degli usi del territorio"

{C}19. {C}DFG RV Merian: Ionian Sea

{C}20. {C}2007: Coordination of the doctoral school in “Scienza e Gestione dei Cambiamenti Climatici” of the "Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia"

{C}21. 2007-2009: Teaching staff of the doctoral school “Scienza e Gestione dei Cambiamenti Climatici”, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia

{C}22. 2008-2010: Italian project “Parte della realizzazione del Programma Corila "La laguna di Venezia  nel quadro dei cambiamenti climatici, delle misure di mitigazione ed  adattamento e dell'evoluzione degli usi del territorio""

{C}23. {C}2009: National coordinator of the proposed Italian project “Cambiamenti climatici repentini: la trasformazione delle acque abissali nel Mediterraneo orientale studiate attraverso misure in situ oceanografiche, biologiche, chimiche e modellistica numerica”

{C}24. {C}2010-present: Italian project PRIN 2009 “Interazioni tra stato ecologico e gestione alieutica in laguna di Venezia”

{C}25. {C}2012-present: editorial board of the scientific journal “Physical Oceanography”

{C}26. {C}2012-present: Italian project "AMBIENTE in-FORMAZIONE, collaborazione tra Istituti superiori di Treviso e DAIS – Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica Università degli Studi Ca’Foscari di Venezia"

{C}27. {C}2013-present, WP leader of the EU Project "PREFACE" (

{C}28. {C}October 2013: Co-Chair of the international TAV/PIRATA meeting 2013 (


Oceanographic expeditions

{C}1.    {C}Sonne cruise S093, Jan.-Feb. 1994, Oceano Indiano, Tasks: CTD, Oxygen

{C}2.    {C}Meteor cruise M32/4, Jun.-Jul. 1995, Mare d’Arabia, Tasks: CTD, Oxygen

{C}3.    {C}Alliance cruise, AIS’95 (SACLANT Centre), Oct. 1995, Stretto di Messina

{C}4.    {C}Alliance cruise, RR’97 (SACLANT Centre), Aug. 1997, Stretto di Messina

{C}5.    {C}Planet cruise, Oct. 1997, Stretto di Gibilterra, CTD-chain, CTD

{C}6.    {C}Sonne cruise SO127, Dec.-Jan. 1998,  WOCE, Golfo del Bengala,: CTD-chain

  1. Poseidon Cruise, Mai 2003, Mar Ionio, CTD, ADCP
  2. Maria Sybilla Merian, Cruise, 2009, Mar Ionio, CTD, ADCP
  3. Poseidon Cruise, 2011, Mar Ionio, CTD, ADCP


Rotating tank experiments

{C}1.    {C}SINTEF Civil and Environmental Engineering, Trondheim, Norway, August-September 1999

{C}2.    {C}LEGI Coriolis, Grenoble, France, September-October 2000





{C}·         At the University of Hamburg, Germany (in German and English):


{C}1.    Seminar “Allgemeine Meereskunde”

{C}2.    Lecture “Observation and numerical modelling of oceanic phenomena detectable by remote sensing”

{C}3.    Exercises to the lecture “Observation and numerical modelling of oceanic phenomena detectable by remote sensing”


{C}·         At the Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, Italia:


{C}4.    {C}Lecture  "Laboratorio di Strumentazione Oceanografica" (60 hours) (A. A. 2000/2001)

{C}5.    {C}Lecture "Oceanografia Fisica" (30 hours, A. A. 2000/2001)

{C}6.    {C}Lecture "Meteorologia" (30 hours, A. A. 2000/2001)

{C}7.    {C}Lecture "Climatologia e Meteorologia" (3 credits, since A. A. 2002/2003), master degree in Environmental Sciences

{C}8.    {C}Lecture "Oceanografia Fisica" (3 credits, A. A. 2002/2003), master degree in Environmental Sciences

{C}9.    {C}Dinamica delle Grandi Masse (3 credits, since A. A. 2002/2003), master degree in Environmental Sciences

{C}10. {C}Part of the lecture "Geodinamica Esterna" (2 credits, since A. A. 2002/2003), Bachelor degree in Environmental Sciences

{C}11. {C}Lecture "Climatologia e Meteorologia" (6 credits, since A. A. 2008/2009), master degree in Environmental Sciences

{C}12. {C}"Laboratorio di ecologia marino-costiera e di strumentazione oceanografica" (3 credits, A. A. 2009-2010; 2010-2011), Bachelor degree in Environmental Sciences

{C}13. {C}Lecture Oceanografia (6 credits, since A. A. 2011-2012), Bachelor degree in Environmental Sciences

{C}14. {C}Lecture on "Climate Changes", in the frame of "Georgia State University Study Abroad Programs", (since A. A. 2007-2008), in English

{C}15. {C}Lecture "Climatology", Master degree in Global Environmental Sciences (6 credits, since A. A. 2014-2015, in english)

{C}16. {C}Lecture "Oceanography", Master degree in Global Environmental Sciences (6 credits, since A. A. 2014-2015, in english)



{C}·         at the State University of Saint Petersburg, Russia (A. A. 2004/2005, in English)


{C}17. {C}lecture “Introduction to Geopysical Fluid Dynamics” (20 hours)


Supervision or participation in supervisions:


{C}·         At the University of Hamburg, Germany:


Master Theses:

{C}1.    {C}Schacht, A. 1994: Bodengeführte Dichteströmungen im zweigeschichteten Ozean: numerische Fallstudien

{C}2.    {C}Wolf, S. 1996: Die Ausbreitung von topographisch geführten Dichteströmungen im Golf von Bengalen

{C}3.    {C}Weigele, R. 1998: Eine Untersuchung der Dynamik gezeitenerzeugter nichtlinearer dispersiver interner Wellen in der Strasse von Messina mit Hilfe eines numerischen Dreischichtenmodells


Ph. D. Theses:

{C}4.    {C}Brandt, P. 1996: Interne Wellen in den Straßen von Gibraltar und Messina - Eine Untersuchung mit numerischen Modellen und Radarbildern der ERS-1/2 Satelliten

{C}5.    {C}Hessner, K. 1998: Zur Dynamik mesoskaliger Frontenwirbel im Ozean

{C}6.    {C}Martinez, B. 2002: A Study of the Influence of Surface Forcing on the Variability of the Oceanic Circulation in the Gulf of Mexico Using an Isopycnic Coordinate Model


{C}·         At the Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, Italia:


Master Theses:

{C}7.    {C}Ferretto, M. 2004: Oceanografia Fisica dell’Adriatico: rassegna di studi recenti 

{C}8.    {C}Lovato, T. 2004: Applicazione di un modello idrodinamico per un golfo del Mediterraneo

Ph. D. Theses:

{C}9.    {C}Lovato, T. 2009: Modelling the hydrodynamic circulation and the biogeochemical cycles in the lagoon of Venice and along the North Adriatic coast

{C}10. {C}Tomasetta, C. 2013: Life cycle assessment of underground thermal energy storage systems


{C}·         At the University of Copenhagen:


Master Theses:

{C}11.  {C}Wilkenskjeld, S. 2003: A study of the overflow over the Greenland-Scotland Ridge with focus on the Iceland-Faroe part


Didactic Coordination:


{C}·         At the University of Hamburg:

Studentenberater (1997 - 1999)


{C}·         At the Università Ca’ Foscari of Venezia, Italia:

Coordinator of the Doctoral School in "Scienza e Gestione dei Cambiamenti Climatici" (2007)


Revision activity


Since many years regularly reviewer of main international journals of the field, like, e.g., JPO, GRL, CSR etc.


Theses and dissertations


{C}1.    Rubino, A., Fenomenologia e modellistica di onde lunghe gravitazionali negli oceani, master thesis at the “Istituto Universitario Navale” di Napoli, 1989

  1. Rubino, A., Anregung und Ausbreitung von Tsunami-Wellen, die durch untermeerische Erdrutsche verursacht werden, Berichte aus dem Zentrum für Meeres- und Klimaforschung, Reihe B: Ozeanographie, Hamburg, pp. 97, 1994, Doktorarbeit
  2. Rubino, A., Fluctuating mesoscale frontal features: structures and manifestations in the real ocean, Habilitationsschrift, Universität Hamburg, 2005.




1. Rubino, A. e D. Zanchettin, Pandemie eines Klimawandels: das Ende, Shaker Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8322-8674-3, 183 pages, Aachen, 2009 (in German)

2. Rubino, A. e D. Zanchettin, Riscaldamento Globale: la Fine, Perdisa Editore, ISBN 978-88-8372-485-5, 176 pages, Bologna, 2010


Peer-reviewed publications



{C}1.        Hainbucher, D., A. Rubino, V. Cardin, T. Tanhua, K. Schroeder, and M. Bensi: Hydrographic situation during cruise M84/3 and P414 (spring 2011) in the Mediterranean Sea Ocean Sci.10, 669-682, 2014.

{C}2.        Bensi, M., V. Cardin, and A. Rubino: Thermohaline Variability and Mesoscale Dynamics Observed at the Deep-Ocean Observatory E2M3A in the Southern Adriatic Sea, in The Mediterranean Sea: Temporal Variability and Spatial Patterns, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Oxford. doi: 10.1002/9781118847572.ch9, 2014.

{C}3.        Malanotte-Rizzoli, P., V. Artale, G. L. Borzelli-Eusebi, S. Brenner, G. Civitarese, A. Crise, J. Font, M. Gacic, N. Kress, S. Marullo, E. Ozsoy, M. Ribera d'Alcalà, W. Roether, K. Schroeder, S. Sofianos, T. Tanhua, A. Theocharis, M. Alvarez, Y. Ashkenazy, A. Bergamasco, V. Cardin, S. Carniel, F. D'Ortenzio, E. Garcia-Ladona, J. M. Garcia-Lafuente, A. Gogou, M. Gregoire, D. Hainbucher, H. Kontoyannis, V. Kovacevic, E. Krasakapoulou, G. Krokos, A. Incarbona, M. G. Mazzocchi, M. Orlic, A. Pascual, P.-M. Poulain, A. Rubino, J. Siokou-Frangou, E. Souvermezoglou, M. Sprovieri, J. Tintoré, and G. Triantafyllou: Physical forcing and physical/biochemical variability of the Mediterranean Sea: a review of unresolved issues and directions for future research, Ocean Sci.10, 345-355, 2014.

{C}4.        Bensi, M., V. Cardin, A. Rubino, G. Notarstefano, and P. M. Poulain: Effect of winter convection on the deep layer of the Southern Adriatic Sea in 2012. J. Geophys. Res., 2013, 118, 6064-6075, DOI: 10.1002/2013JC009432, 2013.

{C}5.        Bensi, M., A. Rubino, V. Cardin, D. Hainbucher, and I. Mancero-Mosquera: Structure and variability of the abyssal water masses in the Ionian Sea in the period 2003-2010. J. Geophys. Res., 118, 931-943, DOI: 10.1029/2012JC008178, 2013.

{C}6.        Lovato, T., S. Ciavatta, D. Brigolin, A. Rubino, and R. Pastres: Modelling dissolved oxygen and benthic algae dynamics in a coastal ecosystem by exploiting real-time monitoring data. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 119 , 17-30, 2013.

{C}7.        Zanchettin, D., A. Rubino, D. Matei, O. Bothe, and J. H. Jungclaus: Multidecadal-to-centennial SST variability in the MPI-ESM simulation ensemble for the last millennium. Clim. Dyn., 40, 1301-1318, 2013.

{C}8.        Alpers, W., P. Brandt, A. Lazar, D. Dagorne, B. Sow, A. Rubino, and P. Brehmer: A sub-mesoscale eddy of the coast of West Africa studied by multi-sensor satellite and surface drifter data and by numerical modeling, Remote Sensing of the Environment, 129 , 132-143, 2013.

{C}9.        Zanchettin, D., A. Rubino, D. Matei, O. Bothe, and J. H. Jungclaus: Multidecadal-to centennial SST variability in the MPI-ESM simulation ensemble for the last millennium. Clim. Dyn., DOI:10.1007/s00382-011-1361-9, 2012

{C}10.     Rubino, A.,  D. Romanenkov, D. Zanchettin, V. Cardin, M. Bensi, A. Boldrin, L. Langone, S. Miserocchi, and M. Turchetto: On the descent of dense water on a complex canyon system in the southern Adriatic basin, Cont. Shelf Res., doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2010.11.009, 2012

{C}11.     Zanchettin, D., C. Timmreck, H.-F. Graf, A. Rubino, S. Lorenz, K. Lohmann, K. Krueger, and J. H. Jungclaus: Bi-decadal variability excited in the coupled ocean–atmosphere system by strong tropical volcanic eruptions. Clim. Dyn., DOI:10.1007/s00382-011-1167-1, 2012

{C}12.     {C}Rubino, A., Falcini, F., Zanchettin, D., Bouche', V., Salusti, E., Bensi M., Riccobene, G., De Bonis, G., Masullo, R., Simeone F., Piattelli, P., Sapienza, P., Russo, S., Platania, G., Sedita, M., Reina, P., Avolio, R., Randazzo, N., Hainbucher, D., Capone, A.: Abyssal undular vortices in the Eastern Mediterranean basin, Nature Communications, doi: 10.1038/ ncomms1836, 2012

{C}13.     {C}Rubino, A.: What will a new generation of world climate research and computing facilities bring to climate long-term predictions?, Theor. Appl. Clim., 106, 473-479,  doi: 10.1007/s00704-011-0448-2, 2011

{C}14.     {C}Brigolin D., T. Lovato, A. Rubino, and R. Pastres: Coupling early-diagenesis and pelagic biogeochemical models for estimating the seasonal variability of N and P fluxes at the sediment-water interface: Application to the northwestern Adriatic coastal zone, J. Mar. Sys, 87, 239-255,  doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2011.04.006, 2011.

{C}15.     Zanchettin, D., A. Rubino, and J. H. Jungclaus: Intermittent multidecadal-to-centennial fluctuations dominate global temperature evolution over the last millenniumGeophys. Res. Lett.37. doi:10.1029/2010GL043717, 2010.

{C}16.     {C}Lovato, T., Androsov, A., Romanenkov, D., Rubino, A.: The tidal and wind induced hydrodynamics of the composite system Adriatic Sea/Lagoon of Venice. Cont. Shelf Res. DOI: 10.1016/j.csr.2010, 2010.

{C}17.     {C}Rubino, A., S. Dotsenko, and P. Brandt: Nonstationary Westward Translation of Nonlinear Frontal Warm-Core Eddies. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 39, 1486-1494, 2009.

{C}18.     {C}Zanchettin, D., A. Rubino, P. Traverso, and M. Tomasino: Teleconnections force interannual-to-decadal variability in the Lagoon of Venice (northern Adriatic), J. Geophys, Res., doi: doi:10.1029/2008JD011485, 2009.

{C}19.     {C}Zanchettin, D., A. Rubino, P. Traverso, and M. Tomasino: Impact of variations in solar activity on hydrological decadal patterns in northern Italy, J. Geophys, Res., doi: 10.1029/2007JD009157, 2008.

{C}20.     {C}Alpers, W, P. Brandt, and A. Rubino: Internal waves generated in the Straits of Gibraltar and Messina: observations from space, in “Remote Sensing of the European Seas”, Springer, Heidelberg, 514 pp., 319-330, 2008

{C}21.     {C}Dotsenko, S. F., and A. Rubino: Nonlinear inertial oscillations of a multilayer eddy: an analytical solution. Izv., Atmos. Ocean. Phy. +, 40, 450-458, 2008.

{C}22.     {C}Rubino, A., and D. Hainbucher: A large abrupt change in the abyssal water masses of the eastern Mediterranean, Geophys. Res. Lett.,  34, L23607, doi: 10.1029/2007GL031737, 2007.

{C}23.     {C}Rubino, A.: Doppler effect in physical oceanography. International Symposium Christian Doppler (Salzburg 1803 – Venice 1853): a multidisciplinary legacy. Proceedings of the Commemorative Symposia in 2003, Living Editions, 2007.

{C}24.     {C}Rubino, A., A. Androssov, and S. Dotsenko: Intrinsic dynamics and long-term evolution of a convectively generated oceanic vortex in the Greenland Sea, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L16607, doi: 10.1029/2007GL030634, 2007.

{C}25.     {C}Dotsenko, S., and A. Rubino: Analytical Solutions for Circular Stratified Eddies of the Reduced–Gravity Shallow-Water Equations, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 36, 1693-1702, 2006.

{C}26.     {C}Rubino, A., and S. Dotsenko: The stratified pulson, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 36, 711-719, 2006.

{C}27.     {C}Hainbucher, D., A. Rubino, and B. Klein: Water mass characteristics in the deep layers of the western Ionian basin observed during May 2003, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L05608, doi:10.1029/2005GL025318, 2006.

{C}28.     {C}Androssov, A., A. Rubino, R. Romseiser, and D. V. Sein,: Preconditioning to open-ocean convection in the Greenland Sea through a mesoscale chimney: simulations with a hierarchy of nested numerical models, Meteorol. Z., 14, 693-702, 2005.

{C}29.     {C}Rubino, A.: Fluctuating Mesoscale Frontal Features, Structures and Manifestations in the Real Ocean, tesi per l’ottenimento dell’Abilitazione all’insegnamento universitario presso la Facoltà di Geofisica dell’Università di Amburgo, 38 pagine

{C}30.     {C}Dotsenko, S. F., A. Rubino: Nonlinear radiial oscillations of an isolated eddy in the ocean with regard for the external action, Phys. Oceanogr., 15, 14-26, 2005.

{C}31.     {C}Dotsenko, S. F., A. Rubino, and P. Brandt: Nonlinear Transverse oscillations of a geostrophic front. Izv., Atmos. Ocean. Phy. +, 40, 450-458, 2004.

{C}32.     {C}Brandt, P., A. Rubino, D. V. Sein, B. Baschek, A. Izquierdo, and J. O. Backhaus: Sea level variations in the western Mediterranean studied by a numerical tidal model of the Strait of Gibraltar, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 34, 433 - 443, 2004.

{C}33.     {C}Romeiser, R., S. Ufermann, A. Androssov, H. Wehde, L. Mitnik, S. Kern, and A. Rubino: On the remote sensing of oceanic and atmospheric convection in the Greenland Sea by synthetic aperture Radar, J. Geophys. Res., 109, C03994, doi: 10.1029/2003JC001975, 2004.

{C}34.     {C}Rubino, A., S. Dotsenko, and P. Brandt: Near-inertial oscillations of geophysical surface frontal currents, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 33, 1990 - 1999, 2003.

{C}35.     {C}Dotsenko, S. F., A. Rubino, and P. Brandt: Some general properties of transverse motions of the geostrophic front, Phys. Oceanogr., 13, 189-200, 2003.

{C}36.     {C}Dotsenko, S. F., A. Rubino, and P. Brandt: Some general properties of cross-frontal motions of geostrophic front, Morskoy Hydrophys. Zhurnal., 8, 3- 14, 2003.

{C}37.     {C}Dotsenko, S. F., and A. Rubino: Exact analytical solutions of the nonlinear shallow-water equations for a case of axisymmetric oscillations of a fluid in a rotating paraboloidal basin, Fluid Dynamics, 38, 303-309, 2003.

{C}38.     {C}Rubino, A., G. Budillon, S. Pierini, and G. Spezie: A Model For The Spreading And Sinking Of The Deep Ice Shelf Water In The Ross Sea. Antarctic Science, 15, 25-30, 2003.

{C}39.     {C}Brandt, P., M. Dengler, A. Rubino, D. Quadfasel, and F. Schott: Intraseasonal variability in the southwestern Arabian Sea and its relation to the seasonal circulation, Deep-Sea Res. II, 50, 2129 - 2141, 2003.

{C}40.     {C}Rubino, A., and P. Brandt: Warm-core eddies studied by laboratory experiments and numerical modeling. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 33, 431-435, 2003.

{C}41.     {C}Brandt, P., A. Rubino, and J. Fischer: Large-amplitude internal solitary waves in the North Equatorial Counter Current, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 32, 1567-1573, 2002.

{C}42.     {C}Rubino, A., K. Hessner, and P. Brandt: Decay of stable warm-core eddies in a layered frontal model, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 32 188-201, 2002.

{C}43.     {C}Rubino, A., P. Brandt, and R. Weigle: On the dynamics of internal waves in a nonlinear, weakly nonhydrostatic three-layer ocean, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 26,899-26,915, 2001.

{C}44.     {C}Hessner, K., A. Rubino, P. Brandt, and W. Alpers: The Rhine outflow plume studied by synthetic aperture radar data and numerical simulations, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 31, 3030-3044, 2001.

{C}45.     {C}Pierini, S., and A. Rubino: Modeling the oceanic circulation in the area of the Strait of Sicily: the remotely forced dynamics, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 31, 1397-1412, 2001.

{C}46.     {C}Izquierdo, A., L. Tejedor, D. V. Sein, J. O. Backhaus, P. Brandt, A. Rubino, and B. A. Kagan: Control variability and internal bore evolution in the Strait of Gibraltar: a 2D two-layer model study, Est. Coast. Shelf Sci., 53, 637-651, 2001.

{C}47.     {C}Vlasenko, V., P. Brandt, and A. Rubino: A study of the structure of large-amplitude internal solitary waves, Morskoy Hydrophys. Zhurnal., 5, 15- 31, 2000.

{C}48.     {C}Vlasenko, V., P. Brandt, and A. Rubino: Structure of large-amplitude internal solitary waves, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 30, 2172-2185, 2000.

{C}49.     {C}Sein, D. V., J. O. Backhaus, P. Brandt, A. Izquierdo, B. A. Kagan, A. Rubino, L. Tejedor: Flow exchange and tidally induced dynamics in the Strait of Gibraltar derived from a two-layer, boundary-fitted coordinate model, in Oeanic Fronts and Related Phenomena, (Konstantin Fedorov Memorial Symposium) Intergovernomental Oceanographic Commission, Workshop Report No. 159, UNESCO, 497-502, 2000.

{C}50.     {C}Brandt, P., R. Romeiser, and A. Rubino: On the determination of characteristics of the interior ocean dynamics from radar signatures of internal solitary waves, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 30,039-30,045, 1999.

{C}51.     {C}Brandt, P., A. Rubino, D. Quadfasel, W. Alpers, J. Sellschopp, and H. V.Fiekas: Evidence for the influence of Atlantic-Ionian Stream fluctuations on the tidally induced internal dynamics in the Strait of Messina, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 29, 1071-1080, 1999.

{C}52.     {C}Rubino, A., S. Pierini, and J. O. Backhaus: Dispersive mudslide-induced tsunamis, Nonl. Proc. Geophys., 5, 127-136, 1998.

{C}53.     {C}Rubino, A., P. Brandt, and K. Hessner: Analytical solutions for circular eddies of the reduced-gravity, shallow-water equations, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 28, 999-1002, 1998.

{C}54.     {C}Brandt, P., A. Rubino, W. Alpers, and J. O. Backhaus: Internal waves in the Strait of Messina studied by a numerical model and synthetic aperture radar images from the ERS 1/2 satellites, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 27, 648-663, 1997.

{C}55.     {C}Backhaus, J. O., H. Fohrmann, J. Kämpf, and A. Rubino: Formation and export of water masses produced in Artic shelf polynyas - process studies of oceanic convection -, ICES J. of Mar. Sci., 54, 366-382, 1997.

{C}56.     {C}Alpers, W., P. Brandt, A. Rubino, and J. O. Backhaus: Recent contributions of remote sensing to the study of internal waves in the straits of Gibraltar and Messina, in Dynamics of mediterranean straits and channels, Briand F. ed., CIESM Science Series n°2, Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, 17, 21-40, 1996.

Other Publications

{C}57.     {C}Lovato, T., A. A. Androssov, G. Ficca, R. Pastres, and A. Rubino: Extreme oceanic events in the lagoon of Venice simulated by an atmospheric/oceanic model, Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 38, 2007, pag. 166

{C}58.     {C}Androssov, A. A., N. E. Voltzinger, and A. Rubino: The hydrodynamics of the Strait of Messina: tidally-induced dynamics and stratification effects, Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 38, 2007, pag. 125

{C}59.     {C}Rubino, A., D. Hainbucher, and B. Klein: Adriatic verus Aegean water in the abyssal layers of the Ionian basin, Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 38, 2007, pag. 192

{C}60.     {C}Romeiser, R., S. Ufermann, A. Rubino, A. Androssov, S. Kern, and  L. Mitnik: Interpretation of convection cell signatures in radar images of the Greenland Sea, in Proceedings of the 2002 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'02), Toronto, Canada, June 24 - 28, 2002

{C}61.     {C}Rubino, A., P. Brandt, and T. McClimans: Frictional and nonfrictional decays of surface anticyclonic vortices in a stratified experiment, LSF-Report, SINTEF Civil and Enviromental Engineering, Trondhaim, Norway, 2000

{C}62.     {C}Rubino, A., P. Brandt, and R. Romeiser: On the complexity of the inversion of radar signatures of oceanic internal solitary waves into characteristics of the interior ocean, in Proceedings of the 1999 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'99), Hamburg, Germany,  June 28-July 2, 1999

{C}63.     {C}Rubino, A., P. Brandt, and W. Alpers, The tidally induced internal dynamics in the Strait of Messina studied by remote sensing, in-situ measurements, and numerical modeling, in Proceedings of the International Symposium "Satellite-Based observations: A Tool for the Study of the Mediterranean Basin", Tunis, Tunisia, 1998

{C}64.     {C}Leviandier, L., W. Alpers, E. Barthelemy, P. Brandt, P. Brennan, G. Connan, A.C. Edwards, R. Garello, J. Rodenas, H, Griffiths, D. Renouard, A. Rubino, J.O. Thomas, and K. Woodbridge, MORSE: Mesoscale ocean radar signature experiments, in Proceedings of OCEANS'98, Nice, France, vol. 2, 879-889, 1998

{C}65.     {C}Brandt, P., R. Romeiser, and A. Rubino, On the determination of characteristics of the interior ocean dynamics from radar signatures of internal solitary waves, in Proceedings of OCEANS'98, Nice, France, vol. 2, 624-628, 1998

{C}66.     {C}Leviandier, L., E. Barthelemy, P. Brandt, P. Brennan, G. Connan, A.C. Edwards, R. Garello, J. Rodenas, H, Griffiths, D. Renouard, R. Romeiser, A. Rubino, J.O. Thomas, and K. Woodbridge, Mesoscale ocean radar signature experiments MORSE,in Proceedings of the Third European Marine Science and Technology Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, vol. 2, 884-900, 1998

{C}67.     {C}Johannessen, J.A., A.D. Jenkins, O.M. Johannessen, S. Sandven, E.K. Korsbakken, H.A. Espedal, R. Romeiser, P. Brandt, W. Alpers, A. Rubino, H. Wensink, C.J. Calkoen, K. Mastenbroek, and D. Lyzenga,Intercomparison and improvement of SAR ocean imaging interaction models, in Proceedings of the 1998 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'98), Seattle, Washington, USA, vol. 3, 1653-1655, 1998

{C}68.     {C}Brandt, P., R. Romeiser, and A. Rubino, On the dependence of radar signatures of oceanic internal solitary waves on wind conditions and internal wave parameters, in Proceedings of the 1998 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'98), Seattle, Washington, USA, vol. 3, 1662-1664, 1998

{C}69.     {C}Hessner, K., A. Rubino, and W. Alpers, The rhine outflow studied by the analysis of ERS 1/2 data and numerical simulations, in Proceedings of the Third ERS Symposium on Space at the service of our Environment, Florence, Italy, March 14-21, 1997, pp. 1029-1034

{C}70.     {C}Brandt, P., A. Rubino, and Werner Alpers, Internal waves in the Strait of Messina observed by the ERS 1/2 synthetic aperture radar, in Proceedings of the 1996 international geosciences and remote sensing symposium (IGARSS’96) ‘Remote sensing for a sustainable future’, Lincoln, Nebraska USA, May 27-31, 1996, pp. 1487-1489

{C}71.     {C}Backhaus, J. O., H. Fohrmann, I. H. Harms, J. H. Jungclaus, and A. Rubino, Convective water mass and ice formation in artic shelf seas, in Proceedings of the ACSYS conference on the dynamics of the artic climate system, Göteborg, Sweden, November 7-10, 1994, pp. 83-96, 1996


Selected presentations

{C}1.        Rubino, A. et al., "3D Dynamics in the Strait of Messina", EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 22-28 April 2012

{C}2.        Rubino, A., " A layer approach to the numerical simulation of oceanic variability in the central Mediterranean Sea ", solicited presentation at the round table on "Ionian surface circulation reversal and impact on deep circulation and ecosystem - modeling and experimental approach", Trieste, March 16, 2012

{C}3.        Rubino, A. et al., “A note on abyssal water masses in the Ionian Basin”, solicited presentation at the Workshop “Variability of the Eastern and Western Mediterranean Circulation and thermohaline properties; similarities and differences”, Rome, 7-9 November 2011

{C}4.        Rubino, A.: Pandemie eines Klimawandels: das Ende, solicited presentation at the „Zentrum für Marine und Atmosphärische Wissenschaften“, Hmburg, Germany, June 2010

{C}5.        Rubino, A.: Oceanic coherent mesoscale features, solicited presentation at the ZMAW, Hamburg, Germany, December 2009

{C}6.        Rubino, A., D. Hainbucher, and B. Klein: Adriatic verus Aegean water in the abyssal layers of the Ionian basin, CIESM, Istanbul, April 2007

{C}7.        Rubino, A., Modelling Oceanic Coherent Features. solicited presentation at the Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Germany, April 2006

{C}8.        Rubino, A., D. Hainbucher, and B. Klein: Water mass characteristics in the deep layers of the western Ionian basin observed during May 2003, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2005

{C}9.        Rubino, A., P. Brandt, D. Sein, B. Baschek, A. Izquierdo, and Backhaus:.
Sea level variations in the western Mediterranean Sea studied by a numerical tidal model of the Strait of Gibraltar, EGU General Assembly, Nice, 2004

{C}10.     {C}Rubino, A.: Doppler effect in physical oceanography. solicited presentation at the International Symposium Christian Doppler (Salzburg 1803 – Venice 1853): a multidisciplinary legacy. Venice, 2003

{C}11.     {C}Rubino, A., S. Dotsenko, and P. Brandt: Nonlinear oscillations of geophysical surface frontal currents, EGS General Assembly, Nice, 2002

{C}12.     {C}Rubino, A., G. Budillon, S. Pierini, and G. Spezie: A model for the sinking and spreading of the DISW in the Ross Sea, II International Conference on the Oceanography of the Ross Sea, Antarctic, Ischia, 2001.


Congress  and Conference presentations

Since 1992 regularly one or more presentations to the international congresses of the field like, e.g., IUGG, EGS, EGU, CIESM, IGARSS, ACSYS. A detailed list is not included.