
26 Sep 2024 10:00

From research to enterprise

Ca’ Foscari Challenge School, Vegapark Porta dell’Innovazione, Aula Radice

One form of exploitation of research results is the creation of high-tech companies: in the university sphere we speak of “spin offs” that are born on the initiative of researchers/researchers, professors, assignees/assignees and doctoral students/doctoral students of the University and are configured, having the requirements, as innovative start-ups.

The 2024 edition of the “From Research to Enterprise” course will focus on the practical and operational aspects of setting up an innovative start-up, putting participants “to work” and providing them with the tools to deal with the drafting of a business plan and the basics to effectively present their business project. There will be no shortage of information and updates on industrial property and the accreditation process of academic spin-offs and university start-ups. The two-day training is dedicated to research staff: faculty, researchers, research fellows and doctoral students at Ca' Foscari.

Please find the course program attached.


The event will be held in Italian

Organized by

Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, PINK Promozione dell'innovazione e del Know-How, MOSAICO Ca' Foscari Innovation Network, HR Excellence in Research


Programma 849 KB
Locandina 2247 KB

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