
01 Sep 2024 17:00

International Universities Rowing Race

Canal Grande

The International Universities Rowing Race in the Grand Canal, organized by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in collaboration with Iuav University of Venice and CUS Venezia, has been held since 2004 on board of historical galleons on the occasion of the Historical Regatta.

This year the competition involves the Ca’ Foscari-Iuav team of Venice and the teams of University of Bari Aldo Moro, University of Warwick and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.

The race is held on the occasion of the Historical Regatta, on a course of about 750 meters, starting from Rialto bridge and arriving in front of Ca’ Foscari. The first final will award the 3rd and the 4th place, and the last final, which will take place around 6.30 P.M. before the arrival of the Gondolini, will proclaim the 1st and the 2nd place.

The award ceremony will take place at the central headquarters of Ca’ Foscari University, immediately after the race.

Thanks to our sponsor: Libreria Cafoscarina, Canella, Azienda vitivinicola Capo di Vigna and Rehub Srl.

For more informations see here (Italian).
Attendance to the event is by invitation only.


The event will be held in Italian

Organized by

Università Ca' Foscari Venezia in collaborazione con CUS Venezia e Università Iuav di Venezia, con il supporto del Comune di Venezia e di Ve.La S.p.A.

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