Master's Degree Programme in
Archival and Library Science (inter-university)
Enrolment until 2024/2025

Traineeship and substitute activities

The internship start-up procedure, which includes the management of documents, insurances and mandatory communications, is the sole responsibility of Ca' Foscari University of Venice, which acts as the administrative office. Furthermore, applications for funded internships, both in Italy and abroad, can only be submitted through the internship opportunities published by Ca' Foscari University Venice.
However, students enrolled in inter-university programmes can review available internships (both in Italy and abroad) listed on the notice boards of both universities to increase their chances of finding a host institution.

In the field of the aforementioned “Other formative activities”, the study plan assigns 6 Formal University Credits (ECTS) to educational training and orientation

The ECTS relative to educational training and orientation can be acquired totalling the credits in different types of activities, up until students reach the necessary quota of 6 ECTS. The range of activities through which students may choose are listed below. Only the activities that are mentioned can be taking into consideration by the Didactic College for accrediting ECTS provided by the “educational training and orientation.” 

Recognition in credits of the placement (internship) activities and of the substituted activities are based on the request from the student, according to the principle that 25 documented hours (understood as the time passed whilst working at this institute developing the activity that from an eventual time quota managed autonomously to produce written work) corresponds to 1 ECTS.

Current agreements

Ca’ Foscari has activated numerous agreements with public and private firms available to host formative placements for their students. They can be carried out in such a way within a maximum of 150 hours, equivalent to 6 ECTS.

To activate the procedure for starting a placement students must first contact Ca’ Foscari Internship Office and then agree a training project with the members of the Teaching Committee for placements, that must then be signed (listed in the Scholars page on the Presentation menu), three copies of the corresponding modules (leaving with  them a fourth copy, even if it is not provided in the instructions of the Internship Office). Once you have concluded the placement the same representative must sign the conclusive report, that students must then deliver to the Internship Office to obtain the ECTS.

If, after having consulted the pre-existing list of the firms that have already activated an agreement with Ca’ Foscari to host formative placements, the student does not find the name of a company in which they want to carry out their placement, the student can propose an agreement with another firm following the instructions included in the “Agreement” section on the Activate an internship web page.

If the placement will be carried out in an archive or a library, make sure to read the instructions in the following page [ITA].

Co-financing curricula internship

To incentivize the internship experience during the course of the Master’s degree study, Ca’ Foscari University have received funding on behalf of the Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) through which the university can finance or co-finance your curriculum internship until 2018.

For more information consult the Internship page on the Co financing curricula internship [ITA] section.

Substitute internship activities

The traineeship can also be substituted by other formative activities if it is considered of particular formative value by the Teaching Committee.

In fact, the Teaching Committee can recognize the professional certificated understanding and abilities as Formative University Credits (ECTS) under current legislation. Recognized ECTS can be considered as substitutes for traineeship ECTS (DM 509/99).

More information and the form to request recognition of substitute activities for traineeship can be found online on the degree programmes website or in the Personal Area following these links Student Personal Area > Internship in Italy. Area Riservata studenti > Stage in Italia.

The form to request recognition of substitute activities for traineeship, completed and signed by the institute and by the president of the Teaching Committee: either Professor Flavia De Rubeis or professor Dorit Raines, must be delivered direction to the Student Careers Sector for MA and not to the Internship Sector.

To consult the available substitute activities, visit the Italian page.

Students that are going to carry out a “National Civil Service” at Ca’ Foscari or a “General Collaboration of 150 hours” only at Ca’ Foscari, can ask the referent members of the Teaching Committee for traineeship (either Professor Flavia De Rubeis or professor Dorit Raines) whether each activity, once finished, will be recognized as substitute activities for traineeship, if it is considered as such by the pertinent College with respect to the educational course of the student.

Regarding the Civil Service, there is the possibility to carry it out at CA’ Foscari ( and that those held by other institutions will only be taken into account as substitute activity for the traineeship if the institutes have previously stipulated an agreed upon contract with Ca’ Foscari (


The Laboratory intends to steer students towards bibliographic and archival research, and thus train them through direct contact with different types of sources, experimentation of specific methodologies for investigation, understanding (and experience) of paper and digital tools available today. The Laboratory also intends to steer and sustain students in the preparation of their Degree Thesis in the different phases.

The laboratory activity is indicated through activities chosen by the student, counted as ECTS in traineeship or substitute traineeship activities, and will be carried out at BAUM.

The laboratory, carried out at BAUM, is worth, pending previous approval and suitability, 1 ECTS.

Competency Lab is a cycle of four interactive meetings that propose to accompany participants in a process of awareness relative to the cross-disciplinary skills necessary to obtain professional objectives and better the students competitiveness in the labour market.

The cross-disciplinary skills represent a set of individual characteristics necessary to obtain efficient professional characteristics that they require, and can be of exemplary nature, relational or cognitive, such as for example:  results orientation, initiative, adaptability, empathy, leadership, conflict management, persuasion, group management, self-awareness, self-control, pattern recognition, systems thinking, verbal communication etc.

The cycle of meetings is worth 3 ECTS.