Da Roit, B; Busacca, M Street-level netocracy: rules, discretion and professionalism in a network-based intervention in THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY & SOCIAL POLICY, vol. 44, pp. 296-310 (ISSN 0144-333X)
DOI - URL correlato 2024,
Articolo su rivista - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5036208
Maurizio Busacca, Barbara da Roit, Pamela Pasian Early Childhood Education and Care and Social Innovation in Venice, Italy: The Role of Regulation and Resources , Social Innovation and Welfare State Retrenchment. A Comparative Analysis of Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe and Beyond, Emerald (ISBN 978-1-83753-929-1)
Articolo su libro - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5084072
Barbara Da Roit Il welfare locale e il futuro del welfare , Welfare locale: teorie, attori, transizioni, Venezia, VenetoWelfare, pp. 9-18 (ISBN 979-12-210-6980-8)
Articolo su libro - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5087087
Costantino Romeo, Ignasi Capdevila, Barbara Da Roit, Maurizio Busacca Nuances of Working Together: The Influence of Managerial Approaches on Collaboration Within Coworking Spaces , The Coworking (R)evolution. Working and living in new territories, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 142-158 (ISBN 9781802209174)
DOI 2024,
Articolo su libro - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5015581
Barbara Da Roit Investire nel welfare per Venezia , Venezia Come stai? Giovani, base sociale e mercato del lavoro, La toletta Edizioni, pp. 145-147 (ISBN 978-88-854556-5-8)
Breve introduzione - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5084890
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Last updated: 27/07/2022
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