Leonardo MACCARI

Professore Associato
041 234 8416
Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni [IINF-05/A]
Sito web
www.unive.it/persone/leonardo.maccari (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica
Sito web struttura: https://www.unive.it/dais
Sede: Campus scientifico via Torino
Stanza: studio Z.B02 (edificio Zeta B)
Research Institute
Research Institute for Complexity

I am an Associate Professor at the Ca’ Foscari university of Venice and I do research on networks.

In the first part of my career I mainly focused on network security, while currently I am modelling, understanding, and improving Community Networks (CNs). I worked on the routing protocols, the scalability and the networking aspects of those large-scale, real-world mesh networks.

In the period 2016-2018 I was the technical coordinator of netCommons, the first European research project studying CNs with an interdisciplinary approach.

You can find many more details and my full CV on my personal webpage.