
12 Sep 2019 10:00

ECLT General Assembly Meeting

Ca' Bottacin


This is the General Assembly Meeting of the European Centre for Living Technology (ECLT) that was established in 2004 as an international and interdisciplinary research  network currently involving 17 international research institutions. The Centre is devoted to the study of living technologies and has been recently moved to a new location at Ca’ Bottacin in Venice.
The meeting is meant to provide an update of the present activities of the network, as well as to elect the new Science Board.


12 September Morning Session

  • 10.00-10.15: Michele Bugliesi, Rector Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
  • Welcome and Opening
  • 10.15-10.45: Norman Packard, Rudolf Marcel Fuchslin, ECLT Co-Directors
  • ECLT yesterday, today, tomorrow

  • 10.45-11.00: Achille Giacometti, ECLT local Director
  • New initiatives within ECLT

  • 11.00-11.30: Round table presentation and feedbacks from the members
  • 11.30-11.50: Luc Steels, Institute for Advanced Studies (ICREA), IBE (UPF/CSIC) Barcelona, ECLT Fellow
  • Can AI become a ‘living’ technology?
  • 11.50-12.10: Harold Fellermann, Interdisciplinary Computing and Complex Biosystems Research group, School of Computing, Newcastle University, ECLT Fellow
  • The future perspectives in Artificial Life
  • 12.10-13.40: Lunch break

12 September Afternoon Session

  • 13.40-14.00: Doron Lancet, Weizmann Institute of Science, ECLT Representative Member
  • Life began with catalytic reproducing micelles

  • 14.00-14.20: John McCaskill, Multidisciplinary Research Consultant, ECLT Fellow
  • Integrated living technology: electronic and molecular integration towards hereditary cell-sized robotic systems

  • 14.20-14.40: Guido Caldarelli, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, ECLT Fellow
  • Complex Networks
  • 14.40-15.00: Denise Pumain, University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, CNRS UMR Géographie-cités, ECLT Fellow
  • Modelling urban evolutionary trajectories
  • 15.00-15.20: Steen Rasmussen, University of Southern Denmark, ECLT Representative Member
  • How AI and automation is transforming living technologies
  • 15.20-15.40: Beatrice de Gelder, Brain and Emotion Laboratory at Maastricht University
  • A future for living AI: How to grow a body
  • 15.40-16.10: Coffee break
  • 16.10-16.40: Possible applications supporting the ECLT networking activities; Ca’ Foscari International Office
  • 16.40-17.40: Open Calls on H2020 and perspectives on Horizon Europe; Ca’ Foscari/ECLT Research Office
  • 17.40-18.10: Wrap-up and Agenda for the 13thECLT Directors
  • 19.00-22.00: Social Dinner

13 September Morning Session

  • 10.00-10.30: Serena Panighello, Stevanato Group
  • The view point of Companies
  • 10.30-11.00: Andrea Castellin, Brentapharm 
  • The view point of Companies
  • 11.00-12.00: Election of New Science Board
  • 12.00-12.30: Small group discussions; All participants
  • 12.30-13.00: Conclusions and Plans for Future ActivitiesECLT Directors


The event will be held in English

Organized by

European Centre for Living Technology



Program 1687 KB
Achille Giacometti 1931 KB
International Office 1331 KB

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