Since I started my independent research career (2005), the main international recognitions of my research outcomes were the Fellowship of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK, 2016), the admission to the Global Young Academy (2012), the Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship in 2011 in the framework of the 7FP of the European Commission (first CNR permanent staff awarded with such award), and the appointment as full professor and chair in Experimental Physics at Luleå University of Technology (LTU) in 2014, when I was 40. Based on my achievements, I was invited as Visiting Professor (Senior International Scientist program) from the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Beijing, China and as Visiting Consultant at Universidad de La Habana, Cuba. As further recognition from the peers, I am regularly attending as invited/keynote speaker and symposium organizer at the most important Conferences in the field, I am in the board of prestigious international Journals, and I am acting as reviewer for top-tier Journals, Scientific Institutions and Funding Agencies, including the European Research Council. My TEPV Project submitted to the ERC Consolidator call 2015 got A (fully meets the ERC's excellence criterion and is recommended for funding if sufficient funds are available), received funds from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, the Kempe Foundation, the ÅFORSK Foundation and the Swedish Foundations’ Consolidator Fellowship 2016 (five awardees in Sweden). Since December 2018 I am full professor of Industrial Engineering (SSD ING/IND 22) at Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
2000/01/01-2003/02/03 Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering, Department of Materials Engineering, University of Trento, Italy, Supervisor: Prof. G. Della Mea
1993/09/01-1999/03/29 Italian “Laurea” in Physics (marks 110/110) Department of Physics, University of Padova, Italy, Supervisor: Prof. P. Mazzoldi
2018/12/21 – present Full Professor in Industrial Engineering, DSMN, Ca' Foscari University of Venice
2014/10/01 – 2018/12/21 Full Professor and Chair in Experimental Physics, Div. of Materials Science Department of Eng. Sciences and Mathematics, Luleå University of Technology, SE
2014/10 – 2015/09 Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellow (return), Div. of Materials Science, Dept. of Eng. Sciences and Mathematics, Luleå University of Technology, SE
2012/08 – 2014/09 Marie Curie Int. Outgoing Fellow, INRS-EMT, Canada (outgoing phase)
2005/05 – 2014/09 Researcher, SENSOR Lab, National Research Council, Brescia, Italy
2003/01 – 2005/02 Postdoctoral fellow, University of Padova and INFN Legnaro National Labs, Italy, Supervisor: Prof. P. Mazzoldi
2021 Global Scholar @ TJU Program, Tianjin University, China
2021 Fellow of the American Ceramic Society
2019 Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems research prize 2018
2018 National University of Science and Technology (NUST) “MISiS” Open international grant competition for short term joint research projects for leading scientists
2018 Visiting professorship, Université de Lorraine, France
2018 LTU selected candidate for the Wallenberg Scholar call for research projects of high relevance
2017 Global Star Award of the American Ceramic Society, Engineering Ceramic Division
2017 Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (FIMMM)
2016 Swedish Foundations' Consolidator Grant Fellow (, five awardees in Sweden
2016 Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK)
2015-2018 LTU selected candidate for the last four years for the Göran Gustafsson Prize in Physics
2014 ASM-IIM Visiting lecturer
2014 – 2015 Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) Visiting Professorship for Senior International Scientists, Beijing, China
2014 – 2016 Universidad de La Habana, Cuba, Visiting Consultant Programme of the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy
2013 Fellow of the Institute of Physics (FInstP)
2013 – 2015 Chair of the Italian Section of the American Nano Society
2012 – 2015 Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellow, (European Union, People Progr. 7th FP)
2012 Fellow of the Institute of Nanotechnology (FIoN)
2012 – 2016 Member of the Global Young Academy (maximum 200 members worldwide selected for their excellence in Science among all the disciplines)
1999 Fellowship for outstanding students, National Institute for the Nuclear Physics (INFN), Italy
Associate Editor of Nano Energy (Elsevier, Impact Factor 2020: 17,881) from June 1st, 2016.
Offered position as Associate Editor of RSC Advances (RSC), declined for incompatibility with Nano Energy.
Advisory Editorial Board member of Small from 2020 (Wiley, Impact Factor 2019: 13.281)
Member of the Editorial Board of Nanoenergy Advances
(MDPI from Dec 2020)
Member of the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group).
Associate Editor of the Journal Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy (Springer) since 2015.
Member of the Editorial Board of the Int. J. of Sensors and Sensor Networks (Science Publishing Group).
2013 Editor ACerS ICACC Procs, Focused Section 4
2014 Editor ACerS ICACC Procs, Focused Section 4
2015 Editor ACerS ICACC Procs, Focused Section 2
2016 Editor ACerS ICACC Procs, Focused Section 2
April 2013 – Editor MRS Symp. procs, Symp. S, MRS 2013 Spring Meeting.
December 2011 – Editor MRS Proc. MRS Fall Meeting Symp Z “Functional metal oxide nanostructures”
2004, 2005 – Editor Annual Report of INFN Legnaro National Laboratories, (LNL-INFN(REP)-202/2004 ISBN 88-7337-004-7, LNL-INFN(REP) 204/05 ISBN 88-7337-008-X)
I am regularly acting as reviewer for international highly qualified funding agencies and Institutions, including:
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF), postdoctoral fellowship call, 2018
FONDECYT Regular 2018 grant competition, Chilean National Science and Technology Commission (CONICYT-Chile), 2018
Joint call Freiburg Institute for Advanced Study (FRIAS) and the University of Strasbourg Institute for Advanced Study (USIAS), 2017
European Research Council (ERC), Consolidator and Advanced Research Grant, 2016
Executive Government Agency of National Science Centre, Poland, 2016
Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ), Research Projects call 2014 and 2016
European Commission, expert evaluator, Horizon 2020 Call FETPROACT-01-2016, 2016
U.S. Department of Energy, 2016
DFG Germany Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation), 2015
European Research Council (ERC), Advanced Research Grant, 2015
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), 2015
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Postdoctoral funding programme P.R.I.M.E., 2015
National Science Council (Taiwan, ROC) Science Vanguard Research Program (SVRP), 2013
Czech Science Foundation, Czech Republic, 2013
Since the start of my independent career, I gave more than 110 keynote/plenary/invited talks at the most important international conferences in the field, including the Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring and Fall meetings, the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Spring meeting, the Engineering Ceramic Division of the American Ceramic Society (ACerS) meeting, the China Nano Conf. in Beijing. I am regularly invited to give seminars at Universities and research centers (in the last three years: Uppsala University (SE), University of Troyes (FR), Polytechnique Montreal (CA), KAUST (SA), INRS-EMT (CA), UQAM (CA), IPE-CAS (CN)), University of Padova (IT), Italian Institute of Technology (IT), University of Bologna, Milano Bicocca.
I have a 17-year experience of teaching at the university level and of training of highly qualified personnel.
From September 2019 to December 2021, I have been the Chair of the Steering Committee of the Doctoral Programme in Science and Technology of Bio and Nano Materials, a joint initiative between the Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, Japan and the Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems, Ca’ Foscari (IT)
Since 2017 Responsible of two Erasmus+ fluxes between LTU and the University of Padova (IT)
2021 – present Materials Lab, Bachelor degree in Chemistry and Sustainable Technologies (IT)
2021 – present Introduction to Solid State, Bachelor degree in Chemistry and Sustainable Technologies (IT)
2009 – 2018 Member Scientific Board, Ph.D. School in Materials Engineering, University of Brescia (IT)
2019 – 2021 Fundamentals of Nanotechnology, Master degree in Science and Technology of Bio and Nano Materials, CA’ Foscari (IT)
2019/05/20-24 (15 hrs) PhD Course on Nanomaterials for Energy, DSMN, Ca’ Foscari U. Venice, IT
2014 – present Advanced Course Topics in Material- and Experimental Physics, Luleå University of Technology (SE)
2014 – present General Physics, Luleå University of Technology (SE)
2014 – present Materials Characterization, Luleå University of Technology (SE)
2014 – present Nanomaterials, Luleå University of Technology (SE)
2016 – present Modern Experimental Metrology, Luleå University of Technology (SE)
2005 – 2012 General Physics (class) (Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Optics), Faculty of Engineering, University of Brescia (IT)
2002, 2003, 2004 - Lecturer of Surface Science at the Master School Surface Treatments Applied to Innovative Mechanical Technologies for Industry, (lab & class), University of Padova
2001 – 2004 General Physics (class) (Mechanics, Thermodynamics), Faculty of Engineering, University of Padova (IT)
1999 – 2002 Solid State Physics (lab & class), Faculty of Materials Engineering, Univ. of Trento (IT)
1999 – 2002 Surface Science (lab & class), Faculty of Materials Engineering, Univ. of Trento (IT)