Master's Degree Programme in
Language Sciences

Students' opinions and employment

The course evaluated by students

The following documents show what students think of their courses; you will not only find their opinions on academics and teaching staff but also on student services, the organisation of the course and the teaching equipment. Opinions are gathered through an online survey that all registered students fill in at the end of every module.

Why Ca' Foscari

A survey explaining the reasons why bachelor and masters students at Ca’ Foscari chose to study here.

Work placements evaluated by students and employers

Read the opinions of employers and students at Ca’ Foscari at the end of their work placement. You will find information and interesting advice on how to get the most out of your experience.

The Floor to Students

Rita Fabbri tells us why she chose the Master's Degree in Language Sciences.

Rita was interviewed by Radiocafoscari, the university's web radio which is managed and held by Ca' Foscari's students.

Why did you choose this Master's Degree Programme?

I chose this programme because I graduated from a linguistic high school to pursue my studies and develop my passion for languages. I chose Venice because it had a good reputation for German studies and that is also why I decided to study German as I felt ready to leave my parents’ home. I was struck during the presentation day in May 2011 by the variety of language courses of Ca’ Foscari. I chose two languages I could study before and the Italian Sign Language that offered new horizons to me.

What do you enjoy about this Master's degree programme?

Without a doubt the Italian Sign Language being included in the programme. It is not offered in many Italian universities and it is great that Ca’ Foscari offers it with as many credits as other taught languages

How would you describe your experience at Ca’ Foscari?

I achieved my studies in March and I can say I was very happy with my experience at Ca’ Foscari. These five years have changed me, revealing new passions I wouldn’t have explored had I not studied here. I had the chance to study abroad thanks to the Erasmus grants. My periods in Berlin and London were useful to strengthen my determination and build up my personality, helping me to grow up and prepare me to enter the labor market.