Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Linguistic and Cultural Mediation

Linguistic and Cultural Mediation [LT5-21-21]
Enrolled in a.y. 2021/2022


Professore Associato
Componente del Comitato di Gestione del Centro di Servizi per le Strumentazioni Scientifiche di Ateneo (CSA)
Delegato di Dipartimento alla Terza Missione
041 234 6321
Metodologie della ricerca archeologica [ARCH-01/G]
Sito web (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
Sito web struttura:
Sede: Malcanton Marcorà
Research Institute
Research Institute for Digital and Cultural Heritage

Born in Venice in 1969, CARLO BELTRAME began his university studies at the University of Padua where he graduated; he then continued his studies at the University of Trieste where he graduated from the School of Specialization in Archaeology; he then obtained a PhD (with MIUR equivalency) at the University of Haifa. He worked for many years as a professional archaeologist in the field of archaeology and especially preventive archaeology and underwater and nautical archaeology; at the same time (since 2001) he has continued his university teaching and research at the Universities of Tuscia and Ca' Foscari where he has taught naval and maritime archaeology respectively. He spent a period of research at the Center of Maritime Archaeology in Roskilde as a Rectors' Fellowship of Denmark and carried out a three-year research period as a research fellow a the Università Ca' Foscari. He has been awared of the research prize consolidator 2020 at Università Ca' Foscari and of the Premio Sciacca for Underwater Archaeology in the 2021.

He is currently an associate professor with full professorship.

-       His main research interests are:

1)    The evolution of shipbuilding in antiquity

2)    Research methodology in maritime archaeology

3)    Digital techniques for surveying and communication in the field of maritime archaeology

4)    The circulation of marble in the Roman world

5)    The harbour of Altinum and the Roman settlements in the lagoon of Venice

6)    Investigation of deep water shipwrecks of Roman age in Tuscany.

-       He is the author of over 120 scientific articles, mostly in indexed journals. He is the author of 7 monographs and 3 curated works, including by international publishers.

-       He is a member of the scientific committee of seven journals and is a referee for peer review journals.

-       He has participated in about 100 congresses and organised 9 international conferences.

-       He was scientific director for two Interreg Italy-Croatia projects and has participated in PRIN projects.

-       He is coordinating the research group of Ca’ Foscari in the Spoke 1 project ‘Historical Landscapes, Traditions and Cultural Identities’ in the CHANGES PNRR project.

-       He is PI in the PRIN 2022 project "The lagoon of Venice in Antiquity. Settlement dynamics, adaptive behaviours, paleoenvironmental

-       He has coordinated the research group of Ca’ Foscari in the Interreg Italy-Croatia ARCA ADRIATICA and UNDERWATER MUSE projects,

-       At Ca' Foscari, he coordinated the first Master’s degree in Archaeology and Maritime History, he now is coordinator of the Teaching Committee of the degree course in Conservation and Management of Cultural Heritage.

He is a member of the Doctorate College in Antiquity Studies and of the College of the Scuola Interateneo di Specializzazione in Archeologia (SISBA) where he teaches Archaeological Research Methodology.

He has been a member of the Steering Group of the International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology and of scientific commissions for the design of museums (Arsenale and Caorle) as well as for exhibitions.

He was president of the Federazione Archeologi Subacquei (FAS; Federation of Underwater Archaeologists) and is a member of the technical-scientific committee of the Associazione Italiana Operatori Subacquei Scientifici (AIOSS; Italian Association of Scientific Underwater Operators).

He has directed or co-directed archaeological research missions on wrecks of various ages in Italy, in Calabria, Sicily, Sardinia, Veneto, Tuscany and Croatia.

-  Last books:

(with E. Costa) The Shipwreck of Santa Maria in Padovetere (Comacchio-Ferrara). Archaeology of a riverine barge of Late Roman period and of other recent finds of sewn boats, 2023, Florence.

The Mercurio. Archaeology of a Brig of the Regno Italico sunk during the Battle of Grado, 2019, Turnhout.

with R. Scordato, I cannoni di Venezia. Artiglierie della Serenissima da relitti e collezioni in Italia, Israele, Malta e Spagna, 2016, Florence.

ed., Archaeology of Post-Medieval Shipwrecks, Archeologia Postmedievale n.s. 18, 2014, Florence.

with S. Gelichi and I. Miholjek Sveti Pavao shipwreck A 16th century Venetian merchantman from Mljet, Croatia, 2014, Oxbow Books Oxford.

with M. Morin, I cannoni di Venezia. Artiglierie della Serenissima da fortezze e relitti, 2014, Florence.

Archeologia marittima del Mediterraneo. Navi, merci e porti dall'antichità all'età moderna, 2012, Carocci, Rome.