Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Linguistic and Cultural Mediation

Linguistic and Cultural Mediation [LT5-21-21]
Enrolled in a.y. 2021/2022


Professoressa Associata
041 234 6931
041 234 8701
Economia degli intermediari finanziari [ECON-09/B]
Sito web (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Management
Sito web struttura:
Sede: San Giobbe


Posizione Corrente


Professore Associato di Economia degli Intermediari Finanziari, Departimento di Management, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia



a.a. 2012-2013

PhD in Finance, Cass Business School, City University, Londra.


a.a. 2006-2007

PhD in Business, Dipartimento di Management, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia.


a.a. 2006-2007

Doctor Europaeus, Dipartimento di Management, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia.


a.a. 2005-2006

Master degree, MSc in Financial Economics (con distinction), Department of Economics, Queen Mary University of London, Londra.


a.a. 2003-2004

Laurea in Economia e Commercio, Major: Economia dei Mercati e delle Istituzioni Finanziarie, specializzazione in “Istituzioni Finanziarie”, “110/110 cum laude”, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia.


Attuali Temi di Ricerca (selezione)


·         Internal governance delle banche e loro perfomance.

·         Analisi del costo della raccolta bancaria attraverso l’emissione di obbligazioni.

·         Crisi di impresa e ristrutturazione del debito nelle nuove procedure previste dalla Legge Fallimentare.

·         Integrated reporting delle imprese e contenuti delle conference calls.

·         Metodi di valutazione degli analisti sell-side e accuratezza delle loro previsioni.

·         Informazioni di sostenibilità e processi di valutazione degli analisti finanziari.



Conferenze Internazionali



Cavezzali E., Rigoni U., Simion G., Veller A. (2016), The Impact of Liquidity Regulation Announcements on the CDS Market of Large European Banks, World Finance Conference, New York (USA)

Cavezzali E., Rigoni U., Simion G., Veller A. (2016), The Impact of Liquidity Regulation Announcements on the CDS Market of Large European Banks, European Financial Management Association (EFMA), Basel (Switzerland)

Cavezzali E., Rigoni U., Simion G., Veller A. (2016), The Impact of Liquidity Regulation Announcements on the CDS Market of Large European Banks, Multinational Finance (MFS), Stockolm (Svezia)

Cavezzali E., Rigoni U., Simion G., Veller A. (2016), The Impact of Liquidity Regulation Announcements on the CDS Market of Large European Banks, European Financial Management Association (EFMA), Basel (Switzerland)

Cavezzali E., Nathan S., Rigoni U., Veller A. (2016), Valuation Methods Used by Financial Analysts and Target Price Accuracy, America Accounting Association, International Accounting Section, New Orleans (USA)

Cavezzali E., Gardenal G., (2015), Risk governance and performance of the Italian banks: an empirical analysis , IRMC Annual Conference, Luxemburg, (June)

Cavezzali E., Hussain. N., Rigoni U., (2015), Impact of Sustainability Disclosure on Firm Performance: An Empirical Study of Global Fortune (N100) Firms, Multinational Finance Society (MFS), Athens, Greece (June)

Cavezzali E., Nathan S., Rigoni U., (2015), Valuation Methods Used by Financial Analysts and Target Price Accuracy, International Financial Management Association Annual Conference (FMA), Venice, Italy (June)

Bertinetti G., Cavezzali, E., Gardenal G. (2013), The Effect of the Enterprise Risk Management Implementation on the Firm Value of European Companies, IRMC Annual Conference, Copenaghen, Danimarca, (June)

Bertinetti G., Cavezzali, E., Gardenal G., (2013) The Effect of the Enterprise Risk Management Implementation on the Firm Value of European Companies, Multinational Finance Society (MFS), Izmir, Turkey (June)

Cavezzali, E., Rigoni U., (2013), Financial Analysts’ Accuracy: Do valuation methods matter?,  European Financial Management Association Annual Conference (EFMA), Reading, UK (June).

Cavezzali, E., Rigoni U., (2013) Financial Analysts’ Accuracy: Do valuation methods matter?,  European Financial Management Association Annual Conference (EFMA), Izmir, Turkey (June).

Cavezzali, E., Gardenal G., Rigoni U. (2012), Financial Literacy and Asset Allocation of Non-Expert Agents: an experimental study (preliminary title), Annual Meeting of the Academy of Behavioral Finance & Economics, New York (September)

Bertinetti, G., Cavezzali E., Gardenal, G. (2012), The Value of Enterprise Risk Management: an Empirical Analysis of the Italian Listed Companies, IRMC Annual Conference, Rome (June)

Bertinetti, G., Cavezzali E., Gardenal, G. (2012), The Value of Enterprise Risk Management: an Empirical Analysis of the Italian Listed Companies, MAF Annual Conference, Venice (April)

 Cavezzali E., Cervellati E.M., Pattitoni P., Rigoni U. (2011), Tell me more. Analysts’ Recommendations and the Market Impact of the Valuation Methods, Multinational Finance Society (MFS), Rome (June).

Cavezzali E., Rigoni U. (2011), The financial analysts’ accuracy: do the valuation methods matter?, Multinational Finance Society (MFS), Rome (June).

Cavezzali, E., Rigoni, U., (2010) Properties of equity reports and market reaction, Multinational Finance Society (MFS), Barcellona, Spain (June)

 Cavezzali, E., Rigoni, U., (2008) Properties of equity reports and market reaction, European Financial Management Association Annual Conference (EFMA), Athens, Grece (June).

Cavezzali, E., Rigoni, U., (2008) Properties of equity reports and market reaction, International Economic Conference Integrative Relations between the European Union Institutions and the Members States, Università Lucian Blaga di Sibiu, Romania (May).

Cavezzali, E., Rigoni, U. (2007) Investor Profile and Asset Allocation Advice, presented at the International Financial Management Association Annual Conference (FMA), Orlando, Florida.

Cavezzali, E., (2007) The information content of financial analysts’ reports, Annual Conference of the Economics of Markets and Financial Institutions, Lecce, Italia.

Cavezzali, E., Rigoni, U. (2007) Investor Profile and Asset Allocation Advice, Association Française de Finance Annual Conference (AIFFI), Bordeaux, France.

Bertinetti, G., Cavezzali, E., Rigoni, U., (2006) The Content of Reports on Italian Stocks. Do the Evaluation Methods Matter, European Financial Management Association Annual Conference (EFMA), Madrid, Spain.

Bertinetti, G., Cavezzali, E., Rigoni, U., (2005) The Content of Reports on Italian Stocks. Do the Evaluation Methods Matter?, Multinational Finance Society Annual Conference (MFS), Atene, Greece.

Seminari e workshops


 13 June 2013, The effect of the Enterprise Risk Management Implementation on the Firm Value of European Companies, Financial Reporting IV Workshop, Rome

29 April 2011, Proximity to hubs of expertise in financial analysts’ accuracy, Workshop on “Beyond analyst forecasts. Properties of the reports and market reactions”, Department of Management, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice.

4 February 2011, Transparency and market impact of security analyst recommendations Workshop on “Disclosure Quality, Financial Analyst Forecats and Investment Strategies”, University of Padua.

 18 September 2009, The security analysis industry. Analyzing the sell side analysts, PhD Finance Seminar, Department of Management, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice.

 10 June 2009, Proximity to hubs of expertise in financial analysts’ accuracy, Department of Management, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice.

 February 2007, The Content of Reports on Italian Stocks. Do the Evaluation Methods Matter?, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester.