
10 Mar 2025 15:30

The psychology of language learners and teachers

Sala B, Ca' Bernardo - Dorsoduro 3199 – Venezia

The psychology of language learning and teaching explores how individuals think, feel and act in relation to their language learning and teaching experiences. Emotions, attitudes and motivation, among other aspects, influence how learners approach language learning and how teachers facilitate it. 

The first part of the seminar will examine the wellbeing of language learners and teachers, exploring key issues and theoretical concepts of language teacher wellbeing at different stages of their careers from an ecological perspective. Practical implications will also be presented on how to nurture their own wellbeing and facilitate the wellbeing of learners in the language classroom.

The second part of the seminar will focus on affective factors in the plurilingual language
classroom, discussing some findings from the recent ESPRIT project funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) on how middle school learners feel about, reflect on and use the languages in their plurilingual repertoires. Practical implications will be discussed, in terms of how teachers can draw on learners’ plurilingual resources to promote engagement, cultivate positive beliefs about plurilingualism and foster positive emotions towards plurilingualism.

Giulia Sulis

Scientific manager of the event organization:
Marcella Menegale

Event open to Researchers, Students, Professionals,Language Teachers, Language Teacher Trainers and all interested


The event will be held in English

Organized by

Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati, ProgettoEccellenzaDSLCC2023



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